alamak!! besok exam!! waaaah~~~

so...why am i wasting my time blogging??!! i should be revising juz 5....haizzz...mcm tk nervous gitu..insha allah boleh buat ah.. nnti je ah murajaah... NOTE: right now, i'm listening to NAUGHTY GIRL - BEYONCE...chorusnye sedap..mcm ade lenggok arab gitu ah..
about IIS - international islamic school - i'm considering the a level course offered there...kak hamimah masuk kt the fee if S$5000 per 6 month..about S$800 per month!! i couldnt afford that! scholarship?? maybe..rasenye tk jadi ah nk masuk al-maarif..coz subjects offered tk friend says wak tanjong's better..mayb i'll ask kak hafizah or kak raihana...we'll see about it..
NOTE: sekarang lagu SENORITA - JUSTIN T.
..ok i dunno wat to say anymore..oh! the IIS website is