'idut tolabah ^-^


the sec 4 students didnt get much yesterday. we got an apple each from sir ali. 5 choclairs each from ust suhana. a packet of oreo (3 biscuits inside) each from ust juliah. a mini cadbury's zip junior chocolate each from ust zauwiyah. ferro roche, mee goreng n a polar cake from ust damawiyah (our form teacher).

from the school: a lunch box n a free drink.

nice huh?

im ok with it. i dont even care if we didnt get anything. but the sad thing is that i dont (notice the present tense) eat most of the chocolate/biscuit/sweets. so i gave them to my sister who got a bag full of food. i only ate mee goreng (it was delicious!) n cake (anything from polar will do :>).

yesterday was hidayah's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! *SMILE*), so she gave each one of us a packet of kitkat (now that's what i like!). n cupcakes..yum!

niwei, biler nk makan mee goreng tu (kite makan dlm kelas)..me rase terharu gitu. yelah, this is going to be the last time kite dapat ape2..plus, baik pulak ust dama kasi mee goreng n chocolate..padahal kite tk kasi dier ape2 untuk teacher's day. prestasi kite dalam pelajarannye (nahu, saraf n bahasa arab) pon tklah sebaik mane.
hmm...naseb baik air mate tk keluar..ish~ish~ sejak kebelakangan nie me agak sentimental sikit. kadang2 sedih..kadang2 marah..urgh~ gasaklah!

back to the main story:
actually one of us cadangkan klw kite boleh something untuk adek2..kononnye 'especially from sec 4'..tp rata2 semue org tk kuase..so tk jadi ar.. me sendiri pon tk enthusiastic..nk pikir2 ape yg nk dibuat leceh benar. tkde mase pon. oh well..

*lacking of ideas to write right now*

oh! esok, ahad 2 oct 2005, ade ceramah interaktif (gitu2 ah) ttg remaja kt masjid kampung siglap. ade 2 ceramah. satu pukul 2, lagi satu pukul 4 lebih. advertisement nye ade kt suratkhabar beberape hari yg lalu. ape2 info, gi website mks. me terpikir jugak nk volunteer..tp nanti tk belajar pulak.haiz~ sekarang nie pon me tgh sakit..runny nose. baru kena semalam. td pagi, fuyo! kejap2 masuk toilet..ataupon cari tissue. haiz~ tkpelah..ujian daripada Allah~ nk hilangkan dosa nie.. ;p


ramadhan dah nak tiba!!! ballighni ramadhan ya Rab!
tiba2 me teringat arwah ustaz hafi...tk sempat beliau nk jumpe ramadhan tahun lepas.. *sob* hmmm...me selalu fikir, klw me sempat jumpe ramadhan yg seterusnye.. insha allah, klw panjang umur, me dapat jumpe ramadhan tahun nie.. Allahumma Amiin