

im damn tired now. it's 3am in the morning and i still havent closed my eyes. i spent the night editing Communication Skills presentation PPT slides... putting in the animation n stuff. but what took me sooo long was choosing the right headings, with designs from in the process, i discovered quite a number of attractive and pleasant-to-my-eyes designs blended into 1 by myself...though the gallery for headings has limited designs, the fonts are interesting to look at... =)

hah~~ i just thought...why dont i stay up the whole night? that would be nice, wouldnt it? -.-" and later, i will get a nice dark rings around my eyes. *3.24am now*

oo... i've added few of my favourite songs here. except for 'winter' and 'victory'... i enjoy listening to those songs, but the ones i put here are different from what i prefer. n im just too lazy to change songs. it's ironic, but im thankful.. that there is finally a way to play several songs at one go.. i still remember that few years ago, i was frustrated coz the music player can only cater for 1 music.. that was YEARS ago.. n now, voila! everything's made simple. thanks to.... umm... whoever those people grateful! =)

actually, i dont have any class my 'firstdayofschool' is tomorrow..but i have a group discussion later at 11am... then, tkd training at between, im gonna do some errands... *heaven!* hehe...this is the good thing about poly life... whenever there's break time, you can just get out to anywhere you want..provided that the break is long ah....2 hours..3 hours..4 hours.. yeah, definitely a good thing.

*3.31am now*

2007's here and it seems...

it seems as though it was just now, or yesterday, or the day before yesterday, that i was 'free' the sense that i was without any school, or job, happy and yet confused and worried... i was in that position, indeed. how far have i come now? hmmm... i've moved on... and now it's my juniors turn to be in my shoes, n the shoes of all my predecessors.. i guess all of us must go through that particular stage.

looking back,


i just dont know what to say...

as much as i want to return to that place, to embrace those moments, to relive the past... as much i want to keep them all..

i could only touch the wind.. the memories carress in between my fingers.. n fade away...

as much as i want to hold dear to those memories, to play them again and again in my mind...

i could only look from afar... wishing againt all odds that i was there again..

when i remember little stuff about my past.... or think of my friends... there is always a knot in my heart... tightness in my chest.. is it longing? yes, i do think of you, my friend. oh, how i remember your smile and laugh! it doesnt matter if our principles are different, or that you do things that are of my the end, you are simply you =)

*3.46am now*

ok, my head feels a bit tight right now. tight? err...i dunno how else to describe the sensation.. pardon my lack of vocabulary..

i shall stop now. though i would love to write another post =p