looking deeper, i realised that the feeling bubbled like a boiling pot coz i felt more pressured.. i wanted to get a double promotion.. yes, my little self had whispered to my bigger self that i should get the double promo this time.. considering my moves had more strength..
oh! how humiliating it was! I was humiliated by my own self! you should know your place, young lady! just go bit by bit lah~! why must you crave for that double promotion?? want to get on the fast track is it?? duh!
anyway...im having strong feelings that i will not get the double promo. coz.. hmm.. 3 of my tkd friends were asked to do their patterns again. this usually means that there is a possibility of getting double promotion. 2 guys, as i watched them, did well. 1 girl, i didnt see, coz she stood behind me.. but i reckon she did well too.. but, repeating ur pattern can also mean that you did not fare well the first time. so the judge will ask you to do it again, to see if you'll do better or the same or worse. and this will lead to whether you pass or fail.
no double promo..i guess it's ok.. at least i know that i pass this grading. i just know, you know =) coz there werent really any glitches when i was doing my pattern. *ermmm...do i sound over-confident?? coz im not. im being realistic*
ok, so.. i took pictures! yey! =)

most of the year 1 tkdians who went for the grading.. another 3 or 4 people not in the picture..

i like this picture most! see the background, the station where my friends n i were graded is not in the picture (it's wayy on the right side)

the girls.. not in the picture: shin rong

the guys.. sickos! i said dont move, right???! now look what happen to the picture!

stubborn! serve you right to be displayed here in my blog..with all you antics! boys~~ -_-'

we were all not ready!

supposed to be a serious-face shot.. but who cares! haha!

with jia ling.. black-belt. she was from ITE..*fuh~ mesti budak pandai ar* now in TPenggineering.. =)

with pei yong, the girl who possibly will get a double promotion =) we get along well with each other =)
and by the way, this is my IVP pattern team: janice, pei yong, liyana and yanning. though it is still subject to change.. coach will the select the best to represent TP.. mmMmMmm.. ::

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