an Invitation to me

i just dont know what to say!

with school, school work, more school, school, studies, taekwondo trainings, tutoring, group presentationssss.... i just dont know if i can accept this invitation.

my shoulders felt heavy immediately as i read the invitation letter, was told about the reasons my being invited. my heart still feels heavy. no, wait! it's my thoracic cavity that feels heavy. hah!

heavy with what?? i know, i dunno, i know.... ergh! maybe discouragement, dread... *why is my body having a shivering sensation now?* dissatisfaction...

" I am now pleased to invite you to be part of this vibrant Saff management team. You have been specially recommended by your peers in Saff, to head the the Ramadhan project , under the Programme Management Division . This is testament to your strong leadership and managerial skills, as well as our confidence in your commitment to da'wah and volunteer work. We believe that we have much to learn from you, and that this will be a wonderful learning opportunity for us as a team. "

i dont have to make a decision hastily, of course. n to think of it, this task is some sort of a long term one... it's after my exams anyway..

but, there is something that disturbs me. a lot. that i cant voice it out to anyone. not without the doubt that anyone would want to listen and understand.