i couldn't have imagined

i attended sapphite today (or is it 'tonight'?), an appreciation night organised by saff-perdaus.

it was all ok =) not much in the aturcara, however, overall, it was fine with me.. i got a certificate (recognising individual's contribution to saff in the past year).. but it was not mine. there was another liana (different spelling ya!), so the certificate was meant for her. but the emcee didnt say the full name. nvm, i wasnt really embarrassed anyway. afterwards, i gave the cert to liana, and i got mine eventually =)

i received another unofficial proposal some time during the event... hmmm... i will have to think about it...

oh, yes. about the title of this post:

you see... i cant really believe that i am now involved in a youth-student body/organization/department. i mean, 3 years ago i was busy looking after my school's student society..other than that, competitions and studies...

starting from zip project, i became an observer. and i had a kind of ambition, i think, that one day, i would like to be part of the youth activism (is there such a word??), to actually organize events for other youths/children, to be in the project team.. bla bla bla..

n now, here i am. studying in TP has indeed opened a doorway to this ambition of mine. first, i was introduced to Nur Ikhwan, then NYPMS, n somehow, i got to be a part of ramadhan rocks, a ramadhan project by saff. if you notice, the muslim youth organisations are indeed networking with each other. i mean, from what i know and see, a person in NI is also involved in NYPMS (MVAC, that is) n also contributes in saff, and sometimes, fmsa. or maybe, mendaki.

ingat lagi... zip project was the first experience for me, as to be involved in youth volunteering. at that time, i was sure that i was the only alsagoffian to be involved in the workforce. heh. it was like a special opportunity for me. maybe what i had seen and learn would be useful for my managerial and organisational skills in prisma. oh! n there were alsagoffians involved: they volunteered in zip to streets, i think (i remembered 'ziptoschool' je..)..

i did not know anyone. everything was new to me. so it wasnt a suprise that my part was minute. i couldnt really recall the significance of my role. i was posted to saff centre, which was one of the 'zipcentres'... i did packing of items into the ziplock bags, received and passed few phonecalls. that was it, i guess.

of course, this was also the time i started to become aware of youth activities.. n the familiar faces that were behind them.. i still remember some of the people whom i met during the zip project, n though some of them do not know me, i remember their faces. and those faces i saw/see/will see again about 1+ year(s) later and beyond.

yesterday, i was unknown. and i did not really make friends with the sisters. today, i was part of them, and tomorrow i'll get to meet, properly introduce myself and know more of those familiar faces =)

im not involved in any mosque's youth wing, though. coz i choose not to. for some reasons.

well, i guess, what im trying to say is, baru sekaranglah..bila dah keluar sekolah..akhirnye me dapat libatkan diri dlm aktiviti2 belia...bukanlah maksudnye, mase kt alsagoff dulu, i was restricted/prevented from joining, tapi it was more like, i didnt have the real intentions, nor the right channels and contacts. sekarang, alhamdulillah~, me diberi peluang...

and like i said, these muslim youths im talking about, they're interconnected. =)

it's kinda amazing - all the things that have happened around, and finally, to me. it's God's beautiful and subtle work =)

talk about fate! =p