on a happier note ^.^

alhamdulillah~ the exams are over. and now im looking forward to the a month and a half holiday. *jumping upanddown with joy!! wheee~~*

ironically though, i dont feel somewhat relieved that the worst is over. instead, the feeling was more of an acknowledgement. like, "oh. ok. exam dah habis." hmm... maybe im at my hyperpolarization state (hah! merepek! sape2 yang belajar hpi tahu2 je lah ape yg me bebelkan!)

ok ok. so as my post title says, today's paper ended on a happier note. better than the other 3 days. not that those 3 previous papers were terrible, horrible, horrendous... but a miracle happened today, and it really left me feeling blessed and cared for..

the truth is, i was not motivated to study for cellb. i ate a lot, slept for 4 hours, ate again, plus i couldnt study in my room coz my grandmother slept there. so, i was deprived of a suitable study area. and then, my stomach was full and it was getting late. plus, i was mentally discouraged, seeing how i had done for the 3 previous papers. simply said, i didnt really study hard for cellb.

but, but, but!!

it was as though someone showed me which topics to cover. i mean, i knew i didnt have enough time, so i had to choose which topics, subtopics, info that were important, by prediction, of course. usually, the topics i covered were not enough, meaning, i missed imporant information here and there, thus affecting my marks.

so, today, a miracle happened. Allah had given me 'ilham' to actually study the certain notes. and indeed, they came out in the exam! structured questions and essay questions... hamdan lillah! i knew the answers, except for one particular question which i didnt put an emphasis on earlier, and which i had some regrets.. but never mind! plus, i never knew which topics were important and which weren't coz i wasnt paying attention during the cellb revision lecture. but you know what? i was really grateful that i didnt! coz... topics 1 and 5 were supposedly not important, but about 2-4 structured/essay questions were on those topics! luckily for me, i had covered the 'sure-come-out-one!' points from those notes. but for some of my friends, it was an unpleasant suprise....

to sum it up, today's paper really sent me sunshine amidst the rain. a wonderful, cheerful sunshine!

and today, i went to alsagoff. after more than... 3 months? and i was happy to see my teachers, nafisah, juniors! yippee!

but most of all, i was really happy to see mardhiah, aszafirah, fadhilah and adibah in the mrt on my way home! for the past one year, i've never ever seen them in the mrt.. mostly because i seldom take the mrt... and that ride with them wrapped up my happy day!
