and indeed, second semester's seen the worst change in me. i always woke up late. arrived at school super duper late. skipped lectures. aah~ what a wonderful life! *thick with sarcasm* and the same old habit of mine, that is not doing homework, still persists. yeah, that's me. oh! another thing, i slept more in lectures. couldnt help it, i think.
so yeah, i noticed that i spent most of the time in school learning nothing. err.. that's a bit exaggerating, you know that. but, it's true, one way or another.
above is my arts appreciation tutor, Ms Sandra Lim. sitting beside her is sheena. then, me, xue mei and man lin. all applied science students. man lin lives just two blocks away from my house! it was very very very suprising when i saw her in 969 shortly after boarding the bus from my home bustop! just imagine, all your life, you never knew this person exist...n tada! one day, you're in the same class as her, and you found out she's practically your neighbour!! what a small world. what a small world!!

leadership and character. class T02. not all were present. standing 3rd from the left-front row is our tutor, Ms Marie Chan. next to her, the girl in white pants, is Uyanga, from Mongolia... yep! i have a friend from Mongolia. how coool is that? but i've yet to get to know her more.. hmmm... so far, i have friends from myanmar, the philippines, china and indonesia. and brunei. and taiwan.
and here are the 5 out of 6 malay girls in my class. with our communication skills tutor, Ms Jocelyn Lee. this semester's comm skills is the best class yet! wheee~~ it definitely helped me boost my presentation skills, plus confidence and formal etiquettes. overall, i had 3 presentations this semester. alhamdulillah~ i did ok (minus the content factor, of course. i think i screw up/waste a lot of the marks there).
oh! speaking of presentations..... in leadership and character, my group did on Alex Ferguson, ManU's manager. the picture above was taken on our presentation day. it was the last class for the subject too. anyway, prior to our turn, i was shivering like mad. serious!! it's been a looooooooooooooong time since i felt the same degree of nervousness. in 2003, when i was one of the supporters for Alsagoff in the PSTE quiz, i felt the strong, uncontrollable shaking too. the feeling was tremendous, really! to think of it, i didnt know why i was damn nervous about the leadership presentation. my legs were literally shaking, like the vortex machine in the lab. fuh~
the end of semester also marks the end of TP life for several of my seniors whom i've come to know and enjoy being with... especially kak khadijah, kak haswani, kak fadzillah... all of them from NI.... haiz~ suddenly, i feel a sense of foreboding... hmmm... how will NI be without our near-to-graduation brothers and sisters. kite2 yang 1st year and 2nd year masih agak mentah lagi.... plus our networking is not strong.
ok ok.... next topic:
i heard from a friend of mine that my alsagoff juniors did not-so-good in english. and maths. hmm.. im sure some of them fared well.. and i am indeed very proud and happy for my sec42005 friends who did far better than their previous attempt. and for those who didnt do well, i shall not offer you sympathy or apology. coz i know that you wont accept that. so let me just say this: you did good.
hmmm... i must say, im still quite amazed that i got A1 for English. seeing that some of my juniors didnt do well, i thought, " how could mine have been so easy? was it easier than this recent one? or are we all justified? " and i must say, that getting A1 for English in the best thing that has happened to me. it surpasses everything i've achieved, be it medals, trophies, top position in class, whatever! i dont care about all that. even the C5 for biology doesnt hamper the joy that i felt and feel. getting that A1 for that particular subject really lifts up my mood, my spirits.
and i am forever thankful to You for this suprising, yet wonderful gift. =)
ok, i think this is long enough for my readers' and my own reading satisfaction. so i shall end here.
to farahin: you feel honoured?? hehe.... kenape plak? kite bukannye princess ke celebrity =p *ish~ kelakar lah dekni..hehe*
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