o level result jumaat ni!!!

oh.my.god. oh my god ohmygod ohmygod OMG OMG OMG!!!

eh, kejap!

kenape aku yg kecoh pasal result o level ni??! kan dah lame over...


never mind.

anyway, especially to my juniors, dan kepada muslims yg ambil o level tahun lepas amnye:

it seems that you can now do nothing to change your result. the outcome. wonderful or dreadful. i just want to share with you one thing: pray. du'a.

yes. that's the key..... in reality, you can still make du'a..... not pray so that your grades will change miraculously, but pray that you can, will, accept whatever verdict that you may get.

it's hard, you know. sometimes you are just bogged down with regret, shame, that you might have not done enough for your o level.... or tied with uncertainty, or suddenly bloated with confidence... it's mixed up.

the most important thing is, you redha with your result. however hard, saddening, disappointing it may be......... that's why you must pray to Allah...ask Him for the utmost strength, to face the reality, to try not to quelch in anger, humiliation...whatsoever.

i mean, you dont know what to expect right? you could get a not-so-good result when you were confident that you would pass with flying colours. or you could just crack under the pressure of not knowing.... wanttoknow, dontwanttoknow.

that was what i did. du'a. coz i was just so worried that i might react irrationally/emotionally when the result comes. i prayed that Allah will strengthen my heart, mind and body to go through the result day, n days after that, and to not give up and give in to syaitan..

*ish~ sebenarnye, susah betul me nak sampaikan ape yg terbuku dlm hati... leceh betul ah tulis dlm bahase inggeris nih!*

pendek kata:

jangan lupa doa ye?

agar Allah tenangkan hati, beri kesabaran dan juga ketabahan pada diri. oh! dan tk lupa juga, kekuatan untuk harungi hari2 yg akan dtg. klw putus asa pon, biarlah rase putus asa itu hilang dgn segera, jadi kite tk dwell dlm kesedihan dan langsung terpengaruh dgn emosi.. jika kite memang layak terima result yg tk baik disebabkan kurang usaha, kurniakanlah rase redha atas kesilapan kite tu... sbb kite manusia ni selalu aje kesal dgn kesilapan lalu... bila dah kesal, tk boleh nak move on... jadi kite mesti berdoa agar rase kesal tu tk terbawak2 smpi menjejas judgement kite..

"Ya Allah, jika aku mendapat keputusan yang baik, lindungilah aku dari rase riak... bangga.."

"walau ape pon keputusannye, kuatkanlah hati ini.."

dan minta kepada Allah, tunjukkan jalan yang terbaik untuk kite ambil...bukakan hati kite, lapangkan dada kite untuk lihat pilihan yang Allah dah tetapkan..... moga2 kite mendapat pimpinan Allah dalam membuat keputusan seterusnya..


it's the least you can do, yet the best thing you should do while waiting for the Big-O day~~

p/s: actually, i still cant get over my o level days.... up until the time when i saw the result... *huge sigh*