So, 20 minutes ago, I went downstairs to check the mailbox. Fuhh.. It was full. Among the mails was a package. Addressed to me. The first thing I thought was, "eh? I didnt buy anything from China. Could it be wrong addressee..??" (at the same time, I thought, "takkan orang yang buat online purchase boleh terkasi salah info ?)
Maybe, my brother or mum bought something. Maybe kak Maya did?

After comtemplating for a few minutes (including knocking on Bro's bedroom door to ask if he bought anything online), I decided to open the package. While tearing open the white plastic, mum was saying, "maybe it is from someone. a gift", to which I replied, "nah.. couldn't be. if it is a gift, there should be a note or something." (and, who on earth would send me something from CHINA...??)
OK, pause a bit. I kept saying China because the mail stamp has chinese characters on it. Oh, and the green label says "Jacket".
So, the jacket is black. I fingered it carefully, coz suspicious of the material. I looked at the tag at the neck line. "100% polyester". *HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF* Then, I held it up.
OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD..!!!!!! (yes, I actually jumped in joy. in front of mum and dad)
It's National Geographic...!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....!! I can't believe it!
It immediately struck me that I got this gift because I signed up for the magazine's monthly subscription. Heee.. that was in December last year, on the last day of Popular Book Sale.
Oh my.. I am feeling elatedddd.. though calmer now. haha.. it was like hitting a million dollars or something! (but if that happens, I would've continued jumping and not blog til waaayyyy later. heh.)
Alhamdulillaaaaaahh.. ^______________^ *BIG SMILE to myself*
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