researches and finds

madrasah wak tanjong has been selected to participate in an arabic debate competition in malaysia. n if im not mistaken, the competitors come from around this region and are students from higher institutions. pretty scary huh? i mean, no one would've expected a madrasah from singapore to be chosen, as we're still lacking of the essential skills and experience. but at the same time, it IS an honour for this proves that our madrasahs are recognized by the 'outside' authorities, and are fit to compete in what i'd say a difficult level.

anyway, im trying to help adilah find the relevant information for the debate. she told me it's about 'terrorism'...'irhab' or 'ihrab'..cant! fyi, adilah's schooling in mwti and she's one of the 'rakan bahas'. they're not the debaters, but rather 'mock debaters', who help the debaters do research, practise, etc etc. i was excited when i got to know about the debate, and even though im not an mwti-an, i DO want to help.

finding the sufficient and credible information, plus making sure that its sources are reliable, is somewhat tedious and time-consuming to me. and confusing too. coz the themes of debates are usually..well, wide. so, the information found must at least cover most of the aspects of the theme(s). another problem is that we dont really know where to start, how to start putting information into one solid, sensible piece, and how to grasp and 'feel' the idea of what we're supposed to hold/defend.

i've had my own experience in this debate thingy, and both of the times weren't good. according to my calculation, they were TERRIBLE. but i must admit, i learn quite a LOT about debating. and let me tell you something, i even have a secret wish: that one day i'll be able to participate in the 4PM debate. but since im not entering pre-u here, so my dream is just a dream. actually, im kinda afraid to perticipate in any debate competition, coz i may embarrass myself again.



This month's been mundane. Yep. It has been. Im not complaining though. Coz I, too, am a mundane person! =)

My chicken pox is officially gone. But not completely ok? What I mean is, the virus's dead but the scars remain. I had said to myself not to peel the dry 'kudis', but I did anyway. It was very tempting, you know! Once I started, I kept peeling another one, and another one..bad, bad me! N now, there's not much left to peel.. good thing ah..

I didn't go out of my house for days..more than 14 days! When I finally got to go out – to buy something – I was like.. "ohhhhhh! Im soooo relieved! Im sooo happy! Finally, I can breathe the fresh air!”though I was only going to the shop near my house, I felt kinda excited! Can you believe it? Me, excited to go to the shop?? The next time I went out was last Tuesday – tibyan class. Again, I was happy to leave the house. Then, went to somewhere even further, i.e. mks *all smiles!*

Speaking of mks, im less than 10 (or even 5) steps away to complete the first leg of the my quest. (isy~ apa aku merepek!)..nvm, nvm, if you don't understand what im saying, it's better! Niwei, I just cant wait for the time to come.. but on the other hand, im not trying to speed things up. Instead, I keep saying, "nanti me hafal..nanti me hafal..”another thing that's been bugging me is the sort-of promise to invite my tahfiz friends to that 'auspicious' day..actually, honestly, I want to do it myself. On my own. Without many people around. Just ustaz, me and whoever yg dtg tasmi' masa tu.. but since kak halimah has insisted, n other students have known about it and cant wait to be part of it, I will have to relent, right?? **BUT I DON'T WANT TO!!!**

Oh! 2 of my classmates called. Very very nice of them! I mean, people usually call me for a main reason, i.e. ask this, ask that, inform this, inform that.. and im the kind of person who don't entertain callers who call to ask, "how are you?”..alah~ mcm bestfriends selalu buat ar..berbual berjam2, cakap pasal kejadian hari nie etc etc.

So, when 'afeyah n huda called, I expected that they had something to ask/inform me. But no, they asked, "anti ape khabar??...dah sihat?..dah lama sey tak jumpa..”..n the conversation went from there..surprisingly, I was totally ok with it. My conversation with 'afeyah lasted for about..I dunno, maybe 40minutes-1hour, while I talked to huda for 1 hour and 10 minutes! Haiz~ ape ajelah yg kita bualkan?!

Another huda also called..haiz~ baik pulak budak nie nak call! Padahal me cuma sms dia tanya pasal prisma n muraqibah umum..well, our conversation was ok. No awkwardness..*grins*..that one lasted for 1 hour too! N then, me berbual dgn kak mardhyiah pon boleh tahan lama! Alahai, liyana~ sejak bila kau berbual lama2 kt talipon nie!

Me jumpe liyana rahaim kt dlm mrt, on my way to mks, hari khamis yang baru lepas nie..fuyo! Happy sgt2 dpt jumpe nmpk kelibat aszafirah tgh tunggu mrt kt platform jauh ah nk tegur.. hmmm.. it was quite a strange feeling for me, felt good though. Hmmm.. sometimes you don't know how much you miss a person until you see him/her again. So, yeah.. when I saw liyana n talked to her a bit, I realized that I've missed her and all my other classmates! Oh!! I really cant wait to see them again!

Thinking about my friends and school, and looking at the pictures of my secondary-school days, can really bring tears to my eyes. It's kinda weird; me feeling all sad n teary. Sentimental! It's soooo unlike me..

Oh well~ what can I say.. those days are now behind me. But the memories will linger forever..(hopefully!)..n the future? Nah.. I don't want to talk about it. I'll share with you my thoughts about MY future next time..

at home on saturday.

turned out that they - murni and syarafina - didnt recite the poem that mardhiah wrote. i was the one who asked mardhiah to write it, to summarize our gratitude.. n i feel guilty. i wonder why they didnt recite the poem.. hmmmm.. *husnuzzhon* i smsed mardhiah to say im sorry. she replied that she 'hmm.. tkpelah.. ana tk kesah.. tp rase terkilan 2 ttp wujud wlw ana cube tepis.. takpelah ti.. bende da berlalu da..'

well, me pon terkilan jugak.. sbb me betul2 nak ada sajak..dan sajak tu dibace dgn 'passionate'..jadi mak2 bapak2 guru2 pelajar2 dapat hayati dan fahami apa yg kita2 nk sampaikan.. hmm..nmpnknye, message tu tk terluah pon!

klw korg nak tau, sepanjang beberapa jam - from the minute my parents went out (around 8.30 am) until 12 lebih - me asyik fidgetty. at some points, i felt like bursting! i mean, mcm nk buat drastic action: ambik baju sekolah, pakai baju sekolah, n terus pegi sekolah! it was like as if there was a big hole in my heart, n i was going to get it back at school.. haiz~~ quite bizarre, this feeling of mine!

btw, this is the poem that mardhiah wrote:

Di sini...Di tempat ini...
Terlalu kerdil kami rasakan..

Di sini...Di tempat ini..
Kami tenggelam di laut ilmu yang sangat dalam.
Yang menggenangi kami.
Sedekad lamanya.

Di sini...Di tempat ini...
Betapa pun kami layari bahtera ilmu di sini tak terteroka

Di sini...Di tempat ini...
Yang akan kami tadah. Hanya setitik dari samudera.
Yang akan kami petik. Hanya sebiji dari mutiara.
Yang akan kami dakap. Hanya sebingkis dari kenangan.
Saban waktu. Saban detik. Saban saat.
Meski daun masa mulai gugur bersama usia...

around 12-something pm, i started to sms my friends..anxious to know what had the event was... the smses sounded ok =) bila mak talipon je, tiba2 me excited, nak mak balik cepat2! konon nk mintak mak ceritakan apa yg ada kt sekolah..mak cakap "mak menggigil naik stage..rasa mcm nk nangis pon ada jugak.." hahahahaha! menggigil?? hehe~ tkpelah, bukannya my mum pernah naik stage ambikkan my hadiah..selalunye, tiap2 tahun, me lah yg naik stage..

so, what's the so-called 'hadiah' yang me dapat??? hmm..well..please dont start calling or labelling me 'show-off', 'proud', 'smug' going to tell you but please dont make it sound as if it's a BIG deal..ok, i got the "PELAJAR CEMERLANG" (Best Student) Award.. just a plaque i think..i dunno, i didnt see it.. coz mum didnt bring it home.


coz it was my request: keep the award, my 'first-position' prize, n my certificate plus my recordbook at school. i'll come for all of them when i've recovered, fully maybe. im thinking of going to school next week - friday - but then again, maybe, maybe not. we'll see..

anyway, me sempat kirim mak supaye passkan 2 envelopes to kamaliah, n then kamaliah gave 1 envelope each to kak hairani n teacher ain..ada ape ye?? tkde ape2 special..cuma gmbr yg me dah printkan tapi tk terkasi-kasi.. yg bestnye, kamaliah pinjamkan dvd THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA n ZATHURA..yey! ada jugak cerita best nak tgk kt rumah...paham2 je nie dah lah tk boleh keluar..jd tv lah yg kdg2 jd 'lifesaver'..hehe~

the movie NARNIA was great! i kept remembering about THE LORD OF THE lah..a bit of similarities: going to war, battle of good n evil n both are in different, exciting worlds =) psst..! the eldest brother, peter, looks sweet..hehe~ i like to watch his face.. he looks a bit like chad michael murray..but i dont fancy the latter..

ZATHURA was good too! watching it reminded me of JUMANJI, the players must finish the game, n they encountered real..real..what's the word? hmm..real things ar..a bit of suspence here n there..ooooh! how i dont enjoy anything 'suspenceful'! but i like the movie all the same =)

ok, to wrap it up, i didnt do much today. i think the only knowledgeable thing i did was reading a story or two from Rampaisari Prosa Warisan..i know, i know, the o level has long passed. but in reality, i never finished the book. n when i was reading 'di negeri jin islam' n 'medapat cincin hikmat', in my heart, i was really really grateful (alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah..terima kasih Ya Allah~) that those titles, n others, didnt come out in the 'Sastera' paper. cerita2 yg keluar semuanya me familiar, walaupun tk master sgt..tgklah! ketentuan Allah camne...subhanallah~~ me ingat lagi, minutes before the benar2 panik! banyak cerita me tk ingat, characters pon tk ingat..jln cerita me tk tahu..i prayed that i would get easy stories...n i was amazed when i read the question paper! see! within minutes, my prayer was answered. it was miraculous! how Allah has arranged all if it was just a coincidence!

hmmm...i guess that's all for now =)

p/s: my dad said,"lagi sebulan baru boleh keluar.." WHAT?! tkkn lah sampai begitu panjang~~ bekas2 nie tkkn hilang pon sampai beberapa tahun! hmmm..oh well~

feeling normal =)

even though i havent recuperated competely, im feeling ok today.

plus the fact yg me dah mandi hadas, lega sey hati! klw tidak, me terpikir2: camne nk mandi hadas eh? sbb ada bekas2 putih all over my body.. you see, calamol lotion yg me gunekan tu mcm kapur, bila sapu kt kulit, nanti kulit keputih2an...n memandangkn me selalu gunekan, jd warna putih tu mcm melekat jirus beberapa kali pon tk hilang jugak. me tk nk gunekan sabun coz i dunno if it'll affect my skin.

so, agak worried jugak td pagi, me mandi percaya, air dapat menembusi bekas2 putih tu..lagipun, it's not thick or it's alright ar...haiz~ betul2 lega! refreshing pulak tu, sbb sejak kena chicken pox nie, me mandi tk proper sgt..sekejap je mandi.. =|

me mkn pon dah ok skrg...i can enjoy my meal without worrying about my throat! ulcer pon dah ok.. cuma bibir maseh kering ar..

oh! another thing: bubbles kt muka byk yg dah pecah! sedih sey...susah betul nk tk rasa sakit..cume eye-sore ah.. sbb kt bubble-spots tu nmpk hardened brownish liquid. alahai~ nmpknye, bertanda lah muka aku ni! tkpe tkpe..redha~~ semalam me pakai t-shirt warna whitish cream gitu.. biler tgk baju tu, eh! byk betul tanda2 brown ada kt bahagian belakang. kt bahagian depan n bahagian lengan pon ada jugak, tp tk byk. haa! ini menunjukkan bahawa byk bubbles yg nk burst.. liquidnya dah mula seeping boleh nk elak ar..oh well~~

hmmm...esok confirm benar me tk dtg. sedih betul bila memikirkannya. tp tkpe lah..nk buat camne. klw ikutkn perasaan, me mcm nk pegi je. yelah, me dah ok pe? muke pon, bubbles dah pecah, tgl bekas2 ar yg berwarna dark brown.. we'll see.. mak n ayah dijemput dtg, sbb...ehem~ehem~ tu esok je boleh cerita..haha..klw boleh me nk request hadiah yg me dpt simpan kt sekolah, jgn bwk balik rumah, sbb me nk menerimanya dari tangan mudirah sendiri.. tau lah, klw request nie diterima ke tidak nanti.

terkilah jugak sebab tk dpt nk beri ucapan nanti.. wakil sec4 ialah syarafina n murni (satu monitoress, lg satu prefect)..oh well~~ at least me ada tmbh sikit isi ucapan tu, tp tk tau lah mereka (yg buat ucapan - syarafina n hazimah) terima ke tidak, sbb my isi sounds friendly, not formal. hehe~

sabar je lah liyana..ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni..

it's raining.

i just read aszafirah's blog. yes, i notice that it's been raining for days. but i think it's MORE than 5 days. the weather is cold. yeah...the wind feels nice, sometimes..n i dont have to switch on the fan at electricity, no?

anyway, this raining thing sparks something in my mind..i've been thinking about it. n i think im going to share with you out there what's been bothering me. plus, i watched a documentary about Yellowstone Supervolcano yesternight. the scientists are predicting how a supervolcano eruption might be.

have you ever received an email about a scientist who predicted that a tsunami would hit somewhere in the Indian Ocean n affect indonesia n all (turns out to be true - tsunami hit acheh, thailand, sri lanka)?? well, i did. n it is said that this particular scientist also predicted that between late december 2005 n early january 2006, something will happen in the Southern China Sea..i cant remember what..another tsunami or something, but i know it has something to do with the weather. n that it'll somehow affect singapore.

now, this information makes me alert since december..i dunno why, but i think i have to see whether the prediction is correct or wrong...Allah knows best.. im waiting for something wrong to happen, but i fear if anything drastic, dramatic, terrible will happen..Ya Allah..jauhkanlah...

of course i've noticed about the cold weather..n the floods in malaysia (hmmm..cant remember where, coz i didnt read the news, i just took terengganu, n perak isit??).. n landslides in indonesia, n recently, i stumbled upon a news about contenas (correct spelling??) found on a beach in malaysia (kt terengganu agaknye). the contenas were filled with prawns n something else, sorry i cant remember.the prawns stick well in my head coz i was thinking about the abundant amount of prawns the villagers got, n the loss faced by singaporean prawn sellers..coz i read that the contenas belonged to a cargo ship sailing from..err..cant singapore.the ship was in/on the Southern China Sea when a terrible storm hit. "ribut" ah...

so, there. n im still thinking. could the worst be out there?

here are some pictures of the Yellowtone Park. enjoy!

What Is A Supervolcano?

From the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Web site:

"The term 'supervolcano' implies an eruption of magnitude 8 on the Volcano Explosivity Index, meaning that more than 1,000 cubic kilometers (250 cubic miles) of magma (partially molten rock) are erupted. The most recent such event on Earth occurred 74,000 years ago at the Toba Caldera in Sumatra, Indonesia."

Examples of volcanoes that have produced exceedingly voluminous eruptions and formed large calderas in the past 2 million years include Yellowstone, Long Valley in eastern California, Toba in Indonesia and Taupo in New Zealand. Other supervolcanoes would likely include the large caldera volcanoes of Japan, Indonesia and South America, among others, according to USGS.

read this to know more about 'Truth, fiction and everything in between at Yellowstone'.

Yellowstone: Restless Volcanic Giant

national geographic - Yellowstone Volcano: Is "the Beast" Building to a Violent Tantrum?

Yellowstone's Craggy Face
Photograph by José Azel

Nearly 11,000 feet (3,400 meters) tall, imposing Abiathar Peak forms the southern wall of Ice Box Canyon in northeastern Yellowstone. In 1885 the mountain was named for Charles Abiathar White, a paleontologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Much of Yellowstone is a plateau ranging from 7,000 to 9,000 feet (2,000 to 3,000 meters). Its loftiest summit, Eagle Peak, rises 11,358 feet (3,461 meters) in Yellowstone's southeast corner.

Where They Still Roam
Photograph by JoséAzel

Bison find warmth in the steam of Lower Geyser Basin near Fountain Paint Pot. Nearly wiped out by commercial hunters by around 1900, these symbols of the Old West were preserved by captive breeding. Today some 5,000 roam throughout the region between Yellowstone and Grand Teton.

Because some bison carry a disease called brucellosis, which could infect cattle, those that cross or approach Yellowstone's northern boundary with Montana are driven back, or hazed, by state officials—or even killed.

Did You Know?

Most people who are familiar with Yellowstone National Park have heard of Old Faithful, Mammoth Hot Springs, and Mud Volcano. These are just some of the more than 10,000 thermal features in the park. But did you know that Yellowstone National Park sits within the Yellowstone caldera, one of the world's largest active volcanoes? The extreme size of the caldera (approximately 28 by 47 miles [45 by 76 kilometers) is why most people are not aware of it. The caldera erupted in a series of massive explosions (some 2 million, 1.3 million, and 630,000 years ago) that dwarf any volcanic eruptions in recent history. In fact, the largest of the three eruptions (2 million years ago) was at least 2,500 times larger than the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. The hot spot that was the force behind those eruptions is what powers the thermal features that make Yellowstone so well known today. And as evidence that all of this activity is still ongoing and ever changing, a portion of Yellowstone's Norris Geyser Basin was temporarily closed this summer due to increased thermal activity and high ground temperatures.

- Alice J. Dunn

A 60-to-90-foot (20-to-30-meter) jet of steam erupts every 10 to 12 hours from Castle Geyser in Upper Geyser Basin. Some 300 geysers boil and bubble throughout the park. Heavily layered with a silica-rich mineral formed from volcanically heated underground water, Castle may have been erupting for 15,000 years, one of Yellowstone's oldest geysers.


When I woke up this morning, you know what's the first thing that came to my mind??

Bahas. Debate.

Ironic, isn't it? It's been months since those days, n now I wish I had one more chance to prove myself again. But then I thought, "yeah right! N you'll do the same blunder again, n embarrass not just yourself, but the school too!"

Im not shameful to say that sometimes I fantasize about the possible scenes - good, awesome ones - that could've happened or might happen, if given a know, like I was saying the right thing, shooting out the words with sarcasm, yet in style..with proper technique and all. I even imagine myself winning the hearts of the judges, thus winning the 'best speaker' title.

Call me 'exaggerating loser', 'sore loser', etc.. whatever you want. But im NOT a sore loser. Im just another ordinary kid who regrets what she did on-stage months ago. N im the kind of person who never easily forgets, accepts, ignores n erases embarrassing memories.

This year, I hope alsagoffians will do us proud =) or if not them, then I hope other madrasah students will.. hidup madrasah! Hidup madrasah!

Ok, remember that I said in the last part of the previous post that I was going to take a nap??? Well, guess what? That little bit of a nap turned out to be for 4 HOURS... some kind of a nap huh? Anyway, you know what happened next? My temperature went uphill! The weather was wet, rainy, cold, n as I sat on the floor, watching tv (around 4-6pm), I started to feel the cold creeping into my veins, n after that the headache arrived... it's not really what I call a ‘searing, tearing, excruciating’ headache, but it was painful, alright.. berdenyut-denyut betul! Good thing I have an untouched paracatemol tablets, which I had gotten when I received my medications for athma, so I ate 2 of them n felt better. Alhamdulillah..

What I hadn’t expected the next morning was...

I was half-asleep around 9-something am, n when I sub-consciously touched my chest, I felt a small swelling, then...oh! It was gone! N the spot where the swelling was was a little painful. I woke up with a jolt. Oh no! it cant be.. it cant be..


I went straight into the toilet, checked my body, felt around my back. There was one bubble on the front, another on the back, then another one just a little bit above my waist. *at the point of writing, I've forgotten if there are any other bubbles at that time*

I took a bath, determined to go to the polyclinic IMMEDIATELY n get the medicine. Luckily my mother was up right after I finished my bath, so I told her n she checked my back. Yeah, it could be chicken pox... wait, let me tell you WHAT was on my mind as I was taking my bath: how am I going to the school's prize-giving day-cum-sec4 graduation ceremony??????????? If im sick with chicken pox (I was already confident at that time), I can't go! N I want to go. badly!!! nooooo..this cant be happening!!

The female doctor said, after I showed her the bubbles (but only 2 of them), that it was too early to diagnose them as chicken pox, instead those bubbles could've been caused by the weather, allergy etc. but, if it's chicken pox, then now is the INFECTIOUS PERIOD. She said those words with such an emphasis, intensity, that I kept repeating them to my mum! "infectious period...infectious period..."

I was advised not to go out in a few days, to see my development.. I mean, the bubbles, if there'll be more of it as the days go by. But that day (Thursday), I had planned to go to mks, ada iftar jamaie. Hmmm... I went at last, my mother gave me the green light =)

Unfortunately, when I was at mks, I started to feel weak, n by 6-something pm, the fever was back. (in the morning, when I was in the toilet, as I was summing up all the possibilities of me getting chicken pox, I remembered the previous night's fever n thought, "it all fits! I AM having chicken pox!") n then, before I could break my fast, I found out that i couldn't fast anymore (you get what I mean?)...hehe.. I was relieved, a bit.. =P

I was careful not to 'share' my food n drink with anybody else, so I took my share n refused to let anyone give me a bit of her share nor her drink. The doctor had said 'your mouth n nose secretion has a LOT of virus in it...' that kind of thing, so I was worried if I spilled my saliva somewhere...haiz~ so the leceh! Then after some time, I remembered that kak juwita must have touched my plastic spoon as she disposed it away. Alamak! I hope she wont get infected!

I went home with kak juwita, took bus 196/197 (cant remember) to marine parade, then took 966 to woodlands. During that time, my headache was already back. Every time I said something, or walked a bit too quickly, or do anything a bit too fast, my head 'berdenyut-denyut'.. ='( n I shivered like hell (but not as in 'hot as hell', ya?) all the way to woodlands... during the journey home, i suddenly remembered about respiration n diffusion, liquid vapour and all...oh no!

Oh well~ n so begins my experience as an unfortunate teenager with chicken pox.

Today is the 8th day..n still counting. the bubbles are everywhere.n I mean, EVERYWHERE. I don't put the calamol lotion on my head, though..leceh ah nak cari bisul-bisul tu di sebalik rambut, cuma kadang-kadang gatal tu ada ah.. alhamdulillah, I've gotten more n more comfortable as the days pass. During the first few days, I was reluctant to sleep on my back or lean on the sofa, afraid that the growing bubbles might burst. N I had trouble sleeping. But that was days ago. Now im ok, the only problem is my mouth: dry lips, 2-3 small ulcers in my mouth, n a swollen anak tekak, I think. (but, as im writing this, my throat feels ok when I do the gulping thing..) so, I still have trouble enjoying the food I eat *sad..sad..* another thing is that the inevitable has happened: some of the bubbles have popped. It's ok, I guess I have to live with it.. plus the bubbles have changed in colour: it's yellowish in the middle (I assume the dead virus - pus - is inside, waiting to be engulfed by phagocytes, or burst out) n red around the bubbles.. hmm.. the itchiness would come anytime, here n there, n I have to softly rub the itchy spots! Urgh!

Im still sad at the fact that im not able to attend this Saturday's event... it's something I've been waiting, anticipating for 2 years...n it turns out that I cant go =( I feel like crying when thinking about this, but I believe, n try to assure myself, that Allah has something in store for me...I pray to Him to soften my heart, so I can accept this's just a small matter, I tell's ok, it's ok, it's ok..

However, imagining my friends taking happy photos of themselves, with the teachers, makes my heart ache more..Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hati hambaMu ini..

Hmmm..i wonder..if maybe, I can go??? But my face still look terrible, yellowish spots here n there...*sighs heavily* cant make up my hoping someone might come n say to my face, "hey, girl, you can go to the event. Your condition is quite ok now. It has passed the infectious period. Now, go! N have a good time!" hmmm..some dream huh?

Do you think I should or should not go?


Home Treatment

Most home treatment is aimed at relieving the annoying itch of chickenpox and the accompanying fever and discomfort. However, NEVER use aspirin to reduce pain or fever in children with chickenpox or certain other viral illnesses. Using aspirin in such cases has been associated with a serious disease, called Reye syndrome, which can lead to liver failure and even death.

Some measures you can take to help your child get through this itchy, uncomfortable time:

• Use wet compresses or give baths in cool or lukewarm water every 3 to 4 hours for the first few days. Oatmeal baths, available at the supermarket or pharmacy, can help to relieve itching. (Baths do not spread chickenpox.)
• Pat (don't rub) the body dry.
• Put calamine lotion on itchy areas (but don't use it on the face, especially near the eyes).
• Give your child foods that are cold, soft, and bland because chickenpox in the mouth may make drinking or eating difficult. Try to avoid feeding your child anything that's highly acidic or especially salty, like orange juice or pretzels.
• Ask your child's doctor or pharmacist about pain-relieving creams you can apply to sores in the genital area.
• Give your child acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) regularly to help relieve pain from mouth blisters.

And although it's tempting, children should be discouraged from scratching. Tell your child to come to you for help when faced with the urge to scratch. In addition, trim your child's fingernails and keep them clean to help lessen the effects of scratching, including broken blisters and infection.

--i use the calamol lotion on my face, but when i read the above, i stop..what am i supposed do with my face then?? what cream should i use??
--good thing i dont have chicken pox in my mouth, i really hope not! funny though, i found an ulcer-like shape in my eyes, but not on the's on the red know what i mean?? it's not painful though, dont worry =)

ok, enough about my chicken pox story. i've written nearly 3 pages (in Microsoft Word) !!

no time to blog.

my tagboard's been a bit of a problem. yeah, it has.

to answer soalan's question: there IS an archive section. scroll down the top box. you'll see 'profile', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'links', 'credits' n 'archives'.

n to cuz: about the pictures, what's wrong with them?? all i know is, when you point the curser on the picture(s), it'll be..umm..what's the word..'shown backwards'?? 'reflected'?? urgh..point and you'll see. but you can still click on the picture(s) to enlarge it. n i DONT always change my template, ok?

actually, i didnt want to write an entry today, i mean, the morning. my eyes are still tired, n the computer screen is disturbing my eyes.

talk about my eyes - my vision is deteriorating. im afraid the worst will come. im going to have to change the lens (or is it 'lenses'??)'ll be the second time if i do that. the first time was somewhere last year. i havent changed the frame for 4 years though. but i would like to have a black frame. hmmm...we'll see. anyway, i still dont want contact lenses. i feel kinda safe n hidden behind my glasses, thank you. plus, i think i look better with my glasses on! hehe~ =p

yesterday was a long day for me. finally i got to tasmi' with ustaz azmi. i intended to finish juz ehem~ehem~, but i stopped before the last surah..nvm..tomorrow i'll continue, n perhaps with new surah(s). i went out at 12-something, reached mks around 2-something, tried to 'strengthen' my memorizations while waiting for kak juwita. after solat asar, tasmi'. in between, i was kinda sleepy. i slept late the night before, n got up early to send aqila to the mrt station (ish! leceh betul ah!).

left mks around 6pm. the bus came at around 6.20...we should've taken a bus to bedok, n from there, to jurong east by mrt. but then, kak juwita suggested 197, as kak mariam had done before. so ok, the journey took about 1 hour n 40 minutes! i was relaxed though. the farthest i've been on 197 is the cityhall mrt station. so i enjoyed seeing the places beyond that. =) we reached ustaz ahmad's house around 8.20-8.30 pm...(you realise what we've missed??), by that time, i felt like going home..but alhamdulillah, i didnt feel very sleepy during the lesson, n i managed to concentrate well.

going home, i took the mrt. reached home around 10.30pm. i was exhausted. but i couldnt sleep immediately coz i hadnt prayed..oh well~~ around 11-something (pass 11.35pm), after solat n a bit of writing n reciting, i was already on my bed. dozed off.

you know, when i was in the bus, going to i saw kids n teenagers in school uniforms, i felt a twang of sadness. n jealousy. it was jealousy, mostly. jealous coz other kids go to school in their new uniforms, bags n shoes, while im not doing that anymore. i thought of my school. jealous coz the students can enjoy new improvements n changes, fool around with friends, interact with teachers, feel the excitement of up-coming events, involve themselves in indoor n outdoor competitions, help around in school occasions, or simply help the teacher to set up the projector. n the prefects; they get to stand in front of the in control.

oh! how i miss those things, it's only been 2 months or so..i dunno, i feel like not wanting to miss out on anything that's going on in alsagoff..n yet, i know i've missed out, since the day i left school, n am going to miss out for years n years to come. i must look ahead now. im going through changes n im gonna face a new world: meet new people, adapt in new school, etc. n as i read aszafirah's entry about her first day at almaarif, i was a bit jealous too..not jealous of her, but jealous on/by the fact that she's already gone to a new school, i mean gone somewhere, whereas i am still here, doing nothing. not there, not anywhere. hmmm... what am i thinking?!

ok, enough of my rants. i have a statement to make: lately, i've not been able to update much coz i dont get to use the computer..just a little bit - to check my emails n msn. most of the time, the computer's used by my father, or aqila..haiz~ klw tk ayah, aqila gunakan, klw tk aqila, ayah yg gunakan. so, i kinda stand back n relax..just wait for a time, like now - undisturbed, uninterrupted, not-in-haste, n noone-to-peer-at/on-my-back, to update. =)

i better stop. im going to have a little nap. then maybe, i'll go to the library to start on an overdue project. going there around late afternoon or noon would be better, coz there's not many people around. oh! n around evening n night. should be peaceful n calm, i think.

when will this end???

i got an email from a friend, an email showing pictures. pictures of extremely thin and sick children, suffering from starvation, malnutrition..famine. i cant explain the feelings that swept over me when i saw the pictures, as with that i've seen before. (see! i couldnt even get a perfect adjective to describe the pictures!!)

this picture caught my attention; see the child, how he/she eats bits of leftover? can you just imagine yourself in his/her shoes?? Ya Allah.....

now, this picture is REALLY shocking! you realize what this child is doing?? i know, i know, it's damn disgusting.. but i believe he cant help it..he's desperate.."desperate times call for desperate measures"..

this is as shocking as the above picture...masya Allah~, here i, we, have fresh water running out of the tap easily, to fill our needs..fresh water, which we often take for granted. n this picture openly proves that you shouldn't complain if you dont have ENOUGH fresh water, coz there are places where there is NO fresh water, let alone CLEAN WATER, or drinkable! at least this child wants to 'clean' himself - bathe, even though the liquid used is dirty n foul-smelling, n comes from a disgusting source..unlike some of us, who sometimes dont even think of bathing because they're too lazy or too busy, or simply cheapskates who call themselves "water-savers"..

the last picture here is very quite amazed that such picture could spark the world's interest and win the photographer a prestigious one would say," a picture is worth a thousand words."

click on the picture to read the message below it.

i searched up "kevin carter" to know more about his pictures. it was quite a read. click here to find out. at the end of the page, there's another website where you can read long stories, news headlines and letters about the photographer's death. quite tragic to me..i'd say that photojournalism, especially in war-stricken and poverty-stricken areas, can really take its toll on people, you get what i mean??

"I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings & corpses & anger & pain... of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen... The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist."