at home on saturday.

turned out that they - murni and syarafina - didnt recite the poem that mardhiah wrote. i was the one who asked mardhiah to write it, to summarize our gratitude.. n i feel guilty. i wonder why they didnt recite the poem.. hmmmm.. *husnuzzhon* i smsed mardhiah to say im sorry. she replied that she 'hmm.. tkpelah.. ana tk kesah.. tp rase terkilan 2 ttp wujud wlw ana cube tepis.. takpelah ti.. bende da berlalu da..'

well, me pon terkilan jugak.. sbb me betul2 nak ada sajak..dan sajak tu dibace dgn 'passionate'..jadi mak2 bapak2 guru2 pelajar2 dapat hayati dan fahami apa yg kita2 nk sampaikan.. hmm..nmpnknye, message tu tk terluah pon!

klw korg nak tau, sepanjang beberapa jam - from the minute my parents went out (around 8.30 am) until 12 lebih - me asyik fidgetty. at some points, i felt like bursting! i mean, mcm nk buat drastic action: ambik baju sekolah, pakai baju sekolah, n terus pegi sekolah! it was like as if there was a big hole in my heart, n i was going to get it back at school.. haiz~~ quite bizarre, this feeling of mine!

btw, this is the poem that mardhiah wrote:

Di sini...Di tempat ini...
Terlalu kerdil kami rasakan..

Di sini...Di tempat ini..
Kami tenggelam di laut ilmu yang sangat dalam.
Yang menggenangi kami.
Sedekad lamanya.

Di sini...Di tempat ini...
Betapa pun kami layari bahtera ilmu di sini tak terteroka

Di sini...Di tempat ini...
Yang akan kami tadah. Hanya setitik dari samudera.
Yang akan kami petik. Hanya sebiji dari mutiara.
Yang akan kami dakap. Hanya sebingkis dari kenangan.
Saban waktu. Saban detik. Saban saat.
Meski daun masa mulai gugur bersama usia...

around 12-something pm, i started to sms my friends..anxious to know what had the event was... the smses sounded ok =) bila mak talipon je, tiba2 me excited, nak mak balik cepat2! konon nk mintak mak ceritakan apa yg ada kt sekolah..mak cakap "mak menggigil naik stage..rasa mcm nk nangis pon ada jugak.." hahahahaha! menggigil?? hehe~ tkpelah, bukannya my mum pernah naik stage ambikkan my hadiah..selalunye, tiap2 tahun, me lah yg naik stage..

so, what's the so-called 'hadiah' yang me dapat??? hmm..well..please dont start calling or labelling me 'show-off', 'proud', 'smug' going to tell you but please dont make it sound as if it's a BIG deal..ok, i got the "PELAJAR CEMERLANG" (Best Student) Award.. just a plaque i think..i dunno, i didnt see it.. coz mum didnt bring it home.


coz it was my request: keep the award, my 'first-position' prize, n my certificate plus my recordbook at school. i'll come for all of them when i've recovered, fully maybe. im thinking of going to school next week - friday - but then again, maybe, maybe not. we'll see..

anyway, me sempat kirim mak supaye passkan 2 envelopes to kamaliah, n then kamaliah gave 1 envelope each to kak hairani n teacher ain..ada ape ye?? tkde ape2 special..cuma gmbr yg me dah printkan tapi tk terkasi-kasi.. yg bestnye, kamaliah pinjamkan dvd THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA n ZATHURA..yey! ada jugak cerita best nak tgk kt rumah...paham2 je nie dah lah tk boleh keluar..jd tv lah yg kdg2 jd 'lifesaver'..hehe~

the movie NARNIA was great! i kept remembering about THE LORD OF THE lah..a bit of similarities: going to war, battle of good n evil n both are in different, exciting worlds =) psst..! the eldest brother, peter, looks sweet..hehe~ i like to watch his face.. he looks a bit like chad michael murray..but i dont fancy the latter..

ZATHURA was good too! watching it reminded me of JUMANJI, the players must finish the game, n they encountered real..real..what's the word? hmm..real things ar..a bit of suspence here n there..ooooh! how i dont enjoy anything 'suspenceful'! but i like the movie all the same =)

ok, to wrap it up, i didnt do much today. i think the only knowledgeable thing i did was reading a story or two from Rampaisari Prosa Warisan..i know, i know, the o level has long passed. but in reality, i never finished the book. n when i was reading 'di negeri jin islam' n 'medapat cincin hikmat', in my heart, i was really really grateful (alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah..terima kasih Ya Allah~) that those titles, n others, didnt come out in the 'Sastera' paper. cerita2 yg keluar semuanya me familiar, walaupun tk master sgt..tgklah! ketentuan Allah camne...subhanallah~~ me ingat lagi, minutes before the benar2 panik! banyak cerita me tk ingat, characters pon tk ingat..jln cerita me tk tahu..i prayed that i would get easy stories...n i was amazed when i read the question paper! see! within minutes, my prayer was answered. it was miraculous! how Allah has arranged all if it was just a coincidence!

hmmm...i guess that's all for now =)

p/s: my dad said,"lagi sebulan baru boleh keluar.." WHAT?! tkkn lah sampai begitu panjang~~ bekas2 nie tkkn hilang pon sampai beberapa tahun! hmmm..oh well~