my tagboard's been a bit of a problem. yeah, it has.
to answer soalan's question: there IS an archive section. scroll down the top box. you'll see 'profile', 'likes', 'dislikes', 'links', 'credits' n 'archives'.
n to cuz: about the pictures, what's wrong with them?? all i know is, when you point the curser on the picture(s), it'll be..umm..what's the word..'shown backwards'?? 'reflected'?? urgh..point and you'll see. but you can still click on the picture(s) to enlarge it. n i DONT always change my template, ok?
actually, i didnt want to write an entry today, i mean, the morning. my eyes are still tired, n the computer screen is disturbing my eyes.
talk about my eyes - my vision is deteriorating. im afraid the worst will come. im going to have to change the lens (or is it 'lenses'??)'ll be the second time if i do that. the first time was somewhere last year. i havent changed the frame for 4 years though. but i would like to have a black frame. hmmm...we'll see. anyway, i still dont want contact lenses. i feel kinda safe n hidden behind my glasses, thank you. plus, i think i look better with my glasses on! hehe~ =p
yesterday was a long day for me. finally i got to tasmi' with ustaz azmi. i intended to finish juz ehem~ehem~, but i stopped before the last surah..nvm..tomorrow i'll continue, n perhaps with new surah(s). i went out at 12-something, reached mks around 2-something, tried to 'strengthen' my memorizations while waiting for kak juwita. after solat asar, tasmi'. in between, i was kinda sleepy. i slept late the night before, n got up early to send aqila to the mrt station (ish! leceh betul ah!).
left mks around 6pm. the bus came at around 6.20...we should've taken a bus to bedok, n from there, to jurong east by mrt. but then, kak juwita suggested 197, as kak mariam had done before. so ok, the journey took about 1 hour n 40 minutes! i was relaxed though. the farthest i've been on 197 is the cityhall mrt station. so i enjoyed seeing the places beyond that. =) we reached ustaz ahmad's house around 8.20-8.30 pm...(you realise what we've missed??), by that time, i felt like going home..but alhamdulillah, i didnt feel very sleepy during the lesson, n i managed to concentrate well.
going home, i took the mrt. reached home around 10.30pm. i was exhausted. but i couldnt sleep immediately coz i hadnt prayed..oh well~~ around 11-something (pass 11.35pm), after solat n a bit of writing n reciting, i was already on my bed. dozed off.
you know, when i was in the bus, going to i saw kids n teenagers in school uniforms, i felt a twang of sadness. n jealousy. it was jealousy, mostly. jealous coz other kids go to school in their new uniforms, bags n shoes, while im not doing that anymore. i thought of my school. jealous coz the students can enjoy new improvements n changes, fool around with friends, interact with teachers, feel the excitement of up-coming events, involve themselves in indoor n outdoor competitions, help around in school occasions, or simply help the teacher to set up the projector. n the prefects; they get to stand in front of the in control.
oh! how i miss those things, it's only been 2 months or so..i dunno, i feel like not wanting to miss out on anything that's going on in alsagoff..n yet, i know i've missed out, since the day i left school, n am going to miss out for years n years to come. i must look ahead now. im going through changes n im gonna face a new world: meet new people, adapt in new school, etc. n as i read aszafirah's entry about her first day at almaarif, i was a bit jealous too..not jealous of her, but jealous on/by the fact that she's already gone to a new school, i mean gone somewhere, whereas i am still here, doing nothing. not there, not anywhere. hmmm... what am i thinking?!
ok, enough of my rants. i have a statement to make: lately, i've not been able to update much coz i dont get to use the computer..just a little bit - to check my emails n msn. most of the time, the computer's used by my father, or aqila..haiz~ klw tk ayah, aqila gunakan, klw tk aqila, ayah yg gunakan. so, i kinda stand back n relax..just wait for a time, like now - undisturbed, uninterrupted, not-in-haste, n noone-to-peer-at/on-my-back, to update. =)
i better stop. im going to have a little nap. then maybe, i'll go to the library to start on an overdue project. going there around late afternoon or noon would be better, coz there's not many people around. oh! n around evening n night. should be peaceful n calm, i think.
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