
This month's been mundane. Yep. It has been. Im not complaining though. Coz I, too, am a mundane person! =)

My chicken pox is officially gone. But not completely ok? What I mean is, the virus's dead but the scars remain. I had said to myself not to peel the dry 'kudis', but I did anyway. It was very tempting, you know! Once I started, I kept peeling another one, and another one..bad, bad me! N now, there's not much left to peel.. good thing ah..

I didn't go out of my house for days..more than 14 days! When I finally got to go out – to buy something – I was like.. "ohhhhhh! Im soooo relieved! Im sooo happy! Finally, I can breathe the fresh air!”though I was only going to the shop near my house, I felt kinda excited! Can you believe it? Me, excited to go to the shop?? The next time I went out was last Tuesday – tibyan class. Again, I was happy to leave the house. Then, went to somewhere even further, i.e. mks *all smiles!*

Speaking of mks, im less than 10 (or even 5) steps away to complete the first leg of the my quest. (isy~ apa aku merepek!)..nvm, nvm, if you don't understand what im saying, it's better! Niwei, I just cant wait for the time to come.. but on the other hand, im not trying to speed things up. Instead, I keep saying, "nanti me hafal..nanti me hafal..”another thing that's been bugging me is the sort-of promise to invite my tahfiz friends to that 'auspicious' day..actually, honestly, I want to do it myself. On my own. Without many people around. Just ustaz, me and whoever yg dtg tasmi' masa tu.. but since kak halimah has insisted, n other students have known about it and cant wait to be part of it, I will have to relent, right?? **BUT I DON'T WANT TO!!!**

Oh! 2 of my classmates called. Very very nice of them! I mean, people usually call me for a main reason, i.e. ask this, ask that, inform this, inform that.. and im the kind of person who don't entertain callers who call to ask, "how are you?”..alah~ mcm bestfriends selalu buat ar..berbual berjam2, cakap pasal kejadian hari nie etc etc.

So, when 'afeyah n huda called, I expected that they had something to ask/inform me. But no, they asked, "anti ape khabar??...dah sihat?..dah lama sey tak jumpa..”..n the conversation went from there..surprisingly, I was totally ok with it. My conversation with 'afeyah lasted for about..I dunno, maybe 40minutes-1hour, while I talked to huda for 1 hour and 10 minutes! Haiz~ ape ajelah yg kita bualkan?!

Another huda also called..haiz~ baik pulak budak nie nak call! Padahal me cuma sms dia tanya pasal prisma n muraqibah umum..well, our conversation was ok. No awkwardness..*grins*..that one lasted for 1 hour too! N then, me berbual dgn kak mardhyiah pon boleh tahan lama! Alahai, liyana~ sejak bila kau berbual lama2 kt talipon nie!

Me jumpe liyana rahaim kt dlm mrt, on my way to mks, hari khamis yang baru lepas nie..fuyo! Happy sgt2 dpt jumpe dia..me nmpk kelibat aszafirah tgh tunggu mrt kt platform tu..tp jauh ah nk tegur.. hmmm.. it was quite a strange feeling for me, felt good though. Hmmm.. sometimes you don't know how much you miss a person until you see him/her again. So, yeah.. when I saw liyana n talked to her a bit, I realized that I've missed her and all my other classmates! Oh!! I really cant wait to see them again!

Thinking about my friends and school, and looking at the pictures of my secondary-school days, can really bring tears to my eyes. It's kinda weird; me feeling all sad n teary. Sentimental! It's soooo unlike me..

Oh well~ what can I say.. those days are now behind me. But the memories will linger forever..(hopefully!)..n the future? Nah.. I don't want to talk about it. I'll share with you my thoughts about MY future next time..