researches and finds

madrasah wak tanjong has been selected to participate in an arabic debate competition in malaysia. n if im not mistaken, the competitors come from around this region and are students from higher institutions. pretty scary huh? i mean, no one would've expected a madrasah from singapore to be chosen, as we're still lacking of the essential skills and experience. but at the same time, it IS an honour for this proves that our madrasahs are recognized by the 'outside' authorities, and are fit to compete in what i'd say a difficult level.

anyway, im trying to help adilah find the relevant information for the debate. she told me it's about 'terrorism'...'irhab' or 'ihrab'..cant! fyi, adilah's schooling in mwti and she's one of the 'rakan bahas'. they're not the debaters, but rather 'mock debaters', who help the debaters do research, practise, etc etc. i was excited when i got to know about the debate, and even though im not an mwti-an, i DO want to help.

finding the sufficient and credible information, plus making sure that its sources are reliable, is somewhat tedious and time-consuming to me. and confusing too. coz the themes of debates are usually..well, wide. so, the information found must at least cover most of the aspects of the theme(s). another problem is that we dont really know where to start, how to start putting information into one solid, sensible piece, and how to grasp and 'feel' the idea of what we're supposed to hold/defend.

i've had my own experience in this debate thingy, and both of the times weren't good. according to my calculation, they were TERRIBLE. but i must admit, i learn quite a LOT about debating. and let me tell you something, i even have a secret wish: that one day i'll be able to participate in the 4PM debate. but since im not entering pre-u here, so my dream is just a dream. actually, im kinda afraid to perticipate in any debate competition, coz i may embarrass myself again.
