no, no, NO! IT CAN'T BE!!

i've just read aszafirah's latest entry.

she wrote that the results are coming out THIS monday! THIS COMING MONDAY!

I. DONT. BELIEVE. IT. soooo not believing it.

well, she wrote that 'we' have received the pincodes. who the hell is 'we'?? maybe she and her classmates have got the pincodes, coz I sure havent!

you see, there's been rumours flying around since january. some say it's on the 6th, 10th, 15th... the usual date is somewhere in late february n early march, right?? but i dont deny that maybe the results are coming out early coz the jcs/polytechnics admissions are now early too...right??

anyway, when i saw the word "this monday"...suddenly, there was a knot in my stomach, and there still is. there's a bit of adrenaline rush too...suddenly i was scared. a bit. and nervous. haiz~ i wonder if i'll be able to sleep on the eve of the BIG day... ?_?

whenever the BIG day is, it is going to come and go. i am going to receive my result slip, no matter if i try to jinx it away or something.. and i am going to face the ultimate truth.

prepare for the worst.