it's great to see you guys again!

* a BIG sigh of relief *

HUH~~ at last! finally, im typing fingers've been itching to tell you people out there what's going on in my life..n i was stuck because every time i want to sign in the blogger..i have emails to read, people to chat with.. music to listen to..n my computer is a bit slow..n somehow, sometimes, it got stuck! urgh! PLUS, it got very late for me to write..n someone else wants to use the computer!

another leceh thing i have to do is save the draft every now and then! haiz~~ leceh betul!!

ok, ok..first and foremost.. i'd like to congratulate ust sakinah for her excellent result! MABRUK!! MABRUK!! fuyo~~ berkat usaha got what you deserve..unlike me..5A pon tk boleh guarantee dapat! *sob..sob..* ghibtoh betul ana kt ustazah! niwei, im very happy for you *flashes a BIG TOOTHY smile*


last sunday, i went to east coast park..thought i could get away with it without my sister knowing..but she did alright..the night before, she saw the sms haziqah sent that moment, my thoughts were spinning..what should i say to her?? well, i lied..*bad girl! bad girl!*..n when i was cycling on the path..she called..alahai~~ "kakak kat mane?".."kat east coast eh?".."bilang..kakak kat mane??" hmm..i just said,"kakak kt luar lah..ade lah.." haiz~ susah betul nk elak eh? naseb baik tk ckp panjang..

niwei, it WAS awkward when mardhiah n her sister, qurratuaini, arrived at the bustop in front of chij katong.. yeah, i just dunno what to say to them..10-15 minutes later, adilah n afeyah sampai..oh good! i was relieved, all right..n typically, i sat in the middle: mardhiah n aini on my right, adilah n afeyah on my left..haiz~~ we all waited for haziqah.. you know, i tot she was supposed to be the first one to arrive, since she's the one taking us to the beach via a route that all of us dont know of..

biler haziqah ade, baru group kite lit up sikit.. actually, bila kt 'waiting camp' tu, me, haziqah n mardhiah were like a team..we hit it off, together :) but i think haziqah spices it up..

see their faces?? they look like long time friends...we all do! the fact that haziqah doesnt really know afeyah doesnt matter..that's how funny friendship is.. friendship expands.. from one person you know, then to the person you dont know quite well, then to the person you dont know at all..but finally, we're all connected in then name of get what i mean??

hehe..mcm girl band eh? tapi posing dgn basikal..not even close to look like munsyidaats kt beach! we were up on a watch tower before this picture was taken.. i like this picture very much!

you see, it's kind a relief that we were busy riding our bicycles from one point to another, coz it meant that we didnt have to talk much.. especially when i was riding beside aini..she's the quiet one..i dont mind that..coz i dont have to worry what to say to her..anyway, my legs started to protest when we were going back to find a place to rest..i wanted to stop paddling right that sometimes i slack behind..

it's supposed to be A candid picture??! but it ended up like they're looking at something and trying to look cool..aiya~ so much for a candid picture..we were on a jetty.. it's not a suitable spot to scream our lungs out..coz other people were fishing peacefully..n if we'd screamed, the fishes would've scrambled away! pity. the view was beautiful though..subhanallah~~ no rubbish on the waters.. just clear blue sea..n ahead we could see ships, dunno what kind of ships (my vocab isnt THAT good).. n clear sky..haaahhh~~ such a relaxing picture..wish i could set up a chair, the one which people use when they go to beaches..n a big umbrella to protect me from the sun.. oh well~~

that's me n haziqah. she's a bubbly girl, she is. likes to laugh.. i like her.. i just let her do the talking, but then again, i felt awkward to talk to her, face to face, tete-a-tete.. biler kt masjid selepas gi beach tu pon same.. she talked about her life..n i found out it wasnt "happy-happy"..yeah, look IS deceiving.. and im glad to be there, listening to her stories.. but i wasnt sure what n how to comment.. i think i said some things to make her feel better.. a few advices.. n words of hopes..but they sounded plain..n kind of not-from-the-heart, like.. as-a-matter-of-fact.. i just didnt know what to life isnt like hers.. hmmMmMmm..

now that's aini, sweet, no?? though she's a quiet person, i believe, i know that she gets along well with people.. and i believe she's brainy too, n mardhiah..just like their brother. she will be a fine lady.. n i do enjoy getting to know her.. =)

yang tk ikut kite: maisarah, ayu, kak hamimah n our faci, diyanah. well, two of them we didnt invite..wont tell you the reasons though, let's just sum them up: AWKWARDNESS. another one, we hadnt managed to contact. n another one, we invited, but i guess she's a bit 'clueless', coz we didnt get to tell her the meeting point n time..n we didnt have her hp number. we keep in touch via msn je..

ok, long enough. another story, another entry. bye now!