unhealthy living

that's what i've been doing since 4/5 days ago. unhealthy living. me.

most of the days since the holiday started, i stay home. doing what?, you ask. filling my stomach with many kinds of food, hibernating (it's an exaggeration!), deteriorating my eyes by watching tv/dvds/vcds n playing the net.

n today's one of the worst. i woke up ard 11 am. and slept again ard 1 something until 5 something. dang unhealthy huh? in between, when i was conscious, all i did was eat and read a fiction book.

after waking up ard 5 something pm, i took a bath (really soaked it man! the weather's kinda hot, n i was sticky with sweat), prayed (kena qadha' zohor ah..) n then...ate an early dinner. ergh! i want to eat chocolates actually, n i want van houten's! but there is none, sadly. mcm nk pegi kedai je! right this minute. but i have to fight, fight, fight this endless desire of mine! *shakes head*

anyway, yesterday i went to mks..murajaah ramai2 cum meeting. first time as 'ketua', since kak halimah tkde..so i take up her place. naib ketua?? im still undecided. i just dont know who to choose. i mean, if the decision-making is solely in my hand, then im clueless..but im thinking of asking everyone to vote.

it went well, i guess. ust sakinah even bought some food from kfc :) :) thanks! by the look of it, everyone was hungry. we also decided to go hiking together..yeah! pelajar banat tahfiz..pergi hiking..it'll be great!

ok, i better go now! actually i've a lot more things to say..tp computer buat problem..asyik stuck je...ape yg dah tulis semua hilang! tk ke frust dibuatnye?!