i've been working on the 'BlogItemTitle' thingy for like..more than 30 minutes! how hard can it be, you'd ask. well, the original template didnt have 'title' nor 'date', so i had to figure the correct html codes to get them right. what a tedious task indeed!
oh well, nevertheless, my blog looks ok. maybe someday i'll change the colours or something.. yeah, bright colours..like yellow, orange or lime...
did nothing much today, i spent most of the time on my bed, doing what else?? read, of course. "Izzy, willy-nilly" by Cynthia Voigt..i give it 3.5/5..it's just that, i had difficulty understanding some lines; had to repeat the sentences to finally get the point of what the writer's saying. but the content/theme is good: a 15-yr-old girl met an accident, her right leg amputated, n the changes she had to face. the reality that she couldnt avoid. her old friends were merely 'friends', but thankfully, she found a new friend, rosamunde webber, who's sooo not like her friends. n this rosamunde helped her face the challenges..
ok, so, i have nothing interesting to say. sorry. anyway, congrats to aszafirah n liyana rahaim for their successful admission into al-Maarif..i really hope they'll get to stay after the 'o' level results come out. *pray, pray, pray*
tomorrow's gonna be another ordinary day, i suppose. cant wait for 29 december, coz i'll be going to school..clean that place up for the last time as a student..*sigh*..yeah, im even thinking of volunteering at every event that the school gonna have..insha Allah..i'll be willing to clean the school if they ask me to!
31 december is just around the corner...n yet, i've not khatam-ed the Quran..bad girl, i am. always procrastinating. n my thfz mates are waiting for me to hear my 'last juz'.. i cant wait for that moment myself, but..oh well, forget about it!
by the way, click here for pictures of the hiking/trekking at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, 2112005

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