"cara menguatkan hafalan...... sebenarnya... orang yang menghafal quran.... tak
boleh buat maksiat... sebab ilmu tu cahaya.. cahaya Allah tu tak diberikan pada
orang-orang maksiat.. penting bagi orang yang menghafal al-Quran buat solat
taubah.... lazimkan..."
Di sini anda berpeluang untuk menikmati pelbagai hiburan alternatif, info
universiti, koleksi artikel seantero dunia, perbincangan ilmiah, video islamik,
tv streaming, politik, perubatan dan kesihatan, cinta dan remaja, dakwah dan
jemaah, nama-nama anak anda, soal-jawab ustaz, ...dan banyak lagi!!
1. i dont wear jeans
2. im usually insensitive to people's criticism. i welcome feedback, comments, even potentially hurtful ones. i understand that some people find it hard to be tactful.. so rather than let them test their sentence-building skills, i prefer to let people shoot whatever they want.
3. my all-time favourite.. ermm.. im not sure what you call it - 'food' is very general, 'snack' sounds like it's not healthy - let's just say, 'snack'.. k, my all-time fav snack is roti bakar. yupz! loooovvvvee it. sampai bila2 pon me takkan naik muak makan tu.. ok, klw tak paham, bahasa inggerisnya ialah 'kaya toast'. huu.. dari kecil ku makan makanan ni.. teringat dulu2, whenever i went to ang mo kio library, bila singgah kedai kopi dekat2 situ (yang ada kedai maria mariana or something).. mesti order roti bakar. cuma, nak komen: KENAPE ROTI BAKAR SEKARANG MAHAL NAH??!! $1 UNTUK 2 KEPING ROTI (aka 2 triangles - 2 roti square, then dipotong shape triangle) APE SEHHH!!! ni bermakna kan... me kenalah bikin roti bakar sendiri...
4. another all-time favourite snack of mine is.. milo sejuk + biskut. whee~~ me suke sangat.. klw dlm satu hari, makan tu dua tiga kali pon ok. tak makan nasi tapi makan tu je pon ok. again, ni dari zaman kecil2 dulu.. n selalunya, me cecah biskut yang square shape (hup seng ke.. jacob's ke.. tiger ke..). *sedap nye~~*
5. i dont wear make-up. foundation, bedak, lipgloss and whatnots.. tak reti uh.. nak pakai celak pon, keberatan. pernah dgr yang pakai celak ni sunnah.. tapi sejauh mana kebenarannya eh? klw ditunjukkan bukti yang sahih,baru me pakai kot.
6. i like instrumental songs. usually, kinda new age, or soundtracks, or some foreign language songs. oh.. klw nak cerita ttg music, lain post je ah. plus, im trying to reduce listening to songs - im progressing well, cuma kadang2 tu, still dgr lagu jugak~.
7. ms. grammar. when i check documents, i would usually look for grammatical n spelling errors. takes time! other than that, im very particular about standard format.. i mean, klw marginnya senget, tak sama, bla bla bla.. meticulous but kadang2 leceh.. but, i cant help myself sometimes. heh.
8. 1 eye is bigger than the other. im not talking about the diameter of my eyes. im talking about the appearance. oh ya, and i wear glasses - my vision is slowly deteriorating everyday.
9. the only educational magazine that interests me so far is national geographic magazine. although it's been a while since i read a copy. and.... i borrow them from libraries. i only own one copy. bought it with my own money. some time this year, i think. you know the feeling, when you were a kid, and you wanted a certain candy (or whatever stuff lah), it costed higher than the average and you didnt have money. and you waited (for a loOng time) til you had enough money. and finally, you succeeded in getting your first candy, using your own money? you know, that personal satisfaction? yeah.. that was how it felt when i managed to buy my first nat geo mag. it costs $7.50, i think.
10. i had wanted a bicycle. i still do. though i dont really see a point of having one. yelah, bukannya boleh bawak gi east coast park ke mane2 yang jauh to ride it. and maybe, one day i may leave singapore. so takkan nak bawak dlm aeroplane.
11. i keep stuff for memoirs.. yeah, well, maybe im sentimental? or nostalgic? when i had to 'bongkar' my almari and reorganise my stuff last ramadhan coz i got a new almari, i realised that i have many things (cant think of an example now), small and medium, papers, souvenirs..
12. and i tend to hold dear to my stuff.. such as my old school shoes, and my broken umbrella, or my alsg school bag, or my old notebooks, or my old watches.. i have this mentality 'haiz~ benda ni dah banyak berjasa sey'.. berat betul hati ni nak buang...
13. im not the eldest of my siblings. some people may think im anak sulung, coz of my character.. umm.. sebenarnya, me tak paham sgt ah kenapa orang boleh pikir that im the eldest. ok, so, im the 4th child. or in another way, im the 2nd child. tak paham? tak pe.
14. i dont eat food from fast-food restaurants, except for fries, drinks, apple slice (from McD's), apple/pineapple pies, McD's hotcakes. i dont mind if my friends decide to eat at those places, i'll just buy fries (although sometimes, i may have to suppress my hunger). why, you may ask? oh.. ceritanye mudah je. cuma.. kite tak nak share kat sini. if you ask medirectlypersonally then i may be able to explain it to you. but then again, maybe not. coz some opinions are best kept to self.
15. im a passive smoker.
16. i dont like missing the traffic light. you dont understand? it means, tertinggal traffic light... dah nak dekat lampu hijau, and yet im not near enough to cross.. err.. k, klw tak paham takpe.
17. a sweet tooth! chocolate, pastries, muffins, ice creams, desserts.. it's heaven! choices are limited, coz banyak nah yang tak halal. but im still thankful that there are chocolates and other sweet delights that i can eat and cake shops i can go to.. woo hoo~~
18. thriller films are ok, but horror (!!) films are a big NO-NO!! =S
she says:
u wanna knw wat motivate
analiy says:
she says:
whn i'm so tired of struggling
she says:
well ALLAH's love i used 2 aim for my dreams for my parent but sohow tt just not enough. n i do not feel tHey appreciate it
she says:
but whn i fight for HIM i knw indirectly n sohow i feel HIS present n motivation tt how or not i'll drop all n not fight anymore cz it's v tiring on my part
analiy says:
i dont understand your last sentence
she says:
well if i fight 4 anyone else beside HIM i'll give up. cz i'm v tired
she says:
i an emotionally n physically
analiy says:
analiy says:
analiy says:
thanks for sharing
analiy says:
what you shared kind of enlightened me...
analiy says:
she says:
n insY it help u through
analiy says:
she says:
cz i start getting fed up of skol until well i rember tt hope it help u cz i knw at the finisng line HE's waiting
analiy says:
analiy says:
yes, He's waiting
analiy says:
she says:
n of cz no suffering goes with HIM noticing
she says:
cz it show HE love us n pls remind tis whn i forget cz i do forget it
analiy says:
analiy says:
wah... dah besar satu2 kawan aku nih! aszafirah, kamaliah, mardhiah, kak hairani dan kak ummu.. masing2 kelihatan lebih matang.. ada juga yang cukup bergaya! hehe..
"awak nak buktikan kat saya kan.."
masya Allah.. tersentak aku bila mendengar ust mengungkapkan kata2 itu sewaktu bersalaman dengannya. terus aku menjadi sensitif.. aku hampir2 menitiskan airmata. Ya Tuhan.. terima kasih di atas peringatan ini.. ya, aku terlupa, bahawa aku telah menulis kata2 janji kepada guruku di dalam sebuah kad dulu.. hmm.. kad apa ya? kalau tak silap aku.. kad hari guru..
rasa terharu bersulam dengan rasa berat di hati.. terasa seolah2 aku tidak mampu untuk mengotakan janjiku.. Ya Tuhan.. berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk memikul amanah ini.. harapan guru2 serta ibubapaku..
huhu... kamaliah maintain muka ke pe...? =p it's great to see aszafirah, kamaliah and khadijah.. buat mel and dja, ana doakan persahabatan korang kukuh... moga takkan ada perang besar antara korang lagi. tapi yang pastinya, permusuhan yang dahulu kini berubah menjadi satu ikatan yang erat. alhamdulillah~ to me, that's one amazing miracle! Indahnya aturan Allah..! kak hairani, murni, 'adilah, kak ummu dan nafisah.
Murni, pengorbanan anti takkan sia-sia, insha Allah..
Tuhan, berikanlah kelapangan kepada rakanku itu.. kurniakanlah rezekiMu pada keluarganya.. amiin~ naqi muzaffar. 2 tahun. adik murni. aku suka mendengar suaranya.. comel! and he was a good boy the whole dayy..! ohh.. aku mendukungnya dari traffic light sampai rumah ust suhana. fuh~ berat..!! bila tengah solat tu, rasa sangat yang pergerakan lenganku dah jadi slowww.. must be the muscles. heh.
murni, nafisah, 'adilah dan kak ummu
di rumah ust kamsinah.. nak dekat pukul 11 malam - walau penat, masing2 masih mengukir senyuman..
buat seorang sahabatku: anti, ana faham yang anti dah penat, lantas tak sabar2 menunggu sesi 'fotografi' selesai. tapi, ana tak suka bila anti merungut tentang 'inefficiency' pemetik gambar tu.. anti kawan ana, and i care for you, my dear friend.. besar harapan ana untuk melihat anti bukan sahaja lebih baik dari segi penampilan, tapi juga akhlak. bila anti merungut sebegitu, ana terkejut sedikit.. coz that part of you is still there.
walau apa pun, ana tetap doakan yang terbaik buat anti =)
dear 'adilah, aszafirah, kak hairani, hazimah, kamaliah, khadijah, liyana, mardhiah, murni, nafisah, kak ummu...
thank you for the company.
kepada teman2 yang masih belum ku jumpa dan bertanya khabar,
im waiting for that day to arrive, let's wait together k? moga dipanjangkan umur.. and i want you guys to know that i'm missing you.. :'(
liyana, nick, daniel, darrel, andre, janice, yanning and gui wen
tiffany, nick, bryan sir, darrel, daniel
grace, janice, gui wen, pei yong, yanning
female group category:
believe it or not, there were only 3 teams competing in this category. TP, meridian JC and a group from a club.
we were the last team to go.. meridian JC team score quite well - 7.something. ok, so we lined up at the side of the mat, walked to our positions (the walking part, i screwed up too, my hand n leg movements werent the same as pei yong's and yanning's -.-"), bowed, and got ready in the start position (the command is 'JOONBE' [june-bee])
and then, something happened.
yanning and i heard the commander saying the pattern name. while pei yong heard him saying 'start'. so, she started to move. yanning was suprised. I, was shocked! yanning quickly recovered and followed pei yong, while I was stunned. it was like, my body refused to move, my mind said "guys~ we should restart!".. but then, i started my pattern, quite rushing (and thus, incomplete moves) since i wanted to catch up with pei yong and yanning. i could hear pei yong saying 'slow down'.. maybe to herself n yanning (so i can catch up) or to me (so i wont go rushing all the way).
man, it was disastrous!!!!!!!!!!! while i was doing the pattern, i remember thinking that "oh no~ our hopes just went down the drain~~"
but we ended the pattern quite in unison.
click here to see the video.
and the most unbelievable thing is, we won the 1st place!! bizarre~ bizarre~ we were only 0.2 points higher than mjc. err... that was what people say ah... but main point is, it was a really close shave.
yeah~ this is one event to remember, dear self! quite amazing.. and to really think about it, we dont deserve the 1st place. for me, this win doesnt reflect our hard work, rather, it shows how a miracle can happen in a quick flash. and fortunately for us, that miracle was on our side.
beside yanning is girlene, bryan sir's wife. they got gold for mixed pair category.
You scored as History/Anthropology/LiberalArts, You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in History, Anthropology, or related majors (e.g., African and African-American Studies, Chinese, Classics, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, French, Geography, German, Greek, Hebrew, International Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Women's Studies, or other Liberal Arts majors). It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it. Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
WHAT MAJOR IS RIGHT FOR YOU? created with QuizFarm.com |
some info that i found interesting/relevant for my own knowledge:
Your date of conception was on or about 9 March 1989 which was a Thursday.
*just so you know, my birthdate is not on 9 march 1989*
You were born on a Thursday
under the astrological sign Sagittarius.
Your Life path number is 5.
Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 3 & 9.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 8.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 4, 6, 11 & 22.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2447860.5.
The golden number for 1989 is 14.
The epact number for 1989 is 22.
The year 1989 was not a leap year.
Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 2/6/1989 and ending 1/26/1990.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Snake.
Your Native American Zodiac sign is Owl; your plant is Mistletoe.
You were born in the Egyptian month of Menchir, the second month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).
Your date of birth on the Hebrew calendar is 2 Kislev 5750.
Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 3 Kislev 5750.
The Mayan Calendar long count date of your birthday is which is
12 baktun 18 katun 16 tun 10 uinal 16 kin
The Hijra (Islamic Calendar) date of your birth is Thursday, 1 Jumadiyu'l-Avval 1410 (1410-5-1).
As of 6/6/2007 12:07:22 PM EDT
You are 17 years old.
You are 211 months old.
You are 914 weeks old.
You are 6,397 days old.
You are 153,540 hours old.
You are 9,212,407 minutes old.
You are 552,744,442 seconds old.
Celebrities who share your birthday: *i picked the names that i've heard of before*
Clay Aiken (1978)
Winston Churchill (1874)
Mark Twain (1835)
There are 177 days till your next birthday...
Your birthstone is Citrine
The Mystical properties of Citrine
Citrine is said to help one connect with Spirit.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Yellow Topaz, Pearl, Diamond
Your birth tree is
Ash Tree, the Ambition
Uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with its fate, can be egoistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over heart, but takes partnership very serious.
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