busy little bee *weeeeezzzz*

this year's holiday is a lot different than before. yeah... if you read my last year's entries, u'll notice that i kept saying something like, "i wasted my time" "boring" etc etc... the point is, my previous holidays were void of useful, meaningful, fruitful activities.

n now, here i am, in the middle of my semester break... around 1 month more to go before school reopens... *yawns...coz it'sbeen a loooong holiday already*

as the post title indicates..yes..im always busy.. my time is always filled...i go out almost everyday.

the only problem is, im always going here n there that i sometimes want to stop. n just sit at home, watch dvds. or go out with my family.

i go to school sometimes, for tkd trainings, ALP courses... then, there's tahfiz..though i shall admit, i seldom go to mks now. n im involved with not one, but 3 i events: ramadhan rocks, Minhah'06 iftar, collaboration between Nur Ikhwan n NYPMS, Nur Ikhwan's kg chai chee iftar.

i should show you my organizer - which i create myself, since islamic organizers were out of stock when i wanted to buy one... meetings take quite a lot of my time... n usually, when i go out, i go to 2/3 places on a particular day.say.... morning, tutoring.tghari/ptg, meeting ELF. mlm,meeting iftar NI/NYPMS...

n this october, i have 2 camps lined up. community service club sub-comm training camp n taekwondo camp.

another thing...some activities clash with other activities.... for example, ramadhan rocks and tutoring. SP iftar with CSC camp... *sighs loudly* it's just that...all these make me have to think of ways to change my tutoring time...or miss out on other activities...

sometimes things come up last minute and you have to arrange your schedule..where to go first.. what to do..

n let me say here: it reaaaaaaaaaaally good that i have a bus concession pass... it's definitely, undoubtly, clearly my financial lifesaver!

of course, i enjoy what im doing. holiday's been great. im not sure if you agree or not, but i dont always complain... hmmm... err... am i complaining now? coz if i am.. i'll just delete this post..

everything is energy- and time-consuming. while im ok with all these, my dad isnt. not really.. sometimes he questions if all these meetings are necessary... n all these involvements keeps me away from home, where im expected to do house chores, which my parents prefer me doing. heh.

but at the same time, im thankful that my parents support me. though maybe my dad is sometimes annoyed by my 'busi-ness'... he consents my going here, there.. so far he hasnt pressed the red stop button. when he does, i think i'll understand. my parents have usually given me green lights, so it's only fair that i obey their say.

on a happier note, this month i've gone out with my family twice. n my parents, once. did some shopping during these family trips..*smiling widelyyyyy* during these times, i didnt have to worry about where im rushing off to next.. coz the whole day was family day.. well, except for the day i went out with my parents ah... that night, i had to go to ramashan rocks meeting at saff-centre, kt bukit gombak..tu pon bila bangun dari tido, rase mcm malas nk keluar lagi!

kadang2 tu rase penat n nk duduk rumah a little bit overwhelming that i didnt go to tkd training...for example, last week! dua2 hari me tk pegi..tibe2 rase tampines tu jauh sgt!

oklah...........dah pukul 2.27 AM nie... hmmm.. dapat jugak me tulis 2 posts malam/pagi nie... walaupon mate dah agak berat nih!...

till here....