Human Anatomy and Physiology

simply said, it was easy! yeah~~ it's your typical secondary school biology. all you have to do is memorize the points and you'll be on your way to distinction!

i dont think i'll get Z. that's the alphabetical grade for Distinction. but i do hope i get an A or maybe B+.

i studied last minute giler sey! late at night and in da morning of the exam day. and i didnt touch the lecture notes, well, not totally ah..i did flip the endocrine system! did i? *cant remember*

so, yeah. i started on the super important facts. coz i knew super well that those would super definitely come out. and they did! hah!

then, i covered tutorial questions. then i scanned the lecture quiz and tutorial quizzes. MCQs, man! must pay attention... and yep. several familiar MCQs were there, in the exam paper!

boleh dikatakan, me bergantung pada 'luck' ah... i mean, i didnt really 'study'... so i was quite panic, yes. but at the same time, i had the feeling that what i had managed to cover was sufficient.

but i must say that some important concepts/mechanisms were not in da tutorial sheets, so you actually had to read the lecture notes too. for example, hemostasis. i didnt even remember what the lecture notes say... at first i was like, "'s not homeostasis..... hemo mean blood...stasis means balance.....balance of blood...what???....oh! blood clotting!" and all i remembered was 'coagulation'..coz Mr Loh kept mentioning that during lecture. tapi mcmane nk explain the process of blood clotting???? me tk ingat the steps!

alhamdulillah~~~....nasib baik sgt sbb me masih ingat the process, secondary school style. yep. i actually remembered, but no fully, the points from my sec bio textbook! yang ade:
platelets n damaged tissue----->thrombokinase,
prothrombin------(with the help of thrombokinase)---->thrombin, *this part me confused; samade prothrombin to thrombin, or otherwise*
fibrinogen----(with the help of thrombin)--->insoluble fibrin threads.
calcium is needed in the process (ntah, tk ingat kt which part yg perlukan calcium; i didnt even mention 'ion', coz i wasnt sure).

tk tahu lah klw the examiner boleh terima my answer. coz i think my answer tu tkde dlm lecture notes. there was no 'coagulation' anywhere in my answer.

bila start of exam time tu, me terus mintak dictionary (yep..boleh request a dictionary)... sbb nk cari makna hemostasis and deglutition. those terms tkde dlm dictionary..i had expected that... tgk jenis dictionary je dah was oxford i think, tp kecil punye.

at last, becoz ramai org tk tahu kedua2 terms tu, Mr Tang (he's my HAP tutor) beritahu maknenye.. oh~ rupe2nye, deglutition tu 'swallowing'...

kena explain the two phases of swallowing...phases ape sey??? wah~ nie me betul2 tk tahu... in my head, i was picturing the diagram in the HAP textbook..tgh cube2 ingat the captions below the me jawab je ah ape yg me cakap langsung pasal 2 phases.. i believe markah mesti kena potong... isk~ tkpelah...

overall, the paer was ok.. i was happy. =D