i need a massage. -_-"

yep. gimme some money n i'll make my way down to.....banyan tree?? or any other spa n massage centre in spore.

my feet hurt a lot, man! during TKD training, i kicked and kicked and kicked and kicked the target... the pain was... ergh!... and i was frustrated coz my kicking was wrong, wrong, WRONG! that's why i got the red markings!

n i still cant do the high kick! as a result, i kept hitting the wrong part of the target, which left my leg more painful!

n yesterday, when i woke up. my legs were like...sengal2?? stiff muscles..plus the blue-black on my feet (well, it's not blue-black, it's red. tapi bile tekan, sakit ar..) and i thought the blue-black parts were a bit swollen. plus, my back, shoulders, arms were aching...aiya~ mcm org tua lah pulak... padahal mase training tu involved kaki je... tapi mungkin sbb tido tk betul ar... that's why sane sini sengal2!


at least today badan dah tk sakit sgt...cume my right shoulder, kt tpt joint, bile tekan rase sakit.. tpkan...mcm best lah pulak rase sakit2 nie... suke nah tekan2... my feet plak...still red..but dah kurang rase sakitnye tu...

im not going to training today, coz ade usrah n iftar kt mks. good thing i had planned to go there... mcm rase tk best plak sbb absent for training..tp..ah! i need one week off~~~!