Organic Chemistry 1

for this paper... me belajar betul2! tp start lewat malam ar...lewat sekali... mase tgk project runway tu, notes kt sesekali je tgk...dah tu, sempat tgk OC!

this time, me belajar smpi pukul 4 lebih pagi. walaupun semacam ngantuk gitu, tapi semangat belajar tu yg buat me tk tido. me betul2 nak cover each and every page of the lecture notes... dah lah mase tu topic 2 and 3 a bit lapuk... so kena refresh ar... i went through the lecture notes plus tutorial... yep. bila belajar tu, rase mcm lembab nah me nak cover sesuatu perkare.. i was spending too much time on orbitals (end up keluar yg simple2 habis punye! but then, maybe i really wanted to make sure i understand for the sake of the knowledge..)..

i finally stopped at carboxylic acids... nmpknye topic 7 and 8 me cover dlm bus je pagi nanti... bila pikir2 balik, mcm nak habiskan semua, memandangkan lagi few hours nk subuh, so tk payah tido. tapi, me chose to tido, coz i needed the rest. *teringat plak time exam tafsir tahun lepas, langsung tk tido! n akibatnye, i was exhausted* alhamdulillah~ satu dua jam tido pon jadilah...

dlm bus, me went thru amines and chemical reactions mechanism. the latter is one of the few topics i enjoyed doing. another one, is writing the products of chemical reactions and synthetic routes.. wheee~ initially, susah jugak nk determine reaction ape nk gunekan dlm synthetic routes tu... dlm chemical reactionc plak, yg leceh ialah nk ingat the correct reagents, catalyst. ish! tapi, bila kite dah belajar nih.. dah faham, dah ingat sedikit sebanyak..baru rase seronok buat questions2 berkenaan.

me ade print examp paper lame. nampak mcm complicated ar... tapi, when i did my own exam paper, it was fine. the thing about organic chem is that, if you make a tiny wrong step, the whole thing is wrong. careless mistakes always happen. tu yg me worry! satu persatu soalan me cube buat betul2, bace questions, checked my answers.

ade tk questons yg me stuck??? hmmm...ntah eh..rasenye semua boleh buat...cume ade 2 questions yang me ade doubts... satu: suggest one laboratory procedure to distinguish two compounds. primary alcohol and secondary alcohol... so me gunekan oxidation method. but i wrote acidic potassium permanganate as the reagent/catalyst. so it was a bit tedious... coz kena explain how to know carbon dioxide is formed from the primary alcohol..

bila dah nk dekat habis paper - i was doing the 2nd last Q i think, or 3rd last - i came across 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine...ler then i tot, "i should've used sodium dichromate, not potassium permanganate...jadi the whole process is much shorter n easier!"

terpikir2 jugak, samade me nk cancel my initial answer or tkde maselah...lagipon, my answer was quite ok pe...

dua: draw the least stable newman projection. me dah selepas tu ade doubts... coz yg me draw tu rasenye is not the least stable...masih boleh buat dia lebih tk stable lagi... but that was 5 minutes before 12.30 (end of exam time)..pikir punye last time's me tk tukar... but then again, i had - and still have - a gut feeling that my answer was wrong. minus 2 marks then.

oh ya! there was a MCQ..least stable chair conformation for *trans-1,3-iforgottherestofthename*... ish~ musykil at last..i just follow what i thought was correct, logically.

ok, expectation for OC1?? hmm... my aim is quite A...coz i never failed my term test and the 3 lecture quizzes... tp.. maybe i'll get a B.. i guess im alright with that...insha Allah~

we'll see...

and thus...i've finished the seriesof my exam-time stories..

my classmates told me that the results are due next two weeks...


"Ya Allah~ kuatkanlah hati hambaMu ini...walau apa pun keputusannya nanti, tenangkanlah and teguhkanlah diri ini untuk menerimanya....Amiin"