le grand voyage~

i just watched the movie! at TP library..

im touched. a bit overwhelmed. it feels good!

not much dialogue.. but i think i got the message. plus, i just love listening to the conversation... french eh? moroccan arabic here and there? the sound is simply nice =)

bila part reda n his dad arrive at Mecca...n movie tu tunjukkan ramai org berjalan menuju masjidil haram...background sound "labbaikallahummu labbaik~~"...then, ade gmbr ramai org tgh solat... background sound "bacaan quran dr sudais"... haiz~ i was like, teary and overwhelmed....

bilakah aku akan menjejakkan kaki ke Makkah...?


im not sure how to explain this feeling of mine. but nvm, that's not important.

anyway, im satisfied with the movie. but i got one question: pelakon yg jadi Reda tu muslim ke tak? kalau bukan muslim, tkkn certain parts of the movie was filmed in Mecca??? how about the film crew??

oh! i am inspired with this part:

Why didn't you fly to Mecca? It's a lot simpler.
The Father: When the waters of the ocean rise to the heavens, they lose their bitterness to become pure again...
Reda: What?
The Father: The ocean waters evaporate as they rise to the clouds. And as they evaporate they become fresh. That's why it's better to go on your pilgrimage on foot than on horseback, better on horseback than by car, better by car than by boat, better by boat than by plane.

"The movie isn't sophisticated but is charming in its own way, a kind of National Geographic with soul."

- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361670/

"Le Grand Voyage is one of the few productions allowed to shoot in Mecca; the final images are breathtaking, as is a final cathartic exchange between father and son, which makes the rough trip leading up to this moment worth the wait. Almost."

- Ed Gonzales, Slant Magazine

" "If the film has a message" Ferroukhi declared, "then it's a message of tolerance." He explained that he set out to make "a universal film [that would reach] beyond culture and religion." Thus, the son learns to accept his father's religious ways, while the father learns that his son must follow his own path in life. "

- http://www.altfg.com/Reviews/grandvoyage.htm

excepts taken from an interview with nicholas cazale (Reda):
- http://www.legrandvoyage.co.uk/interview01.htm

How did you feel among the Mecca pilgrims?
I could feel both an extraordinary energy and love, as if I could really hear Islam's heart beat. You realize that this religion is made of love and care for the others. I am happy I took part in this movie because it shows Islam in a way that has nothing to do with the image the media convey.

Did you find out things you did not know about Islam?
Absolutely. Reading the Koran I notably realized that Islam is a very federative religion: the human being is the centre of things and care for the others is essential. It teaches love and not hatred as is too often heard. The texts say that if one is hurt, one can take revenge, but it is even better if one can forgive.