Winning is finishing the distance you set for yourself, however humble it might be. Speed is a gift your parents either gave you or couldn't give you. You had little to say about it, so the time you take to run your distance doesn't say much about your spirit. But endurance and persistence are qualities that are largely trained and learned. Finishing is a victory of strong spirit over weak flesh.
- few weeks back, there was an ijazah Syamail Muhammadiyah (it's a kitab describing Rasulullah 'alaihis salatu wassalam characteristics) at Jami' Salam somewhere near Jaubar, a city around 20 mins journey from Ruknuddin (the city my friends and me are currently staying in). Led by Syeikh Abul Huda Al-Ya'qubi -hafizahullah- , the event started at round 8:40pm and ended at almost 2 a.m.! no room to feel sleepy (although we all came after school) because Syeikh was reading the hadiths with endless enthusiasm, and from time to time, called out to the syabab below (the ladies were at the 2nd storey): "أين الصلاة على النبيّ؟؟" ("where's the salawat for our Prophet?"). so everytime the Prophet's name was mentioned, the jami' practically roared with salawat. Sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nah sgt!!! Terasa sampai ke lubuk hati…
!صلّوا على النبيّ
kite nak kongsi dengan korang semua perbualan antara kite dgn seorang ukhti kite pada Isnin lalu, 6 April 2009. sebab kite rasa info yang ada dalam perbualan ni sangat berguna buat kita semua, inshaAllah. best, kan, bila dapat ilmu baru? ^___^
me: assalamu'alaikum, ustazah
my senior: wa'alaikumuusalam
my senior: ye
me: hadith yang 'hasanun gharib' bahasa melayunya ape?
my senior: hasan gharib
me: klw bahasa inggeris?
my senior: hsan gharib juga
my senior: heheh
me: gharib tu maknanya ape?
my senior: istilah itu tidak diterjemahkan
me: ooohh
my senior: mana dapat istilah ni
me: coz ana tgh cari2 hadith yang suitable untuk tema 'ambassadorship' ... then, klw boleh nak gunekan hadith ni
me: untuk diberi pada facilitator kem
my senior: ana bimbnag hadithnya ada sedikit masalah
me: oh?
me: jadi klw ade hadith2 yang 'hasan gharib', lebih baik jgn gunekan is it?
my senior: no\
my senior: tidak juga
my senior: liyan kena tahu
my senior: istilah hasan gharib adalah istilah yang digunakan oleh imam al- Tirmidi dalam kitab sunannnya
my senior: ianya merupakan salah satu metod beliau dalam menyatakan hadith2 dalam kitabnya
my senior: hasan gharib di sisi
my senior: aimam al- tirmidhi bermaksud
my senior: hadith yang melengkapi syarat2 hadith sahih
me: okaaaay
me: hmmmm
my senior: tapi..klau nak guna
my senior: tidak ada masalah
my senior: cuma kena pastikan ada tak dalam kitab2 lain hadith tersebut
my senior: kalau ada dalam bukhari muslim
my senior: tak de masalah
my senior: *smiley*
me: ana ade check kat hadith tu ada dalam 'mustadrik alassohihain', 'sunan tirmidhi', 'sunan darimi' dan 'musnad imam ahmad'
my senior: ok
my senior:
my senior: ana dah takhrij
my senior: ok lah tu
my senior: boleh guna
my senior: kat web tu..ada beri martabt hadith nya di sisi ulamk2 yang lain
me: waaaaaaaaaaahhhh
my senior: ?
me: tak sangka ade kemudahan camni
me: *big smiley*
my senior: ehhehe
me: *jakun jap*
my senior: kalau nak tahu martabat hadith le check kat web site tu k?
my senior: *smiley*
me: okay!
me: nak kata ni first time ana cari2 hadith
me: pusing2 kat, ,
me: haiz~
me: susah jugak eh
my senior: hmmm..hadith mmg susah
my senior: heheh
me: i mean, klw nak gunakan hadith ni untuk penulisan ke ape ke.. tak leh main2
my senior: *smiley*
my senior: tahniah
my senior: kerana peka ttg hal ini
my senior: barakallahu fik
me: syukran ustazah = )
me: dan maaf sebab ganggu ust time sibuk2 ni
my senior: cuma kaedah basic nya
my senior: bila jumpa satu hadith selain bukhari muslim
my senior: perlu disahkan
my senior: statusnya
my senior: dan jika sekiranya ianya dhaif
my senior: tidak bermakna ianya dhaif secara mutlak
my senior: sesebuah hadith dhaif
my senior: boleh naik tarafnya kepad hasan dan sahih
my senior: jika sekiranya ada sokongan dari pelbagai jalur periwayatan hadith yang lain
my senior: itu je...mgkn sebagai pendahuluan
my senior: *smiley*
me: syukran sgt2!
my senior: dan tak ganggu pun
my senior: ini kan amanah
my senior: *wink*
me: ohh... lastly,
me: klw ade 'rijaaluhu thiqah'
me: boleh digunakan jugak kan?
my senior: boleh
me: ana dah gunakan website yang ust bagi tu
me: heeeee
me: k best!
my senior: maknanya
my senior: periwayat hadithyan thiqah
my senior: kalau periwayat hadithnya thiqah...maknanya
my senior: tiada masalah
my senior: *smiley*
me: hmmm
me: lagi satu soalan
me: imam tirmidhi ade gelaran tak?
my senior: gealaran?
my senior: maksudnya?
Al-Agharr al-Muzani who was from amongst the Companions of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) reported that Ibn 'Umar stated to him that Allah's Messenger (may peace 'be upon him) said: O people, seek repentance from Allah. Verily, I seek repentance from Him a hundred times a day.
Ya Allah.. Jadikanlah kami anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah buat ibubapa kami.
Semoga apa yang kami lakukan disenangi dan direstui mereka.
Assalaamua'laikum wr wb
Beloved brothers and sisters,
Would like to say a big syukran jazeelan to one and all for your dedicated resolve and sacrificing spirit today!
May you be duly rewarded indeed. Barakallahu fikum!
As of 2200 hours today, the operation ended with 218 donations all accounted for and safely transferred over to Certis Cisco for processing. Insya Allah we will have full knowledge on the amount of proceeds on Friday.
Meanwhile, the donation drive also saw the activation of 400 activists, youth and volunteers who came from all walks of life to help in this cause, muslim and non-muslim alike.
This is an interesting number, and I think affirms that with a collective effort and driven activists, the road to igniting others into activism and perhaps, just perhaps fabrics or early steps towards social (re)construction is indeed possible.
Also, I sincerely hope that this network of activist will be binded further together thus being able to create bigger change into the society in the future. Doesn't matter what platform(s) we ride on but simply with a common fikrah or ideals and principles hence functioning in a collectivism that manifest into some impact and, yes, change.
Let's be a part of this wave of activism!
Thank you again and Hayakumullah ...
Give all that you've got.
But if you can't -
More importantly,
Never stop giving.. never.
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