before i forget!

i got 12 mistakes for my balaghah paper...bukan 15 or more..alhamdulillah! n english? i got 34/50..orite ah least it's better than my ever-worst malay marks.. :)

n i got a nine-letter word, with a capital C, in my result was quite ok..setakat naik satu percent je drpd percentage CA1..but overall, it's definitely a no-no to me! i really want that SC..n not just a SC but a much higher percentage!!! i crave for that!!!

the june's holiday is here..n i still havent drew up my daily timetable..looks like my duties n chores are getting jumbled up! i better get organized before they get out of hands!

hmmm...i finally found a way to connect with THE ONE/you-know-who (voldemort???)...but i dont think things are the same as moving on..

khadijah was the one who gave me the testi in class...i have a lot to say about that words of yours, dijah! im not angry or pissed, believe me.