a lesson learnt...

...really?? have i finally learnt the lesson n vowed not to repeat the same mistake that would jeopardize my image??? hmmmm...let's see...

date n day: 28 may 2005, saturday
event: arabic class, n after that qiyamullail 2005
venue: madrasah alsagoff al-arabiah
the story:...

kelas ust mohd 20 lebih org je yg dtg...yg lain samade tak tau langsung ade kelas, or they just simply ignored it! oh well..biarlah..back to the story: kelas habes pukul 10 pg...nk kene tunggu lagi 2 jam b4 the qiyam started. so, ape yg kite2 buat?
kite semue keluar drpd sekolah, except huda ayob. bagus huda ayob..pelajar contoh!.. si dijah n the gang mmg dah plan nk gi a.b. mohd dekat2 mustafa centre...ade yg ikut ishatun hantar brg..ade yg gi hajah maimunah..ade yg balik rumah, ade yg beli sketchbook..n ade gi indulge patisserie >> n who wud that be? me lah of course! mase tu terpikir nk rase kek/pastry yg ade kt situ...

me n 2 other accomplice balik dulu..mase keluar tu, me tk sangke pulak yg sekali satu kelas keluar! biler smpi kelas balik..bilik kosong!..haa! mesti krg tanye: tk kene tangkap ke? yelah, kite keluar selamba, masuk pon selambe! hmm..mase tu guru2 tgh meeting kt ava room..yg nampak pon cume bebudak sec 1 yg semmgnye bukanlah decent sgt! beberape minit kemudian, aishah kasim n her gang plus adilah balik...so kite pon lepak lah dlm kelas berbual2...

you know, it's really really fortunate that i didnt follow khadijah..

then pukul 11 lebih...mase tu me baru habes meeting dgn rakan2 sejawatan...one of my friends yg dah balik (ishatun dah balik dah!) told me that ust zauwiah dpt tau yg khadijah keluar!! n she demanded that khadijah jumpe dier secepat mungkin..she also asked: yang lain mane?! uh-oh! i tot, oh no! we're finished! tp cepat2 kite plan yg si khadijah setakat gi banquet je..n ramai yg ikut ishatun gi hantar barang kt mak dier lepas tu gi rumah khairun (the last part is not true!)..tp masalahnye, si khairun merayap, so klw dier talipon mak dier suro sepakat - mane lah tau ust zauwiah talipon?! - nnti mak dier marah plak, coz maknye tk tau yg dier gi merayap!so, ishatun gi try contact aszafirah...oh! dier bwk hp rupenye! naseb baik lah aku baik hati tk rampas..! hehehe..(tp, aszafirah kate dier tk bawak..oh well~)plus, ust tanye pasal khadijah je, so klw dier sorang kene panggil, kite diam2 je ah...cume, mintak2 dier tk ckp pasal kite semue..

i sat in the class..thinking..what am i going to say to the discipline mistress (ust zauwiah lah tu)..?! it's obvious that semue keluar n that includes me..! me! hmmm...mase keluar tu, me tk pon rase guilty..coz, setakat gi kedai kek dkt2 sekolah..lapar pe(padahal ard 8 something - b4 class - me dah makan nasi!)..tp what really hit me most is the fact that i didnt do my duty..that is, halang diorang from going out! what a gd, loyal, muraqibah huh? it's not really a feeling of "biler buat tk pikir, dah buat baru nk takut!"..no, it's not! i've been expecting-since the day i got selected-yang badge tu akn ditarik suatu hari nanti...im still counting the days..anyway, my head keep saying: qulil haqqa walaw kaana murran..

dlm pukul 12 gitu khadijah n the gang balik...naik teksi...berite disampaikan...well, some of us thought budak sec 1 yg leak cerite..sbb ust ade sebut 'informer'..so, immediately, dlm kepale terpikir budak sec 1..mule lah some of us tk tentu pasal marah2 sec 1, indirectly ar..but not me ok! i was being neutral..tk kisah lah sape bilang, yg penting kite dah di 'berkas'..if im not mistaken, some of us advised khadijah supaye stay low profile...selagi ust tk panggil, selagi tu diam2 je... tp, after register name, khadijah kene panggil..

ish! cerite nie panjang nah! penat me type!

khadijah told me ust zauwiah bwk dier gi pejabat...ust katijah marah habes! n so, khadijah ckp bukan dier sorang je keluar..yelah, it wud be sooo unfair if she's the only who got scolded n kite2 terlepas begitu sahaje..i dont blame her..kesian jugak kene marah sorang2...so, sebagai hukuman..kite kene berkumpul kt ava room mase rehat...tk mkn lah kite ye?..tp yg belen2 yg tk dtg kelas tu tk kene panggil ar..even though ust katijah marah jugak coz ramai sgt pelajar yg tk dtg!

hmmm...the qiyam...it was a bad start...suddenly, im moodless..i felt no joy, seriously!...sape2 yg perasan muke ana mase tu tau lah..tk tentu pasal sedih giler sey...memikirkan yg ana gagal untuk melakukn satu tugas yg cukup mudah... i should've berpendirian teguh...tk mudah terpengaruh dgn nafsu sendiri... i should've stuck to the rules..n i thought...me tk layak nk jd muraqibah..coz i just couldn't do it...i know, being a muraqibah will teach me to be more disciplined..but i have to sacrifice the fun n mischief of being a 16 yr old student

ok lah i think i'll here for now..dah penat ar... the next episod >> lagi drama!