well, i didnt expect, or more specifically - had high hopes, that i would get to buy things that i wanted..
it was ok i guess..beli makanan tu mmg ah! (WANTAN is my favourite!!)..dpt beli puzzle..500 pieces..for only 2 dollars! i bought more stockings - ke stokings for school (ehem! ehem!)..kt situ ade byk long pants..tp untuk lelaki...ish~..but i bought one..tklah labuh sgt!
but what made me happy...was i got to buy a keychain! (i like to collect keychains..) not the usual write-your-name-on-the-keychain keychain..tp..hmm, camne nk describe eh? nvm, i have the picture here..
kedai tu simple je, tk mcm kedai pon...just a display table, a workman's table..gitu2 je ah..me tgk org yg buat tu..i tot, bagus lah..buat keje dgn tekun.. klw bikin business nie dgn baik..insha allah..rezeki ade.." n "bagus lah org nie ade kemahiran dan dier gunekan kamahiran tu dgn care yg baik.."...
so, bikin my name, my sis's n my bro's..nasib baik name kite tk lebih dr 7 perkataan..so, each keychain costs $5.00..lame kene tunggu..sementare tu, me belilah mknn2 yg patut!...but when i got my keychain..i was disappointed! really disappointed! WHY?? sbb org tu salah eja my name...isk~isk~..i know, i know, mayb some of you out there think that it's no big deal..salah eja, tp still pronunciation same pe..but im quite sensitive about my name...baik dlm bahase rumi atau arab..salah letter ke tertgl letter ke...me tk terime!
hmmm...i tried to be 'redha'..n im still trying...as im writing this, my disappointment dah subside..but not fully...oh well...nvm..nvm.. people make mistakes..n this person did..even though i wrote my name clearly on his notebook.

see what's wrong with it??
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