books..books..n more books!

i've never been to borders..kt orchard kn tu?? kinokuniya yg kt bugis pon, the first time i went there,a few yrs ago, setakat beberape minit je..mph kt citylink tu..belum pernah jejak...alahai..

so, my only refuge (is my word usage right?) is the popular bookstore.

biler balik dari esplanade td, singgah kt popular jap. tgk buku2 yg ade..haiz~ klw lah me ade duit..mcm nk beli 4 5 buku sekaligus! i browsed at the english fiction n non fiction section..but im more interested in motivational books..cant remember the books' titles right now..seriously, angan2 klw dah kerje, tiap2 bulan beli 1 atau 2 pon me nmpk buku pasal paper art n origami..mcm best gitu!

ckp pasal buku n bhs inggeris..pagi td me bace section buku kt suratkhabar semalam (if im not mistaken)..dlm ruangan tu ade ckp pasal care2 untuk improve bahase melayu..dgn care membace novel melayu..ataupun antologi cerpen...hmmm ye tk rase dah tibe masenye me 'diversify' bahan bacaan yg me bace selalu..lebih2 lagi yg berkaitan dgn bahase melayu..selame sungguh tk minat nk bace ape2 buku/majalah bahase melayu.. ntah eh..tajuk2 yg ade semue boring2.. they dont meet my interests.. (dont ask me what my interests are!)..

my classmates pon..belambak yg minat bace novel cinta aje! ish~ seriously, mcmane nk maju?! hah? hah? cube ckp?! n so, biler me pegi library nanti..i'll try to borrow books by penulis2 melayu kite, tp bukan novel cintan-cintun! no way, man!.. *smiles*

b4 i end this entry..i'd like to give you a suggestion: if you want to give me something for my birthday..give me a book. you'll make my day! but, if you dont want, it's ok..van houten chocolates will do.. or masam-masin (or isit asam-sin?? or asam??) or a cheap wristwatch.. :) or better, a ticket (to n fro) to perth..coz i want to visit my friend there! hehe..