it's's's weird!

lots of things amaze me...when i think about them.

the early civilisation..when i read about the homo sapien..home erectus..homo habilis (duh! whatever the evolutionists say!)..n the homo sapien sapien (that is, our forefathers)..i imagine them wearing animal know..stone age people.. then when i combined what i read about nabi adam n those early people...i thought..hey! could it be possible?? i mean, i imagine zaman nabi adam org pakai baju mcm stone age people tu..their early technologies..then the dinasours..n the most interesting thing is..islam dah wujud?! haa! what do you think of that? ust suhana said something like, 'zaman nabi adam mcm gitu lah! tkkn diorang nk pakai baju mcm kite?! mungkin dinasour dulu bg diorang kecik2..yelah, org dahulu kale kn BESAR!' ye tk ye eh! sekarang kite anggap gajah, harimau, pola bear tu mcm biase..then 100 thn akan dtg, entah2 manusia akn jd lebih kecik..n binatang2 nie pulak yg jd dinasour!

when im in the bus..i look at the's amazing how an ordinary man, who is ignorant, may look at it as if it's just an ordinary living organism..not realising that trees, even a leaf, have complex mechanism going on in it..n that's how i see a tree, now that i've learned about photosynthesis, the transport system in a changes my perception abt this green being, you's not that i want to brag "im now very knowledgeable!"'s more like, with this knowledge, i appreciate more of Allah's creation..

it's good being an observer, you'll be suprised at what you'll see..hmm..human behaviour..sometimes it's weird but thing's work..our own body..the never-ending's just soooo bizarre when you just think of it! the key question is why? why? WHY?

it's really a good thing i learn science..seriously..n talk about science..i've just remembered about math. you know what's amazing? it's the fact that how mathematicians long long long time ago discovered new formulae, new equations, new dimensions or solved tricky questions..oh man! what a genius! i really salute them! i just hope there's no record of any mathematician who died while cracking his head on how to solve an unknown number!

anyway, i've never heard of women mathematicians before, have you?