SORRY, people!!!

ok, i'll make this quick...i just wanna say sorry for not updating this blog for a loooong time..why sorry? well, maybe there are bloghoppers out there who want to know the 'continuation' of the life of nlnm_k`u_jee...anyway, A LOT has happened since i last update this blog...i just dont have the time to type it up...moreover, my comp rosak...i dunno when it'll be alive again... hmm.. i got to go now, skrg nie kt library tampines..lps nie nk gi polar cake shop @ TM plak (yum!)... ok people, bye! last but not least, SELAMAT HARI RAYE!!!

the time has come..jeng*jeng*

nggak ada apa2, actually. cume hari nie dah start CA2..haiz~~ baru berape bulan azam aku buat jugak! resolution ape nih?! nvm..alhamdulillah..paper td senang..biase ah..ust yaakob ajar..tauhid..but, BUT.. me tk dpt full marks *sad*..i think im going to get 52-55 for this aiming to score 90% overall utk CA2 tgk ah camne..dah lah hafal last minute - n i mean last..minute! - masuk dlm otak pon temporary..klw ingat lucky ah..moreover, i dunno what's going to happen to me in the next 9 days..harap2 sihat ah..jd mood blajar tu tetap ade..amiin..

ok ah, i think that's byk cerite ah..sowie..i noe this page's a bit boring lately..i just cudn't find the time to retell the stories of the day..

pantang larang...alahai~~

nur aisyah hantar me this email on monday 160804...*nice* berfaedah jugak ah...sedar tk sedar, kitwe buat bende2 cam gini..btw klw krg nk copy from here, boleh ah...then pass to other people,ok?? jd org lain pon dpt jgk ilmu nih! hehe.. ;p

Dalam Kitab Al- Baqarah Fii fadl Lis Sa'yiwal Harokah yang di susun oleh Abi Abdillah Muhammad Bin Abdulrahman Al Habsyi telah diterangkan perkara - perkara yang mempunyai hubung kait dengan kesusahan seseorang. Iaitu..

* Tidak Solat
* Bila hendak makan tidak membaca Bismillah
* Makan di atas pinggan yang terbalik
* Memakai kasut memulakan dengan sebelah kiri
* Menganggap ringan apa - apa yang terjatuh dalam hidangan makanan
* Berwuduk di tempat membuang air besar atau kecil
* Suka bersandar pada pintu rumah
* Suka duduk di atas tangga
* Membiasakan diri membasuh tangan dalam pinggan selepas makan
* Membasuh tangan dengan tanah @ tepung
* Tidak membersih rumah
* Membuang atau menyapu sampah dengan kain
* Suka membersih rumah pada waktu malam
* Suka tidur atas muka
* Membakar kulit bawang
* Menjahit baju yang sedang dipakai
* Mengesat muka dengan baju
* Berdiri dengan bercekak pinggang
* Tidur tidak pakai baju
* Makan sebelum mandi junub ( mandi hadas )
* Tergesa - gesa keluar masjid selepas sembahyang ( subuh )
* Matahari belum terbit sudah pergi ke pasar
* Lambat pulang dari pasar
* Berdoa hal yang tidak baik
* Tidak menutup makanan yang dihidangkan
* Suka memadam lampu minyak tanah atau lilin dengan nafas
* Membuang kutu kepala dalam keadaan hidup
* Membasuh kaki dengan tangan kanan
* Suka kencing pada air yang mengalir
* Memakai seluar sambil berdiri
* Mandi junub di tempat buang air atau najis
* Makan dengan menggunakan dua jari
* Berjalan antara dua kambing
* Berjalan antara dua LELAKI
* Suka meletakkan jari tangan di atas bahagian lutut
* Meletakkan tapak tangan di hidung
* Suka menggigit kuku
* Suka mendedahkan aurat di bawah sinar matahari @ bulan
* Mengadap kiblat ketika buang air
* Menguap ketika solat
* Meludah di tempat buang air

Letters Of Words

i received the email below from kak Nitty Murni (u noe her? :>) on Sunday, 150804... she was one of the camp facilitators at alsagoff/prisma camp@sentosa in 2001, still young, me that is, in primary 6..the camp wasnt a pleasant n memorable adventure for me..but it's okay, i guess..

The Word of Islam ?

The Most Selfish One-Letter Word
Avoid It
(Surah Al Kahf 18:34)

The Most Satisfying Two-Letter Word
Use It
Surah Al An'am 6:71-72

The Most Poisonous Three-Letter Word
Kill It
Surah Al Qasas 28:78

The Most Used Four-Letter Word
Value It
(Surah Al Rum 30:21)

The Most Pleasing Five Letter Word
Keep It
(Surah Al Najm 53:43)

The Fastest Spreading Six-Letter Word
Ignore It
(Surah Al Hujurat 49:12)

The Hardest Working Seven Letter Word
Achieve It
(Surah Al Nur 24:37-38)

The Most Enviable Eight-Letter Word
Distance It
(Surah Yusuf 12:8-9)

The Most Powerful Nine-Letter Word
Acquire It
(of Allah & the Holy Qu'ran) Surah Ya Sin 36:2
Surah Yusuf 12:2

The Most Essential Ten-Letter Word
Trust It
(Trust in Allah's Guidance)
Surah Yunus 10: 9
Surah Al Tawbah 9:51

oh no!! CA dah dekat!! tidakkk!!'s been days since my last just not in the mood to write about the days ive been through..nothing special or bizarre..since national celebration tu...hah! about tu pon me malas nk ceritekn..! summary: GREAT DAY!

niwei..have i told you about the essay comp @ alarabiah?? i got the consolidation prize..sedih jgk ah..of course, ive been expecting to get my essay content was totally out! but, the sixth n last place??! haiz~ mmg lah diorang tk sebut periodically (???) tp mcm obvious gitu ah..alahai! gasak ah..wateva!

pasal CA2 plak...seram~seram~..i hope i manage to make it through always *it's easier said than done*

what a day TODAY was!! (huh??)

i have a confession to make: sometimes i HATE ust ratna, i HATE the way my school is, i HATE my friends, i HATE my responsibility - present n future, i HATE prisma, i HATE the members, i HATE the fact that my plans dont work, i HATE the feeling of embarrassment n giving up..bcoz of the neglected n rejected plans, i HATE my family, i HATE myself, i HATE my life..but then, i must not hate these things..i must accept a good girl..learn to like, love, cope, with these things..bla..bla..bla..

i was at my worst today..i've been a bit sensitive lately..on everage, i cry every 8 or 9 small factor can make me all tense up..stressed..tired..mind blurred..cry..n the factor isnt A factor anymore..lots of things n thoughts, being kept at the back of my head, jump out again..jumbled together..making me more frustrated n confused..i just want it to stop..all the tired of thinking.. a lot of thinking..too, today's catalyst was the prisma's so-called proposal to do an activity for the 'loiterers' n 'extras' at the national day celebration-cum-sports day was rejected..i guess it was a bit fine to me..but the one that hit me most.......i cant explain..i dunno how to explain..not sure..u might get the wrong idea..or I might give the wrong's in my head..but it refuses to come out..dunno..dunno..dunno..hah! another thing that makes my tears swell up (???) is when i cannot let my thoughts n feelings out while the space in my head, mind, heart has become sooo tight, airless..n yet i cannot exhale the, that's why i wont tell people my dilemmas n deep thoughts, even if i have many of them..coz i cannot explain it through words..

the story is too long..perhaps some of you might've seen my eyes at school around 2 alright..but..have i told you that im sick in the head??

i did make it..ho.ho. :|

ok, so... i won..yeah! wow! bravo! duh, as if i care! the problem is..just like the quiz..i dont feel the excitement of winning! i shouldve been proud..but im not..mayb i deserve the cup..since i stood out (or stuck out??) from everybody else..but to me..i shouldve performed better.. i thank Allah though.. of course, me terharu.. thank You, Allah.. for giving me the chance to win again..thank you... la'in syakartum la aziidannakum.. grateful.. for it couldve been worst..!
hmm..the competition was a bit tight though..pelajar maarif tu bagus! lancar..isi ade..mayb intonasi suara, gaye kurang sikit ar.. mwti pon best! eye-contact n gaye tk cukup...aljunied?? haiz~~ tok sah ckp... me ingatkn cikgu amini trained dier betul2, yelah, thn lepas, pelajarnye MENGARUT!...thn nie, walad aljunied tu siap pakai school dah seram! tp biler naik first impression went down the drain..whoosh!..tgk nota, teragak2, gaye kurang..eventually, he got the 6th the way, it wasnt a BIG victory, i got 87, almaarifan 85, mwti 82/83..punye lah dekat! narrow escape ah..i think that was one of the reason i didnt feel great about my winning the competition..another factor is that me tk lancar sgt, there were about 2/3/4 times where i forgot my that point..i already assumed that i blow it...but the rest of my speech... orite ah..i think my strength is the way i express my thoughts/speech..penuh gaye gitu good at that, i guess :)

today's the DAY

but honestly, im not really excited or whatsoever..i just hope i can make school is depending on me...urgh!'s the lack of practice i i dont have much confidence..n i have to set my thing is certain though, i have stomach cramps n my heart 'kecut' n beats very fast that i think it wud burst any minute...everytime i think about the competition..another 6-7 hours to the way, if u're totally clueless about what im talking's the syarahan inter-mad competition @ alsagoff sempena maulidur rasul..haiz...
wish me luck!, wait! i dont need that..coz people wishing me luck doesnt make any difference to might motivate me more as the people show me their support..but then, no! it kinda stresses me out..the hope..the burden..most importantly, i think, it's up to the individual to do the best..tkkn wishes of luck boleh automatically help...confidence matters, whatever people say...

tale told

i wrote the account below in the mrt.. monday 130704 1700H

lepas satu, satu! dah satu, dua! lepas two, tige! haiz~ mcmanelah aku nak hidup!!! klw hidup pun asyik rush aje! you know wat i mean?

yelah, thn nih mcm2 bende ana masuk! first, bahas then prdn current affair & bahase...dah tu kuiz ste...lepas nih essay writing..muke aku lagik!!! argh! mintak2 lah peraduan syarahan @ alsagoff i wont be selected. PENAT ah! org nk relax pon susah!haiz~ pelajar2 lain pon, nnti ape plak diorang kate! ye tk?? lepas tu, tahun dpn klw tkde aral..kuiz STE 2005 kelibat aku lagi, mungkin jgk bahas PBH2005!

i dunno man..klw bagus tk pe jgk! masalahnye, im not THAT GOOD! im not what most people think i am..! bahas me blabbered, yg kuiz c.a.&bahase tu soalan2nye it didnt really test my ability! kuiz STE..I DIDNT DO A DAMN THING!!! i just sat there..supporting my when we won..i feel that i dont deserve it..mcm tk fair gitu i got the plaque, money n attention when i only contributed 6-8 marks! dah lah tk blajar! so the SATISFACTION's not there! aaah! tk tau ah camne nk ckp lgk! dont u people understand???!!!

ESSAY-WRITING COMP???!! yeah, right! as if i could pen my lousy ideas into sensible sentences within 1 1/2 or 2 hours! it's IMPOSSIBLE! even if i manage to do it, it'll be a boring n content-less one! i've had my experiences!

BUT WHY DO THEY CHOOSE ME??! i feel so inferior rite powerless..feel like a hyprocite.. making people believe that i'm the clever one when im 10000 mile far from that fact!... as not good not the brilliant n genius one as they just a drop of water molecule in an ocean of more intelligent n superior community! im so dumb, ignorant, compared to ri, rgs, and other students out there, who get straight A's, who made a difference to their people, who get first class honours in their ceritificates, who cud contribute creative ideas, innovative, productive, who are aware of their surroundings n the big world!

on the contrary, im just a lazy girl, SLEEPYHEAD, so-called excellent student @ MAA, using up my energy for things that dont really matter, taking The GIFT for granted! n my marks are just 85%..!

haaaaiii..dah ah, me stop sini je..a'kum!

signing off, liyana @ 5:23pm

what a confession, huh?! n did i tell u: im sick in the head?

saturday 170704

i was out from 7-something am to 12:20 am....n i was sooooo tired!!!!! wonder what the heck i did n where i went??? LONG STORY... i shall tell u the simpler facts...

pagi: gi wak tanjong, ade musabaqah tahfiz kt sane..actually i wasnt the dtg je..nk ambik gmbr ah konon..lgpon byk gak mmbrs kt sane.. alsagoff dpt saguhati je.. suhaila watib n sukainah.. tk pe ah.. byk gak yg masuk tu bebudak tahfiz.. either represent sekolah or pusat tahfiz.. kk halimah n kk izzah dpt 1st n 2nd respectively dlm category C.. kk mardhiah wakil mwti dpt first, satu walad (mane ntah?!) wakil pusat tahfiz dpt 2nd in category B - suhaila masuk kt group tu jgk. category A..ntah tk ingat...

tghari skit: dr mwti terus gi mjd alkaff kg melayu @ bedok reservoir.. me masuk prdn sajak kt sane..w/ 4 more schmates.. kesian gak tgk majlis tu..mcm pathetic gitu..bukan ape madrasah sepenuh mase yg masuk cume als je.. the rest 2 dr mjd ansar, 1 (in a group) dr mjd alkaff sndiri... the theme is RASULULLAH INSAN PILIHAN.. i made my poem the night b4 saturday..tu pon tk mase kt waktan, kelam kabut refinish sajak klw kite menghayati..sng ah nk hafal..but when i went up the stage..i forgot 70% of my line..abes tonggang terbalik! but u noe what??? me JOHAN.. sungguh tk sangke.. alsagoffians yg lain dpt saguhati.. REALLY MAN! i was ready for my name to be called as the saguhati winner..of course i would be VERY disappointed..i recited my peom badly, so i expected the worst!...happy tu happy ah :) alhamdulillah peeks

ptg: dr mjd alkaff terus gi sekolah...waduh!! habes duit ezlink aku! nmpk sir kamar kt carpark...earlier die pon ade kt mjd..ish~ sir gi ckp congratulation kuat2! so ade gak ah bebudak yg nmpk trophy tu.. kelam kabut me gi office..met with ust kamsinah n cikgu katijah n ust faridah...semue HAPPY! ari tu sume me sorang je mng something yg boleh dibanggekan...but u know what??? I FEEL embarrassed..stupid i think..coz it's just a small wasnt a big victory.. klw inter-mad besar2an tk pe jgk! ust katijah pon nk suro amek gmbr! so teacher ain ambikkn kt musolla..some of my friend nmpk... N I REALLY REALLY DONT WANT THEM TO THINK THAT IM RIAK OR THAT I WAS SHOWING OFF... though i had to admit, ade jgk sekelumit rase bangge... ASTAGHFIRULLAH...ya Allah..limaza syu'uury kazalik???

mlm: mjlis maulud...kene jage budak drj 3 & 6a, men satu, 3 n 4... leceh ah..! anyway..i didnt even do my job! just lepak duduk2 je kt situ buat keje sndiri..klw kelas bising, gasak ah! this time, biar colleagues lain do the mood-less, energy-less to care about my duty...naseb baik ade lg 1 thn, 3 mjlis yg nk kene jage..bagus bagus! peeks

by 1030pm, my bored sad annoyed sad the usual mood datang... dah penat dah..mjlis abes..took my cup n sijil from office..balik w/ mum n aqila.. i think the cause was that ust zawiyah said to me,"kenape awk sibuk2 kt sini?! awk bukan jamuan khas kn? dah, keluar, keluar!" though i sense that she was joking, i felt a sting inside me.. mase tu maseh tolong uruskn suji..then me masuk ah..kepo2 kt bilik jamuan khas tu..nk tgk makanan..(YUM!)..mayb i lingered there too long! haiz~ kt intonasi ust pon mcm ade sindiran..perasaan tk suke..etc..kinda hit me..but i just showed an amused i enjoyed the so-called joke!

terpikir tk: liyana tk mkn ke?? haiz~ lapar tu lapar gak! tp kt waktan mkn nasi..i ate some outcast!..kt mejid alkaff ade diberi karipap at the end of the tk smpt mkn ar.. sampai sekolah jek..ade murtabak..even though i didnt do my job of cleaning the class..mkn je ah! ;P rezeki oii! actually, i wanted to rase mknn kt jamuan khas tu..but i didnt have the nerve..dunno y..

k ah...dah pnjg nah nie..skjp2 save..takut comp stuck!

another good message

below is an email from aisyah Is.. Wed 140704 .. i can feel the regret... really.. inside..

A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation his father called him into his private study.

His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Holy Qur'an.

Angrily, he raised his voice at his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Holy Qur'an?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the holy book. He never contacted his father again for long long time.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.

Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart.
He began to search his father's important papers and saw the still new Holy Qur'an, just as he had left it years ago.
With tears, he opened the Holy Qur'an and began to turn the pages. As he read those words, a car key dropped from an envelope taped behind the Holy Qur'an.
It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words

How many times do we miss GOD blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?

computer rosak lagik!!!!!!!!!!!

sedih sey! kacau tul ah! ish~ akibatnye, i cant blog as much as i want now! me ade byk nie tgh kelam kabut...kt lib wdlnd ah...niwei klw ade pape just post ur message kt the tagboard...
k bye now!


ok, if want to see the pics at the QUIZ, click on the link.... ade gmbr raihan jugak..mase persembahan diorang pukul 5...

BEST DAY, but not great

alsagoff menang!!! but i didnt feel like i was part of the joy n celebration..i dunno why.. but i didnt really feel happy... because of what??? dunno...maybe coz BYK n DEKAT SGT awlad alj.. or i did sumthing embarrassing..or coz penyokong kite lousy?? ntah lah.. today was a long story...maybe lain kali je cerite! da mlm ah...mate sakit..kaki sakit..

2 more daayyyssss...!

im still not doing anything...but i've made some notes...saraf.. REMEMBER: NIAT TU BIAR BETUL...JGN NK RIAK PLAK.. DONT THINK OF WINNING..FOCUS UR NIAT..EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.. ohhh! seramnye fikirkan pasal nie..yelah, kekadang tu hati kate,alsagoff can make it! our team is good! beat the rest! n then..WHOOSH!..something bad will happen..the opposite of what we've expected! n that would be SOOO terrible! maintain niat tu, liyana! dgr tk?!! dont let it dominates u!!
got to go...dah maghrib still not sure wether to publicise my blog to my frens... hmmm..

4 more days to go....*NERVOUS*

ish! i havent REALLY study!! i do nothing except surfing the net.. n i barely have anything useful in my empty head! haiz~~ apelah nk jd dgn kau, liyana!!! klw salah satu team member tk dtg camne??? sape salah? kau jgk kn?! *nightmare* tu ah...tul jugak ape kau kate...aku kene bersedia (macam RE-AL aje?!)..seram gak biler pikirkan possibility nie...mintak2 djauhkan..ameeeeen...
hmmm, dah bukak sekolah nie, i ought to set my aim..some resolution! it will work?!..mayb i should think about next year's i better start doing n compiling notes..oh my god...let's just get to the point...IM NERVOUS-WRECK..WORRIED..PANIC..what else?? im not good on adjectives..too bad..mayb i should look into the thesaurus..need more powerful word..
actually, i have many stories to tell, like..went to hajrah's last saturday..peristiwa ngarutz first day of school..maulid..ntah ape lg...niwei i found aks nye blog..aszafirahnye dah lame jumpe..n have i told u before, I'M SICK IN THE HEAD??!!

i juz LUV 'tis beautiful

Desert Rose
Words and music by Sting

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

I dream of fire
Those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire
And in the flames
The shadows play in the shape of the man's desire

This desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this

And now she turns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
I realize that nothing's as it seems


I dream of rain
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes
The rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of her love


Sweet desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
This rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of love


asal tk leh publish properly ah?? time me check again...need to log off...

AaaaaAAAhh...! *relieved*

yesterday, last juz was dpt dgn ust qusairy pe ah..hrp2 markah bukan 1 mark lebih tinggi jek! :p..i know, i was suppose to take juz 7..but when i looked at the verses, it seems foreign to me, which means BAD NEWS! as i have totally forgotten it...*DOSA*..n i know i can't make i better re-polish my juz 5, rite??
hari tues,wed,n yesterday went to school..the first two ade kelas sastera..n practice dgn team members yg lain..n the latter cuci sekolah - me bersihkan domestic room - N practice lagik..but all the practices were unsatisfactory to me! i dunno..but i feel that we haven't REALLY take things seriously...soalan plak tk yg semangat bwk test papers tk digunakan..i wanted to blurt it out, that it's better if we practice on the questions..N previous Q's arent enough..but i cant..i'm the minor i guess i dont want to interfere..
anyway, about the cleaning day..FUN is the n kamaliah 'invade' sarang lipas kt kabinet bawah sink..turned out students cleaning the domestic room in previous years DIDNT touch that paham2 je lah..dah byk telur kt situ...dah lah my kasut dah berlubang kt tpk..abis masuk sume air2 pe tk heran..then the sink pulak sebelah kirinye ah..biler kite bukak kabinet tu, ade basin..yuck! ade colour..n I did the job of throwing the water away..*brace myself* scrub sane, korek sini..haiz~ squirt sabun belambak2..akhirnye..bersih gak ah territory tu..walaupon ade corner yg kite tk leh least kite kasi jgk chance kt lipas2 tu..jd population nye tk pupus, ye tak?? :B..keje lain yg kite (me, kamaliah, farahin, raihana, n kak ummu) buat, cuci gelas, lap stove, bersihkan fridge, lap counters, buang tu buang nih, n last sekali raihana mop..dlm 2 hour ah keje..from 8 to 10..kamaliah kate mungkin kite lah generasi yg first n last to clean the cabinet bawah sink tu! hehe.. biasak ah..kite kan cosiderate..good citizen lah katekan! wahahaha..ngarutz lah ko nie, liyana! lepas tu..tunggu makanan..dpt nasi lemak..sedap oii! mcm nk ambik lg satu bungkus! gak dpt jumpe kwn2, ketawe2, make jokes, tell stories and all..n i know when i leave school..i'm going to miss it..i will..definitely..thinking about it now makes me all teary too..haiz~ feeling ah!

email from siti nuraisyah, Wed 230604

Kubur Setiap Hari Menyeru Manusia Sebanyak Lima (5) Kali ...

1. Aku rumah yang terpencil,maka kamu akan senang dengan selalu membaca Al-Quran.
2. Aku rumah yang gelap,maka terangilah aku dengan selalu solat malam.
3. Aku rumah penuh dengan tanah dan debu,bawalah amal soleh yang menjadi hamparan.
4. Aku rumah ular berbisa,maka bawalah amalan Bismillah sebagai penawar.
5. Aku rumah pertanyaan Munkar dan Nakir,maka banyaklah bacaan
"Laa ilahaillallah, Muhammadar Rasulullah", supaya kamu dapat jawapan kepadanya.

Lima Jenis Racun dan Lima Penawarnya ...

1. Dunia itu racun,zuhud itu ubatnya.
2. Harta itu racun,zakat itu ubatnya.
3. Perkataan yang sia-sia itu racun,zikir itu ubatnya.
4. Seluruh umur itu racun,taat itu ubatnya.
5. Seluruh tahun itu racun,Ramadhan itu ubatnya.

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda:

" Ada 4 di pandang sebagai ibu ", iaitu :

1. Ibu dari segala UBAT adalah SEDIKIT MAKAN.
2. Ibu dari segala ADAB adalah SEDIKIT BERBICARA.
3. Ibu dari segala IBADAT adalah TAKUT BUAT DOSA.
4. Ibu dari segala CITA CITA adalah SABAR.

Orang Yang Tidak Melakukan Solat:

Subuh : Dijauhkan cahaya muka yang bersinar.
Zuhor : Tidak diberikan berkah dalam rezekinya.
Asar : Dijauhkan dari kesehatan/kekuatan.
Maghrib : Tidak diberi santunan oleh anak-anaknya.
Isyak : Dijauhkan kedamaian dalam tidurnya.

a good one.

What's the point of going to Jummah?

A man answers....A Muslim wrote a letter to the editor of the Jammat newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to Mosque every Friday.

"I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me I can't remember a single o­ne of them. So I think I'm wasting my time . . . and the Imaams.. they are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."

This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column, much to the dismay of the editor. It went o­n for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

"I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But for the life of me, I cannot recall what the menu was for a single o­ne of those meals. But I do know this: they all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me those meals, I would be dead today."

No comments were made o­n the sermon contents anymore.

" The lips of the righteous nourish many . . ."

- email from Bro Salaf, Wed 160604

awkward.... o_0

hey people... i went to fashihah's house today.. wif murni-aisyah is-fizah i was an awkward visit..personally, i didnt know what the heck i should've said to her..console her?? man...i dont really sympathize her..n i'm not sensitive enough to know what a dad-less girl would feel! n i'm not close to her...! so what've i done there?? eavesdropping n eating..her mother was there, relating some guests with arwah's last days nye story...god! the muntah part was..i cud just feel it..see's BLOOD..u noe, BLOOD! but i'm not squeamish about blood ok?? it's just that..blood vomiting is u might die any minute..coz u're lack of blood n tired of pushing the guts out of you! i was also wondering..kite muntahkan bende2 kt perut kn?? so...the blood must be from the lungs?? or remnants of whatever in the stomach n intestines?? or cud it be the liver?? hmm..
yg telah "menyinarkan" tpt tu, for me, is the KURMA..alamak, delicious!berape biji ntah aku makan! i wasnt trying to be rude, but what else's there to do?? i cudnt really communicate w/ eat ah! ade kueh kaswi (ke koswi??) n popiah..jamah aje lah..
b4 i forget..nk katekan, sedare fash mcm perhatikan kite gitu..ntah lah..maybe it's just my silly katekanlah..kite nie budak alsagoff..kwn fash~~ ok, to wrap it all, i wasnt comfortable at her house..

another accomplishment!!!!!

yep! i managed to insert the song...thank god! but what i'm searching actually is..klw ade yg boleh main mcm2 lagu..bukan setakat satu je..right now..if i want other songs..i've to copy-paste work...leceh...niwei...I'M HAPPY for now...

picture posted!!!!!

ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!! akhirnye, sebahagian perjuanganku sudah tamat....!!!! Ameen...setelah struggle selama 1 jam lebih...akhirnye...I PREVAILED! ok..klw krg nk tgk gmbr tgk sowie ah...the decsriptions lom complete lg...HAH! SAPE NK TGK GMBR UST SAKINAH KAHWIN, SILAKAN!
ape lagi nk ckp eh??? oh! gmbr arwah ust abdullah keluar kt BM, 20.6.04, kt obituary page..lg satu..rabu nie ust faridah nk test kite..alahai..lom sedia lgk...fiqh lom blaja pon!! waaaah~~ seram!...

OMG!!!!!!!! BAD NEWS!!!!!!!

a' supposed to study sejarah right now...but i have to tell u this....fashihah's dad, ustaz Abdullah Faqih...meninggal dunia di Makkah...Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'uun...murni called me yesterday (friday) around 11.30 or so..fash called aisyah Is and she called murni and she called me...i just finished crying my head off about something (tu lain cerite)..n i was lile..."murni! biar betik!...biar betik..!biar betik!..betul ke??..hah??..biar betik!" tk habes2! kenape aku tk cakap biar papaya?!
niwei the point is...i was's like..u're having such an ordinary day..when..kirin!kring! someone called u and say someone else died...n his ur friend's dad...i never ever expected him to die..nor anybody else...then..i logged on the internet n chat w/ aisyah sam..aisyah Is called her too...i noe frm her that ustaz abdullah muntah darah...hmm..dunno what to say anymore..i called khadijah b4 that..she didnt believe it at first..tot might be a joke..but she sms me later to say it's true..
from what i know...mak fashihah pengsan..dier pon kt Makkah jgk..diorang dua pimpin umrah agaknye (it's their job)...i reckon the body'll be buried kt Makkah..u noe what??? he died FRIDAY..kt MAKKAH..isnt that something...??? may ALLAH bless his soul..Ameen..if u read this..kindly and with ikhlas, please sedekahkan Fatihah kt rohnye..i dont really know him..but..never mind..i dunno how to say it..

lingering....calling...soaking up the's silence

this song by delerium feat. sarah mclachlan moves me, man! i can hear it a hundred times n i'm not tired of sedap..but of course..mcm ade chanting gitu ah..i dont want to think what it's about...just enjoy the song....
there's another BLISS - lost, it's meant to mengkhayalkan's the introduction of the song : Lost Soul starts of with grand, brooding percussions and swells majestically when the ethereal vocal harmonies make their entrance. It is a song that creates solemn contemplation and even provides philosophical inspiration. Interspersed with the lilting feminine voices is a masculine one that lifts itself into a mournful tribal melody. Lost Soul reflects on vulnerability and darker emotions and allows us a moment to realize that it is our fragility that makes us essentially human. but the song's not in's like gregorian-type...mcm dgr lagu christian gak ah..chanting and all..scary jugak biler pikirkan..dose tk klw aku dgr lagu nih??
ok...n this is SILENCE nye lyric :
Give me release

Witness me

I am outside

Give me peace

Heaven holds a sense of wonder

And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up

When the rage in me subsides

Heaven holds a sense of wonder

And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up

When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave

I am sinking

In this silence

In this white wave...

In this silence...

I believe I can't help this longing...

Comfort me I can't hold it all in...
If you won't let me...

Heaven holds a sense of wonder

And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up

When the rage in me subsides

In this white wave

I am sinking

In this silence

In this white wave...

In this silence...

I believe I have seen you...

In this white wave

You are silent

You are breathing
In this white wave...

I am free

something to ponder about....


The greatest pain in life

Is not to die, but to be ignored.

To lose the person you love so

Much to another who doesn't care at all.

To have someone you care so about so much throw a party...

And not tell you about it.

When your favorite person on earth

Neglects to invite you to his graduation.

To have people think that you don't care.

The greatest pain in life,

Is not to die,

But to be forgotten.

To be left in the dust after another's great achievement.

To never get a call from a friend,

Just saying "hi".

When you show someone your innermost thoughts and they laugh in your face.

For friends to always be too busy to console you when you need someone to lift your spirits.

When it seems like the only person who cares about you,

Is you.

Life is full of pain,

But does it ever get better?

Will people ever care about each other,

And make time for those who are in need?

Each of us has a part to play

In this great show we call life.

Each of us has a duty to mankind

To tell our friends we love them.

If you do not care about your friends

You will not be punished.

You will simply be ignored...


as you have done to others.

This poem was written by a young girl who committed suicide some years ago.
Please show someone you care for them today. It takes so little of your time to smile, give a hug, a word of encouragement or just to say "I care" You will be rewarded for sure:-)

i dunno if its really true the girl had died of committing suicide...but this! really touches's not a 100% reflection of myself too..but the loneliness inside this sad hit me too... anyway..i hope u did menghayati those words...if u dont understand..nvm... :)

blogspots n ps2

me td surf jap...prowling for more blogspots to read...n i found kak nadiah (tahfiz) n kak halimah nye.... :)
tp kan...CAM NE DIORANG DECORATE DIORANG NYE WEBSITE??!!!!!! ok, i admit, i dunno how to operate (??) html..i dont even what the heck is html!!!..i need help..haiz..susah ah cam gini..lagi satu,i dont understand templates!!! Argh!!ARGH!!!! mcmmane nk insert...or whatsoever ah..haiz tension...!!!
niwei, my brader bought playstation2.. alahai, tk heran tk reti ah main bende2 cam gini...

patience does pay off, u know?!

He cud ask Allah to hilangkan penyakit perempuan tu...or perempuan tu accept her sickness and live with it all her patient..n heaven awaits her...and so..she chose the second option...some might think: whoa?! what if i die 90 years later?? i have to suffer that long???! but...imagine the ganjaran that awaits long as u do try to control ur sickness...but dont just let it get opinion is..control it..CONTROL matter how hard..ok, it's easier said than done...but..these gays must strive...especially muslims...embrace ur religion man! live it!...learn to be strong..dont let ur nafsu win...dont dress urself up..dont wear make-up...dont even think about it...get help...i still dont blame them...haiz~~ but they should try...

are u gay, gay???

i've nothing against gay...not exactly nothing arr..but i feel uncomfortable seeing them...annoyed..pissed.. i know i's hard to resist...i can only imagine..n i pity them..but...there's a riwayah..about a woman..dier sakit whenever she's in her dire state..she rips off her one day...she came to Rasulullah (pbuh)..n asked him to doa kepada Allah..agar menyembuhkan keadaan's embarrassing u see...when people know u're sooo sick..throwing off ur clothes..n she cudnt stand it...but Rasullullah pbuh gave her two choices...

continued..a bit..

i know what kamaliah wants...she wants to prove( present tense nye ape ah??? ) herself..she wants to BEAT me at something...n she trying..i dont blame her...but i still hate her sometimes..i cud even bash her on the head if i really loathe her at times...but, hey, we've been friends since primary i'm used to it...i think i know her and she thinks she knows me..wierd isnt it?..nvm..whatever..may this friendship last..i hope i wont leave school having a grudge on her...

i dont deserve it....

yeah...i think i really dont deserve it! the trophy...i noe it's been about 2 1/2 months..but it's still bugging me.. pembahas terbaik peringkat saringan n suku akhir... no way man...i wasnt good...i blabbered..not debated! well, i ask one of the judges mase prgkt saringan tu..n she said i was spontaneous..even though, of course, my bahase..whatsoever..wasnt that good..! ok, maybe she's right i thought..but wak tanjong lebih baik..super..lebih bertenage drpd pembahas alsagoff.. mase suku akhir.. i actually forgot my speech..n i said something stupid! like ibu emak??? what the heck?! n i didnt even realise i said that until i noticed the penonton had laughed (or i think they did)..n i froze..thinking that i might've said something wrong!..i saw waving friends trying to correct me..but my view was blurry...i was like, huh??? so i turned to my team members..they said, "ibu bapa..bkn ibu mak!" i didnt get the point, but i repeat it anyway...oh my god! that was sooooo embarrassing..n i ended up getting the title..when kamaliah was definitely better than me..smooth..
n the judge was like, strict?!..his comments mcm terkene grp sendiri sey..n yet..he smiled when i received the trophy from him...yikes! there must be a mistake..but i didnt get to ask him why the panel of judges picked me..instead of..kamaliah maybe?

sungguh tidak memuaskan!!!!!

td exam.....i blew it man! or i think i did..hmmm...tajwid..biase ah, tk jamin selamat..kelancaran..already down the drain..haiz~~~..kk deena tk habes2 suro me gi test dulu..siap main scissors n hands..! me gi first, niwei..klw me last pon tk gune.. i wouldnt be using the spare time focusing on the fikiran leh concentrate!
hari khamis nie ambik juz 6 plak...lom lancar lagik!

alamak!! besok exam!! waaaah~~~

so...why am i wasting my time blogging??!! i should be revising juz 5....haizzz...mcm tk nervous gitu..insha allah boleh buat ah.. nnti je ah murajaah... NOTE: right now, i'm listening to NAUGHTY GIRL - BEYONCE...chorusnye sedap..mcm ade lenggok arab gitu ah..
about IIS - international islamic school - i'm considering the a level course offered there...kak hamimah masuk kt the fee if S$5000 per 6 month..about S$800 per month!! i couldnt afford that! scholarship?? maybe..rasenye tk jadi ah nk masuk al-maarif..coz subjects offered tk friend says wak tanjong's better..mayb i'll ask kak hafizah or kak raihana...we'll see about it..
NOTE: sekarang lagu SENORITA - JUSTIN T.
..ok i dunno wat to say anymore..oh! the IIS website is

ntah...nk topic ape??

i've figured out what the real problem with ust sakinah's marriage...well...i think i have...
she was the best student in alsagoff...batch 1999...head prefect...pandai ah tu...n she got married earlier than her frens...mayb not the first ah...
i watched HP3 kt causeway point w/ kamaliah, khadijah, aszafirah n izyani n my sis on thursday 100604...such a disappointment, man!! i give 2/5 for the content...totally tk macam kt buku...i mean only 50% mcm kt buku...sedih kn??? they change many plots and the way things are...yg dahulu di kemudiankn...plot yg tkde pon..diade2kan! it isnt what i had expected...but the...ape eh?...dunno how to describe ah..the screenplay i better..overall i give 3.5 stars! sungguh tk memuaskan...n the actors..well...too big for their own characters... malfoy; his hair was supposed to be in the first 2 the book tk plak! the book nvr says the students should wear their uniforms tonggang terbalik!...i noe, i noe...mayb some people think the movie shouldnt stick 100% to the book...but the changes are too obvious..and soooo un-harry potter!
hmmm..i think that's all for now...mmg byk lg nk tulis...pasal dah penat ah...ok...adious!

diaries online.....

i've been surfing the net for the last 2 hours....haiz~~~ i've got more important things to do actually...but i cant help it! anyway...i read people's blogspots...rgs students...hehe...i wasnt trespassing ok??...i saw some entries about the PBH2004... AND...i saw nur farhanis othman nye blog!!...u know...she's a debater frm RGS...a prefect..i noe that coz..she wore her PREFECT badge mase the final round...haiz hari sunday pon nk pakai complete attire..siap dgn badge! aku vice prefect tk cakap byk pon!..anyway..she has that snob look on her face...but i guess she's friendly..when i read her buddy's blogspot!..ther's a kind of stereotype u noe...the rgs students...they're so people start to think that's they're bunch of bossy snob girls... as snape would say..."insufferable know-it-all!"...i got the impression too...i guess it's because they got the attention..they have the facilities..they have the technology..they have the stars...the talents..the money..the support...just thinking of it makes me SICK!, i'm jealous! but then...rgs girls have to live to the community's expectations...behind the limelight..these girls suffer, i think..stress, workloads.., always strive for the best..trying to be perfect, staight A's...of course..they're humans..they have fun..i pity them anyway...
they have the future! right in front of them...they can easily get scholarships..go to universities..while I..and mayb other bright madrasah students..have to go through hardships...feel like i have to prove myself..but it's stand with these super egghead rgs students..haiz~~
nvm ah...niwei i added farhanis email add to my msn messenger contacts..dunno if she accepts it..
ok ah .. i better log off now...

boring as ever!

alamak! malas ah nk tulis lagik!!! td me dah tulis panjang computer tetibe stuck!!! bummer! haiz~ niwei...story nye pasal..i cried in my sleep this morning..around 1030 am or so..over some cranky thing in my dream... dah tu goes on as usual...boring! k ah gtg! bye

ustazah sakinah kahwin...

mcm sekejap gitu kn? mcm tk de bende gitu..oh my god! i cant express my thoughts properly here!!!...ok..macam...WASTED gitu.. did she ever dream what will happen back then... i mean..when she was 15 like me???...baru kerje...da kawin...imagine..dier frm girl-sch background..n swish! jodohnye dtg...sekejap nye mase berlalu...i wonder what will happen to me in 7 years' time...would i be getting married too?? will i be stranded in an office?? or will i be somewhere in the world..overseas maybe? will i be happy? satisfied with what i've yet to achieve?? hmm...if u catch what my head is trying to tell you..good!

marriage is entwines two souls..under the love of god...protect it with trust..shine it with roses of love..hold it with faith..sail the ship through gusts of wind hurricane storm with patience and tolerance..understand each other's feelings to the deepest...hear each other's inner voices to even a squeak..share each other's thoughts...may the marriage last till the gates of heaven and within...:)

wah!!!!!! harry potter keluar lagik!! director byk reka plot2 yg tk dikenali ah...! sejak biler dementors terbang??? biler mase hermione pegang tgn si ron tu??? yg ckp "if u want to kill harry, u have to kill us too!" kan ron, bknnye hermione! ish~ memandai jek! tkpelah...i bet this one is as awesome as the last two! :)
niwei...hari nie ust sakinah kahwin....haiz~~ kiter empat org dtg pagi2...nk tgk dier nikah...kite sampai betul2 mase nk mule upacara pernikahan..haiz~ PAISEH NYE!!!! tp akhirnye me jgk yg mulekan langkah masuk dlm rumah ustazah!! yg lain bukannye boleh diharap..berdiri je kt luar rumah!! hmmm..ust extra lawa hari nie! :p serba putih!i have e pic...maybe someday i'll paste her wedding pic here :) adik dier of course ade ah...ambik video cam..wasim gak ah..hehe..orite tk minat heran pon.. n, as i expected, kawan dier mesti ade...jeng jeng!!..rupe2nye anaknye ust hasbi yg first tu! alahai~~ boringnye...ish! my point here is...SHE'S 22..she finished madrasah..went to maahad tahfiz..worked for 1 yr or so..n VOILA..! she's married...

wat? selesa ah...perut sakit...i think it's food-poisoning.. semalam...went to toilet several times...muntah...yuck!...penat sey kene ulang-alik..lack of energy..mcm nk terkeluar semue isi2 kt dlm tu..tekak sakit...hidung tk selesa...alahai! td pon gi toilet lagik...calls of nature lah konon...

no topic...sowwiee!

YAWN!!! i'm tired, man! my eyes hurt! but i need to update this blogspot...!i know i know...dah lame jgk tk lain conquer computer nie!!
tomorrow ade qiyamullail kt tk ingat ah macam mane nk solat tasbih! haiz~~~ nvm ah..
b4 i forget...there's an article about nirwana jainal today..kt BH..dah basi sey information's been one month since the particular lah akibatnye kalau dah tkde bende lain nk tulis!
today..nothing special...i was extremely bored..! for 5 hour..i've done nothing beneficial...i did the word puzzles.. murajaah surah ma'idah for tahfiz exam (15-25 june)...n read junk magazines..8 days to be specific!
u might wonder...macam manelah budak nie boleh bwk majalah 8 days kt sekolah???!! tk kene confiscate ke?? well, i guess we can blame it on sir ghani, our english teacher, a former ri teacher n student..hmm...he brags a lot..but nvm..i think i can live w/ it..nwei..he told us to be 'open-minded...liberal..' so he brought us magazines...time, reader's digest, 8days, ikea mag...bla bla..i doubt that those office-women know anything...
then, at 220pm...went to dewan..kene kemas for qiyam...but i didn't really help out...i just sat there..looking into space...b.o.r.i.n.g! my fren calls me sleepyhead..which suits me very well..honest!
gtg now...dont want to get caught! bye


hmm...when i see some of the my friends' faces..there! ..sadness..regrets..self-pity all jumbled up! but..WHAT WERE THEY THINKING BEFORE ALL THIS???!!! DONT U PEOPLE THINK?! THINK??! it's typical...i'm just clueless... look at Kamaliah..she didn't even show her regret...she might be a strong person inside, i wouldn't know!..but i've been watching her all these years...she's wasting all her energy into something else...she has the talents..but she lets it gathers dust inside the attic of her head! ok, i admit..maybe she has talents somewhere writing song lyrics..but she shouldn't fool around...
soem students just don't care...whereas I..could just cry thinking of my studies...even if i just flop a bit..or when i think of the future...what lies behind the veil of time??...i guess that i'm striving so hard for perfection..well, not entirely...but i REALLY want to prove that i can..hmm~~~ i feel heavy now..
there's a lot to do now...i'm representing my school in the kuiz at aljunied..but i'm just the reserved player...n the other team members - kak shahidah,kk na'imah and kk hazwani - are working together w/o me..i can feel it..i know that they might blame me for being arrogant or reluctant to discuss w/ them..but i see IT on kk shahidah's just now, at school..i thought they haven't split up the subjects...but they have,actually, excluding me... oh man! i feel like an outcast..! HELLOOO!!i'm trying to work with u guys here!!so dont discriminate me,ok??!! we've got a mega important job to do!! we have to win this!! so, cooperate ok??!!
for ur info, our school is a two-time winner..2002 n, this year, if we win, we'll take the CUP alsagoff... sigh~~~ burden..buden..! remember that i once said there's a price for being the top girl in school??? well, this is just one of them...of coure, it's a pleasure to 'mengharumkan' nama madrasah..but...if u know what i mean..well, good! i dont want to explain...
ok lah..i've got to go now...nak solat asar ah...see u later! adios!

...and the result of the day is....

hey there...
i got my exam result today...THE WHITE PAPER..and i got CEMERLANG..'s okay i guess...i've been expecting it..but NO! it's not!!!
i aim for SANGAT CEMERLANG..n not just 90%-92%..i WANT to get 93%-95%!! i crave for it! but..i admit, it's easier said than know that, don't u, liyana??! you weren't serious studying...u didn't revise properly..u just read like u're scanning some boring political magazine..half-heartedly..i bet only 40% of the information managed to squeeze into ur head!!! YOU TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED, LIYANA!! please don't! stop ur bad habit! coz u dont know when GOD would suddenly take it away from u..n you know u'll be miserable!
i dont know what's wrong w/ me..anyway..i think it's a pattern..mase menengah 1 pon i got cemerlang..both semester..but i really hope that i can make it to the stars next semester..
i heard there's 11 failures, out of 26 students in my class...hmm..i know it's terrible..thy're losing it man..n i dont want to be one of them..dropping like flies...i don't like to be like Murni..her marks really dropped man..but not dramatically lah! 80% of the subjects, she got average or just a bit better..she failed 1 or 2 subjects...haiz~~ i dont know what's been distracting her..maybe her sister's departure to malaysia this saturday,29/5/04...hmmm


hi's life...???
hmm...yesterday, i went to Woodlands Center w/ my mum n little sis... we bought 2 travel bags...n as usual, si aqila tu nk beli bag jugak!! haiz~~ macam tk cukup bag kt rumah! mak pun ape kurangnye! pantang nampak bag..!!! i was reluctant..and annoyed...tkkan da ade bag yg lebih besar..bergune..masih nk beli lagi!!! WASTE betul!!! bukan nak save duit!! for ur information, i'm a money-saving freak! i usually save my school money...even force myself not to buy things that i like..n can afford...but lately i've been spending my sch money on food...i mean, normally, i buy bread or $1 worth canteen food...n drink from the watercooler...but as i said, lately i've been craving for $1.50 nasi lemak...nasi goreng...nasi ayam...nasi sambal goreng...yum!! yelah..maybe u can afford...but for's nanti i can't save more...haiz~~~ entah lah...
then, we went to causeway courts..n bought a digital camera.. oh! how i longed(is the tense correct?) to hold my OWN camera and SHOOT photos the way i like....! of course, it's not 100%'s just that, now, i can bring the camera school functions, holidays, competitions..etc..n photograph my own memory... well, at first, we thought of buying ordinary camera w/'s better.. but, after much considering and seeing that the salesperson had tried and shown us the functions/specialities of the camera, we relented..! it's a sony cybershot...boleh lah...
then...around 5 pm..brader came home..n u know what he got??? LORD OF THE RINGS:THE RETURN OF THE KING vcd!!!!! i was damn happy, man! and for about 3 solid hours and 20 eyes were glued to the 11 academy award-winning was SUPERB!!
i think that all for now...i've got lots of things to do...n my dad keeps looking here...haiz~~~ org nak main pon susah...! die dah berjam-jam..nearly 24/7 mengadap computer!!!

aloha people!!!!

A'kum semue!!!!
i've just created my own blogspot....!! or shall i diary??? i'm not sure why i did this...but it's kinda exciting to have my OWN website...even if it's just a simple one...
ok...insha ALLAH...i'll keep you posted of what's been happening in my life....
let's just hope my schoolmates won't find out about this blogspot...i don't want them spying and sneaking on(or in?) my journal...but..if you've discovered this thing...just keep to yourself, ok? n tell me ur name....
hmmm..i guess that's all for now...
bye...a'kum!!! *see you later*