
1. thanks to you-know-who-you-are..your words are prayers...i will be strong, insha Allah~

2. maybe i was a bit over the top in the previous post.

3. i think i cried because i thought i was lousy in sparring, and even kicking. i still am. lousy.

4. i got more bruises today. i think i can handle more of that in the future. right now, im just a little afraid to get hit. n hurt. physically, i mean. *wei! bruises take long time to heal ok? that's why i dont like to get hit! all the pain...aiyo! uncomfortable!..ehem..although sometimes i feel good..weird me huh?* i hope this fear of mine will cease as time goes by (and as i get more skilled and confident)..

5. i-guide camp tomorrow...til this friday. what's 'i-guide'? ans: tour guides during TP open house (19,20.21 january 2007). and i havent packed a thing.

6. NI's Gila2 Sukan last saturday (231206) was....fine. it went smoothly, in my opinion. how about myself? did i enjoy it? well, i didnt join in the fun and games. so yeah, i dont think that question applies to me. anyway, click here for pictures from the event.

7. i still havent started on my leadership and character's individual assignment. we have to do a 800-1500 word essay - or research, whatever you call it - on a movie that we chose from a given list. i chose armageddon. one of the tearjerkers i've seen. no, it's not about movie review. we'll get zero if we do that. our assignment is to observe the leader(s) in the movie, extract 5 learning points from him/her/them, substantiate with reasons and proofs, and personalise the point with our own point of view and experiences. anyway, the assignment is 50 marks and is due less than two weeks.

8. something to share: sometimes we want, hope, or wish for something too much, it hurts.

9. cd-rw drive is up! so i dont need thumbdrive anymore. for now, that is.

10. ok, im already tired. so that's all for tonight's post. thank you for reading this =)

TKD training on thursday, 21 dec 2006

i was kicked.




on the right side of my head.


yep, that's right. you saw those words. i was kicked on my head during sparring with a senior. it was only my second spar.

the feeling?

i just couldnt explain it in words. i just couldnt.

all i know is, i was kind of stunned maybe. my head was like....whoa~! really felt like "a blow on your head"..that kind of thing. you would've imagined that i fell on the floor and fainted. but i didnt.

concussion? i dont even know what it means... but maybe, just a teeny-weeny bit of concussion, dizziness.

the blow affected me emotionally, though. it didnt crack open my skull, but it sure crack whatever emotions that were inside me. like a nutcracker.

the second my head was hit, i felt my tears starting to appear. but i held them fast. acted like everything's ok. i kept my cool alright. i remembered saying something like, "whoa~~ what an experience!" and i started asking questions like, "oh! if we kick on the head, we get more points?" "kicking the head is a very good tactic?" "what must you do to protect your head?" etc etc etc...just to keep my emotions at bay.

n so, i couldnt continue sparring. oh well~

the blow also shut my mood. suddenly, i was speechless (yes! a good word!)... i just sat here, or there, just looking who-knows-where, trying to look as if i was thinking and at the same time, i was calm, as if unaffected.

but cry i did. in the girls' changing room. in one of the changing cubicles. i sat on the floor, with my bottle of cold water, n cried. hypoventilated. talked to myself.

i didnt know EXACTLY why i cried. i honestly didnt. it was as if i was crying over lots of things, or nothing at all. ouh! as im typing this, i feel some sort of a knot around my head - or shall i say, brain? kind of tight. ya Allah~ i hope there's nothing wrong with my head.

in the bus, i cried again. not loudly. the tears just flowed down my cheeks. of course, i covered my face. if not, my friends who sat beside me in the bus would've noticed!

why, why, why did i cry?????

maybe i was angry too. i dont know. i was simply blurred by my own emotions. i didnt even know what they are..

anyway, just cut the crap! i got few pictures from the training =)


it's about....

  • manners and formalities

when i spoke to the speakers, when i addressed other people, when i talked to the officers, when i greeted strangers, i found myself sounding quite formal. mcm professional gitu. eh! im not bragging ok? im stating a point. that the workshop was a good place for me to practise my communication skills with new people - those who are older, or of higher rank, or of same age. ah, yes. today's encounter with people polished my so-called being polite and formal. n manners... penting tau. bile kite masuk working world, bile jumpe org2 baru, penting untuk kite menampilkan imej yg tertib. i mean, to show that kite pon civilised, n we know how to act professionally. saying thank you. speaking good english. listening attentively. smiling to show agreement, approval, respect. responding politely. yeah~ it's good to learn.

  • being independent

im happy with myself, for being able to adapt n carry myself throughout the workshop... sebenarnye, me terpikir jugak nak ajak kawan pegi workshop tu. tapi tk kuase nk pikir2 sape. bila tgk peserta2 kt situ, rate2 semue bawak kawan. tapi alhamdulillah~ me tk perlukan kawan to cheer myself up, or to make the workshop less boring. bukan me berlagak sombong, tidak! no! again, im making a point, this time to myself, that i must practise being independent. berdikari. pergi ke tempat2. buat kawan baru. menyesuaikan diri. being independent doesnt mean that im a loner. duh!

  • talking confidently

heran jugak bile pikir yang me mampu bercakap dlm bahase enggeris semase group presentation... alhamdulillah~ nasib baik bukan singlish! selalunye, bila berbual dgn kwn2 sekolah...grammar ke mane, vocab ke mane! cakap terbelit2, teragak2! tapi, dlm situasi2 formal seperti membuat presentation, mungkin otak kite kate "ok! kau kena cakap betul2. tk boleh main2. kena tunjukkn yg kau tahu bila nak cakap pasar, bile nak cakap formal"...hah! mungkin tu lah drive yg buat kite present betul2, not just to present ourselves, but to convey the message well. that's my opinion, anyway.

me perhatikan jugak, ade few peserta yg mampu project their voices, and contents, clearly. tampak confident. masya Allah~ bukan semua orang mampu untuk melakukan sebegitu baik. tetapi, yang pastinye, kite semua perlukan practice n more practice. nasib baik jugak me pergi workshop tu. dapat jugak practise my public speaking skill. pokoknye, kite kena cari ways to improve that particular skill. tk boleh nak duduk diam je.

  • having choices

yeah, what dr Isa said...that we are spoiled for choice! ah~~ how true that statement seems, how true it really is! but pessimistic that i am, im still not convinced. choices? what choices do i have? what paths and roads to further education are there, lying in front of me?

we do have choices. choices is every aspect/categories/matters in our life. now, that's a fact, eh?

  • plans

i realised that plans are important. though sometimes planning takes away more energy than executing. klw tkde perancangan, hidup nie terase messy. tk teratur. dah gitu, silap2 kite naik stress, buntu, bosan dgn hidup kite.

  • making a fool of oneself

Ya Allah~~ kenape lah rase malu nie sikit sgt???? but still...ish~ buat malu je kena act jadi cucu nenek mase adegan 'nenek2 tk dpt lari' dlm cerite musang berjanggut. for the sake of being sporting?? tepuk dada tanye selera lah liyana! tapi, diri nie tkdelah rase malu smpi pipi kemerah2an... cuma pusing2 keliling si nenek je... nasib baik jugak rajul2 kt situ semua strangers!

  • receiving a namecard

gembire jugak bila dapat namecard dari dr Isa. associate professor lagik. hehe.. bukan ape, nie 2nd time me dpt namecard... yang first punye... haiz~ mmg tk nk pon, tapi kak khadijah kasi jugak, "for future need".. pfft. namecard yg first tu, me stashed ntah mane2 je dlm bag.

  • defining one's strength

yeah, so, i've discovered and rediscovered certain things about myself today. i guess, i dont really regret going to the lifeskills workshop after all. today, i noticed more, observed more, learnt more.

what i really want

do you know what i want?

have i ever told you what i want, dream to have, if not completely, then, in bits and pieces?

do you remember?


do i know what i want?

hmmm... honestly, i dont really actually know what i really want. or maybe, i know what it is but am just afraid to admit it, put it on the surface... coz i am just afraid that i might not get it, n i know, or at least, assume, that i wont get it. that it is too far-fetched. yeah~ maybe that's the reason.

what i want, in terms of materialisticity (hah! is there such a word?? hehe..i dont think so. i just made it up. make it sound more bombastic! haha).... well, my birthday's over. but it wont hurt to list few things that are in mind so far, would it?

let me see...

1. thumbdrive. yep. i realised that i need a thumbdrive just a month ago or so. why?? coz my computer has no floppy disk hardware (correct term??) know, the part of cpu where we insert the floppoy disk. i was flabbergasted when i found out! all this while, i never even noticed that the floppy disk thingy was missing! to burn my files in cd is also impossible, coz i dont have the cd-rw (or is it cd-wr??) thingy....

2. laptop. i know damn well that it's out of my financial reach. but i would like to have a laptop one day. it really comes in handy when your home pc is being used frequently by other members of your family, or when you dont have the mood to use the computer but actually you have to, just because it's already late at night n you're tired. so, if i have a laptop, i can actually write my assignments and stuff during school hours...rather than at home, around 11pm...12am..1am..

n now, about what i dream to achieve... a bit embarrassed to write it here... coz it looks a little bit too ambitious...but never mind, coz i've decided to share with you...n to remind myself - if i ever read this entry again in future - what i had wanted during my teen years.

i would like to study in oxford. yes, oxford university. i dont know why. i dont have a concrete reason. well, that's not true. my reason is superficial, really: it is a prestigious university and it sounds old and grand.

or if not oxford, then somewhere in england. or ireland. or scotland. the states? no thanks, harvard and yale have the least appeal to me. plus, they're totally out of my league. princeton? MIT? wow! they are some to-die-for universities huh? but again, im not a genius. and looking at my average intelligence and discouraging attitude, i dont deserve to be enrolled there.

remembering a near past (i mean, something that is not so long ago), i had wanted to do an International Baccaleaurate (i dont know how to spell the second word). and at King Khalid Islamic College of Victoria. oh how i yearned to go there! n i cried thinking, trying to swallow the fact that i cant afford it, n im simply not good enough to be accepted there. yes, the second fact is true. you cant deny it, not you, my friends, not you, my teachers.

im the kind of person who finds it hard to let go of certain things. in this case, dreams or wishes that i had held so long, so dear. n even though getting into oxford seems miles n miles away, i just keep it in my heart. but, i keep it somewhere distant in my heart. coz, i dont want to put too much hope. coz it may hurt me later. furthermore, i may change my mind one day. so, there could be lesser chance that i might get disappointed with myself.

speaking of prestigious universities, let me tell you something about myself: im one of those people who get attracted to things intellectual, or scholarly, if you know what i mean. be it intellectual people, schools/institutions where a lot of intellectuals are found. call me shallow, whatever. i dont care.

i guess, all these popular, prestigious, excellent institutions, which have carved their marks in history, make people want to go there, to be part of them. people like me.

so, schools like RI, RGS, RJC, VJC...i must say, i am sometimes green with envy of those bright students there. not in a negative way..but positive. universities like oxford, cambridge, harvard, MIT,yale, princeton....well, ashamed that i am, these are the only excellent institutions that i know of. i may be blind with these all-too-well-known places. maybe i dont read enough. i must find out more universities that are of great standards n qualities.

oh, n is there an adjective for people like me, as i've described above? mind you, my vocabulary is horrifying, if not embarrassing. for a 17-year-old.

there! i've told you this little wish of mine. =)

but wait, if you ask me, if i cant go to europe, where else do i want to pursue my studies? for now, i choose australia. but i dont know which are the top universities there. n which universities offer the best degree (modules, system, facilities, achievements, etc) in the field that i plan to concentrate in.

to add on what i've already mentioned (that my reason is superficial), i think that as i grow older, more matured, more knowledgeable, more information at hand, i will start to think more than 'old and grand'. perhaps reasons that are more well-rounded, logic, according-to-needs, deep, if you know what i mean.

thinking again, wishing all these may as well be useless if i dont work towards them. i must think about my own capabilities, limitations that i have. shortly, i must think and decide rationally. i wasnt being quite rational when i wanted to go to KKICV. nevertheless, i must work my butt off, all body and spirit, to reach as high as i allow myself to be.

in the end, i must have The PhD. Passion. Hunger. and Drive. for excellence.

what matters most in life

it's 12.52 in the morning, according to the small clock on my computer screen.

i guess you might be wondering, what the heck this girl is doing late at night?! well, i must say that this time is actually a good time for me to blog, albeit my eyes are getting uncomfortable staring at the screen. coz, one thing, there's no one to interrupt me. yey.

ok... so, i read kak khadijah's blog just now.... something about being grown up and thinking seriously, pondering about life.

i guess we arent kids anymore huh? living a carefree life? even back then, were we really that happy, having not to worry about stuff?

anyway, i think too. though i dont really do much thinking these days. being caught up in issues this, issues that, i forgot - or shall i say, dont have time - to actually sit and think. i miss that, sometimes. during my secondary school days, if you read my entries from the past years, i think i might have mentioned somewhere that i "think too much it hurts and tires me" or something like that.

n nowadays, whenever my brain's ticking, tocking, i would always forget what it's all about. n i dont get to write my thoughts here, properly.

never mind.

so, about this post's title:

hmmm... i've been questioning myself: what's important in my life? what matters? what is my priority?

n all these all-too-familiar-and-similar questions bring me back to the threshold: what's my purpose of life in the first place?

now that im in a different world in the same world, i couldnt help it but ask myself. n yet again, this important question is always brushed aside. coz i dont seem to care about it. oh! how have i changed!

i still remember, i once wrote in my little orang notebook - now lost - things that matters to me, in order of priority. but now, im not even sure if im holding on to that.


how shall i put it? im just too embarrassed to admit it. it was once one of the top priorities in my teenage life. it still is. but only a priority. no number this time.


a friend of mine asked me just now, "have you studied?" and i said, "nope." emotionless. often, i wonder where my spirits have gone.. the happy, excited, always-on-the-go, puntual spirits.. the liveliness. sometimes, i wonder if it has been sapped out of me. because of what? i dare not say.


ouh~ i feel no spark now. just a little, maybe. where has the good time gone? maybe im such a loser.... a pathetic leader. saying it's a priority, holding on to it. but what good have i done to the group? i had wanted so much to be part of it, but now, i guess, i need to renew my intentions, my enthusiasm.


i would like to be a well-rounded student, yes. oh! how i would love to! being able to juggle this, keeping that, doing those. the challenge is good. the experiences are just as well..... though.... i have a feeling it's starting to have a toll on me. n because of it, im jeopardizing my principles, my religion. one that i have held on for sooo long. one that, all these years, has not been tarnished nor tested.

Allah and his Rasul.


what can i say, oh Allah?
You know my heart best!
im just afraid that my words would betray me.
im just so.........


for not stopping to think.
to thank.
to cherish.

n im just sooo ashamed of what i've become.

so much for declaring that i love Allah and prophet Muhammad!
but what have i done to prove it!
n im not even trying!

n so much for priorities which i cannot hold.
n promises i cannot keep.

i guess, this is how it goes huh? me, getting all emotional, late at night, early in the morning... my tears arent even flowing. you hypocrite!


let me just get straight to the point.

in life, you must know what you are supposed to do. what you must do. what you need to do. along the middle, it's what you want to do. n somewhere in the back, what you're forbidden to dwell on to.

please, dont read the above paragraph again. coz you will never understand what i just wrote. coz i dont either.

i guess, what matters most in life is living life knowing, always, that you're going to die and meet Him. n then, the question will be, how do you want your end to be? that is, what have you prepared for the next life.

nothing else matters, except...

it's all up to you to decide. me, to decide. what matters to each and every one of us? i bet it's something worldly, something superficial. fake.

n no, i dont really think too much while writing this post. im already sleepy. not much feelings.

so, take no heed to my advice. pay no attention to my latenightearlymorning free talk.

it's all crap.

*im such a pessimist.puncturing my own self-esteem*

it's nearly the end of 3rd term.


1. ana ucapkan terima kasih kpd kak juwita dan juga ustazah sakinah di atas ucapan hari jadi yg diberikan =) begitu juga kpd kawan2 yang lain... terharu jugak bila ade org ingat.... sampai kwn2 kt DQ pon ingat.... syukran ye? ^_^

oh! for readers who dont know what im talking about, it's about birthday wishes. for me. n fyi, my birthday is not in december *just in case you got the wrong info*

2. to cuz: hey!!!! oops! i mean, assalamu `alaikum! fuyo~~ it's been a long time since i last saw you... hehe.. i've been wanting to know how you are, how your school is - environment, study, friends - aaahh~ hope you're doing well! but i dont know how to reach you. err... actually, i thought you have no internet connection there...or at least, you dont have you own personal laptop or something. *a bit too narrow-minded, me* so, i was quite suprised that you tagged.


term test week's coming up!!

this coming monday, to be exact. aiyo~~ so much for wanting to get straight A's for this semester. i just hope i will NOT get any C..... klw dulu2 tu boleh lah...sebab C was for Cemerlang. heh. sekarang ni.....*fillintheblank*

on a happier note, the first HPI practical report, which my partner and i submitted veeerrry the late, well, we got 47/50! alhamdulillah~~! rase gembire, rase bersyukur, rase 'biar-betik!'... waduh~ hanye Tuhan je yang tahu! me asyik tgk2 je practical report...sapelah yg tk happy, rase bangge jugak (tp untuk diri sendiri ah~ bukan bangge smpi show off gitu!), all the rush, typing, squeezing of the brains, finding the right words....but all tainted with late submission..... akhirnye, kite dpt jugak markah yg memberangsangkan! my second HPI prac report pon ok jugak, 32/40...dgn 2 partners lain =)

hmmm...about my previous entries...well, i hope you wont misinterpret them.... im not living a sad, depressed life ok? my school life is practically normal. n i never felt better! struggling in school is a normal thing. n im doing ok.

plus, im recommending you this book: "Luna - a novel" by julie anne peters. the book's soooo damn touching, meaningful that my eyes were brimming with tears - tears of sympathy, sadness, painful joy.... what's the book about? go find out yourself! when i read the synopsis, i thought,"hey, why dont i give it a try? it's an interesting n controversial topic. i hope this book will shed some light on it...give new perspective...from the eyes of the main character n her brother"

yep. it's worth a read, guys! oh! n do read "define normal" too. by the same author.

you know what? im still thinking about writing the 'crushes' post. feel like writing now...but worry that i might drag the story until wayyyy toooo loooonggg *n boring too*

ok, i guess that's all the update i have for now. at least you know im still alive and kickin' =p

let's talk

do you know the feeling

when sometimes

you're simply unsure who to talk to

about what is new, what is wrong, what is happening

about what you're going through

coz you doubt if anybody actually wants to listen

to your pain, complain, joy and laughter

if anybody actually understands what you're saying

your ideas, opinions, confessions and insights

n maybe, coz you're afraid people may judge you

afraid of the verdict

that you are not what you were

or that you were not what you are

do you know that feeling

when you hesitate to turn to your old friends

to confide, to share, to impart

the new experience and discoveries you've made

afraid that they may not be interested to hear all that

coz you're not in the same line anymore

just as well

when you hesitate to talk to your new friends

to tell them tales of your past

the stories of today

the dreams of tomorrow

coz you still dont know them enough

do you know the feeling

kind of lost

old friends - they dont know what you've become

and you dont want them to know who you are now

new friends - they dont know who you were back then

and you cant explain to them who your old self was

then who can you trust your feelings and thoughts with?

there's God.

oh! how many hours a day that you forget about Him?

how many seconds a day that you even think about Him?

how many times do you turn to Him and pray?

how many?


im taking this opportunity to answer a question posted on my tagboard *since i cant tag...some 'cookie' problem or something*

honestly, im not sure if im stressed...because of poly life - school work, cca, or external activities that im involved in.

or maybe im denying the fact that im getting stresser day after day.

but i dont think that has happened, yet.

though i can feel some sort of panic seeping in... worry, yes. and maybe something else. afraid of failure??

nowadays, since i-dont-know-when, i sometimes imagine myelf - or hope to myself - that i dont have cca, or tutoring, or whatever else that is distrupting peaceful life. so i'll have more time to do my school work that is MOOOOOOOOOORRREEE important, and that i wont be RUSHING HERE AND THERE, WORRYING THAT I HAVENT DONE MY TUTORIAL, OR REVISED MY LECTURE NOTES, OR PANIC BECAUSE THERE'S A QUIZ COMING UP. sometimes i feel tired.

where's my focus gone to?

but then again, BAD HABITS DONT DIE OFF EASILY. a bad habit of mine is that i procrastinate. i rather do stuff other than studying. other people have their own 'comfortable' time to study, right? but, me? i simply dont know when the mood to study will come. it seems that 24/7 i have something else to do, and so, i postpone my assignments, tutorials, revision.

a PROMINENT bad habit: sleep sleep sleep. i feel sleepy during lectures, and sometimes i do doze off. i wake up late i'll be late for school. i sleep late, even though my eyes are demanding sleep *like now* what the heck are you doing late at night????????????? n when it's time to open my lecture notes, or at least read the instruction in the tutorial, i'll start to yawn...then decide that "oh! i want to sleep. tomorrow i'll do".... what da..?!!

im supposed to finish my lab report now. but suddenly, i dont feel like it. im gonna sleep right after this post. oh! i turned on the computer coz i had to check my email..... results,methods,diagram from my lab report teammates, ELF ALP program sheet for TP RAWKS from ELF yahoogroup...

oh! n disc report isnt graded...but i surely missed the chance to get to know myself better.

tkd? well......... WHY ARENT YOU GETTING YOUR KICKS RIGHT????????? THEY'RE ONLY BASIC KICKS!!! BY NOW, YOU SHOULD'VE AT LEAST BE GOOD AT THEM..... klw org yang tak tahu main bola namenye kaki bangku, klw org yang tk tahu nak tendang betul2, namenye ape???????????????????

urgh! the kicking part does get on my nerves sometimes!

hmmmm.... let me see.

life in poly is great, good, fun... it is. enjoyable.

i hope you wont judge poly life by JUST knowing how i am doing....

coz the problem here is ME, ME, ME.

thanks for raising that question =)

what's WRONG with me.........????????????



ya Allah~ ape nak jadi dgn aku ni...


i just remembered just now....... that i forgot to do the DISC profile report!! betape paniknye aku! astaghfirullah~~ me betul2 tak ingat.... dari hari rabu yang lepas nie....sampailah hari nie!

padahal i've checked my TP email last week...ade email pasal bende ni, n my tutor pon dah beritahu... due date nye was friday yang baru lepas nih..... dah tak boleh nak access to the system..............

ya Allah~~ ape yg harus aku lakukan??

hmmm~ nampak sgt tk boleh nak negotiate dgn guru.... yelah, sbb reason tk valid.

ape aku nak jawab nanti mase tutorial this week.............?

n i bet the DISC report worths quite a lot!!!!!!!!!!!

n forgetful liyana has just blown up her chances of getting a distinction!



you know, im getting *whatstheword??* as the days go by.....

i really want to do well this semester. n yet, im lagging behind...since the start of the semester.... maths dah masuk topic 3...... ape2 je yg me ingat...ntah! HPI.....pasal complement system.... cardiac cycle..... serological tests...... even cell bio pon me tk bace sgt notes nye.

and for leadership n character...........minggu lepas baru the FIRST TIME i sat for the lecture from first to end............selame 4or5 minggu me asyik lewat... sbb gi solat asar *heh...solat asar pon rilek2..padahal ade lecture!* ade satu kali tu, me baru je duduk, 3or4 minutes later, lecture dah habis...makneNYE.......i missed one whole lecture!

oh! n missing lectures is something that is 'normal' to me now. heh. especially last 2 weeks ago.. on a friday...sbb nak habiskan lab report, i skipped math lecture (2 hours), n cell bio lecture (1 hour).......... such a good attitude liyana! ni lah akibatnye kalau buat lab report last minute! end up, me hantar lab report tu 30 minutes later than the dateline (5pm)...


n yesterday, i think, i came across the article, mengenai top psle malay student tu.......... subhanallah~ dia seorang hafiz rupenye..... sedangkan aku ni..............

*feels like slapping her own face*

n this semester....fuh! tk boleh main2 ah~~ lebih2 lagi for leadership n arts nye subjects tu..... ade individual assignment, group project....dah tu semua adelah CORE things yg di ASSESSED.... so, percentage nye byk! tk boleh main2! kena berikan yg terbaik!

leadership tu plak..........byk nah concept nak kena ingat!





ntah lah eh............

ni lah akibatnye....sbb me tk *fillintheblank*


i guess i've sidetracked a bit too far....i must come back.... back to my roots...

back to fitrah...

aaah~ yes. fitrah.

but, what is fitrah?

short update

1. i got ARTS APPRECIATION n LEADERSHIP & CHARACTER for my cross-disciplinary subjects. the former was my 3rd/4th choice...n the latter, i didnt even apply for it! tapi me reda je... pasti ade hikmah di sebalik tu... n im LOVIN' the tutorials!! *note: bukan lecture tau...tapi tutorial..heh!*

2. subjects for this semester:
- basic microbiology
- cell biology
- human physiology and immunology
- mathematics and statistics 2
- communication skills for applied science 2
- arts appreciation
- leadership and character

3. my basic micrology lecturer is cute! a bit lame also.... but never mind! haha~~ excuse me eh, cute here is not cute face, superficial... it's more to his antics.... ketawanye pon kelakar... *smiling to myself* n my class got him for our tutor!!! yeah~~~!

4. intervarsity and polytechnic (IVP) competitions are year.. so tkd training will most probably be doubled, to 4 times a week. im still not sure if i can commit or not...though i want to...

5. ade jalan raye dgn members Nur Ikhwan n Nanyang Polytechnic Muslim Society... but im not going. memang tk nak pon!

6. firah got first in her class. mabruuuuuk!

7. i was shocked i when i saw the blog of a friend of mine. she withdrew from alsagoff years ago. n let me say this: im disappointed with her (or is it 'in her'?) i simply am. much more than im disappointed with Abidah. but both of you are still my friends. n i respect your decisions of what you want to become.

i think that's all for now.

caribbean blue by Enya

... Eurus ...
... Afer Ventus ...

... so the world goes round and round
with all you ever knew -
They say the sky high above
is Caribbean blue ...

... if every man says all he can,
if every man is true,
do I believe the sky above
is Caribbean blue ...

... Boreas ...
... Zephryus ...

... if all you told was turned to gold,
if all you dreamed were new,
imagine sky high above
in Caribbean blue ...

... Eurus ...
Afer Ventus ...
... Boreas
Zephryus ...
... Africus ...

pictures 2006

hey there.... hmmm... if you guys notice, this year i dont have as many pictures to show you as i have last year.... haiz~~ sejak semenjak me masuk poly nih.. mcm tk byk gmbr yg me ambik untuk buat kenangan.... even events kt alsagoff, ie pasar amal 2006 n peraduan syarahan inter-madrasah me tk ambik gmbr.... well, not so accurate there.. i took few pictures during the latter. then, events yg related to MS (muslim society) pon... hmm... tk byk sgt ah...

entah lah ye... mungkin lagi a few months baru me jadi more 'hyped up' untuk take pictures again..

anyway...i still got some pictures for this year, 2006. so ENJOY!


tige beradik...

my new-found cousin. sabrina. very the peramah indeed! 'new-found' is a bit exaggerated, eh.. it's my first time interacting with her, seriously!

with nenek sebelah ayah n 2 younger cousins.. dah besar dah diorg...sec 3 n 1..


kt raffles place.. dlm perjalanan pulang dari kgchaichee iftar.. i found a new friend: kak hawanis, from NYP =)

kak fadzillah (event IC, NI member), mdm hafifah n kak haswani (NI vice-chair)

the crowd =)

kak maryam O, farhana, kak khadijah .....


lined up.... hehe...sape yg terpendek?? =p

kt AVA room... where i used to sit... huda too..

first time gitu ambil gmbr dgn tige2 guru lelaki...kt bilik guru lelaki plak tu!

RAMADHAN ROCKS 2006 - 29 & 300906

malam2 buta...pukul 12 lebih pagi....or was it 1 in da morning??? *still can smile seyyy*

baru habis cuci dulang, pinggan, gelas, water dispensers, baldi yang org letak makanan tu.. (ape namenye eh??) dan sebagainye....fuh! my baju, tudung were smeeeelllly! hahahahah! pagi2 org solat, kite cuci-mencuci... cewah~~


most of my classmates are here

the muslim girls in AG12

some of the Nur Ikhwan's girls.... *it was kak haswani's birthday...she got a card! =>*


tkd grading at toa payoh sports hall in july..... it was my first! i wasnt anywhere in this pic... just to give you the idea of how it is.

aaliyah~~~ *oops! blm mintak izin dari kak deena!*

during graduation day... back in january..

our first-prize winner..... from ALSAGOFF... yeah~~! takbir!

a day out with thfz classmates.... but here are my two friends from alsagoff

awww~~ no goodies for me! *sad face*

i just realised that this sunday's children's day.

which reminds me that im never going to get any presents or goodies again.

*i dont think lecturers do that, do you??*

last year, i wrote about ust damawiyah treating us a polar cake, mee goreng and a drink... at that time, i had already feel the sadness, that that was gonna be my last children's day 'presents'..

i wanna be a kid again! n be in alsagoff!

it's quite high ley!

yes, yes, yes!!!

i'd like to declare something........................

i've tried TWO HIGH ELEMENTSSSS!! yeah~!

flying fox n multi-vine..


ok lah...i've never facilitated flying fox before... n i've never tried it too (facilitators mane ade nk main, yg main participants je! pfft!)

so, just now got refresher course, for ELF trainees to refresh our minds on the games, procedures, safety stuff n so on...

n so, i actually climbed up the pole - i was belayed - n tada! i stood on the platform with a senior instructor. first he showed me the step-by-step procedures once a participant is up there (this time, konon i was the participant ah).... lonnngg ago, in june, the staff i/c for EFL, terence, had actually taught some of us (including me) the procedures for flying fox.. tapi lupe2 jugak ah...

then....i just took a step off the platform.

seconds before i took off...ish! perasaan takut dan worry tu... rupenye2 baru me realise betape kuatnye kedue2 feelings tu, sampai boleh mempengaruh fikiran org..samade to get on with it, or retreat. *thinking...*

but then again, it was fuN, with a capital N! haha~~

multi-vine plak, me pernah facilitate...yelah, instructors stay on the ground je... setakat tgk participants...some of them super-brave..some of them scared....

today, i got to feel what it's like to really be UP THERE... bila tgh panjat pole tu - again, i was belayed - rase seram semakin memuncak... bila dah sampai kt atas...aduuuuhh~~ boleh tahan menggigil jugak! i just concentrated and looked forward. not that i didnt dare to look down... *eh! me boleh tgk bwh lah~~ tahap seram tkdelah extreme mane..* my feet sliding the hands holding super-tight to the rope... n trying to balance myself *it wasnt that hard, actually..i've seen worse - people who were nearly off-balance, leaning a bit too forward/backward..all trying to balance themselves!*

anyway.... i succeed to touch the pole at the other end.

feelings?? hmmm... how to say eh?? i think i also forgot already...

quite challenging, emotionally n physically..

after lunch-time, we cleaned the shed and ELF room.. aiyo~~ kt shed tu... boleh tahan berserak..mcm2 khazanah ade kt dlm... lizards, spiders, big ants... heh. i must admit, i wasnt too helpful at the cleaning part... coz my energy was draining slowly out of me. n also coz im not too keen to do cleaning up.

having said that, today was quite fun! plus the people im with ah... so the whole day was enjoyable, though tiring. =)

some facts though: a few times i was in very close distance with guys. on the platform during flying fox, sitting on the log with two guys side by side, sitting on a not-so-new bench with jia liang right beside me, n sitting in a room with all guys, no girls *coz i came back to the ELF room early than the rest of the girls...bila masuk tu, rupe2nye semua lelaki... me duduk je satu corner, dgr lagu*

so what do you think?

ain't i a changed person?

or my faith is simply lacking?

- you dont judge me -

stories yet to be shared

- my comments on my sem1 result
- music that i currently enjoy listening
- my crushes (yes! i've been thinking of writing a post on that ever since my cousin asked me about it)

busy little bee *weeeeezzzz*

this year's holiday is a lot different than before. yeah... if you read my last year's entries, u'll notice that i kept saying something like, "i wasted my time" "boring" etc etc... the point is, my previous holidays were void of useful, meaningful, fruitful activities.

n now, here i am, in the middle of my semester break... around 1 month more to go before school reopens... *yawns...coz it'sbeen a loooong holiday already*

as the post title always busy.. my time is always filled...i go out almost everyday.

the only problem is, im always going here n there that i sometimes want to stop. n just sit at home, watch dvds. or go out with my family.

i go to school sometimes, for tkd trainings, ALP courses... then, there's tahfiz..though i shall admit, i seldom go to mks now. n im involved with not one, but 3 i events: ramadhan rocks, Minhah'06 iftar, collaboration between Nur Ikhwan n NYPMS, Nur Ikhwan's kg chai chee iftar.

i should show you my organizer - which i create myself, since islamic organizers were out of stock when i wanted to buy one... meetings take quite a lot of my time... n usually, when i go out, i go to 2/3 places on a particular day.say.... morning, tutoring.tghari/ptg, meeting ELF. mlm,meeting iftar NI/NYPMS...

n this october, i have 2 camps lined up. community service club sub-comm training camp n taekwondo camp.

another thing...some activities clash with other activities.... for example, ramadhan rocks and tutoring. SP iftar with CSC camp... *sighs loudly* it's just that...all these make me have to think of ways to change my tutoring time...or miss out on other activities...

sometimes things come up last minute and you have to arrange your schedule..where to go first.. what to do..

n let me say here: it reaaaaaaaaaaally good that i have a bus concession pass... it's definitely, undoubtly, clearly my financial lifesaver!

of course, i enjoy what im doing. holiday's been great. im not sure if you agree or not, but i dont always complain... hmmm... err... am i complaining now? coz if i am.. i'll just delete this post..

everything is energy- and time-consuming. while im ok with all these, my dad isnt. not really.. sometimes he questions if all these meetings are necessary... n all these involvements keeps me away from home, where im expected to do house chores, which my parents prefer me doing. heh.

but at the same time, im thankful that my parents support me. though maybe my dad is sometimes annoyed by my 'busi-ness'... he consents my going here, there.. so far he hasnt pressed the red stop button. when he does, i think i'll understand. my parents have usually given me green lights, so it's only fair that i obey their say.

on a happier note, this month i've gone out with my family twice. n my parents, once. did some shopping during these family trips..*smiling widelyyyyy* during these times, i didnt have to worry about where im rushing off to next.. coz the whole day was family day.. well, except for the day i went out with my parents ah... that night, i had to go to ramashan rocks meeting at saff-centre, kt bukit gombak..tu pon bila bangun dari tido, rase mcm malas nk keluar lagi!

kadang2 tu rase penat n nk duduk rumah a little bit overwhelming that i didnt go to tkd training...for example, last week! dua2 hari me tk pegi..tibe2 rase tampines tu jauh sgt!

oklah...........dah pukul 2.27 AM nie... hmmm.. dapat jugak me tulis 2 posts malam/pagi nie... walaupon mate dah agak berat nih!...

till here....

feel the target, dude!

today's tkd training was, by far, the best training yet. minus the shuttle run, of course.

what's good?

well, at last, my kicks sounded better. hahaha~ lame right?

but it matters to me, you know!

the coach - well, he's not really my coach..he's the colour belts' - had us doing lots of front kicks.. first slow run, run, run over small triangle cups aligned straight on the floor, then kick ten times, fast one..i guess i did ok.. the run faster..then must do kneelift ten times, run over the triangles,kick.then facing the other side do kneelift ten times, turn,run,kick.

then he told us to run slowly - "take your time" - and give our 100% kick. "the lesser energy u use, the louder the sound, it means that you're getting it"... yeah, man!

i tried to relax my body and just give a good kick. but my body was tense, and when i kicked, it was as if my whole body was moving. the correct way is your body relaxes, dont jump, and just swing your leg..

well, after a few times kicking, i was satisfied... as the coach said, "feel it!" well, something like that ar... whatever the IT is, i guess it means the sense of satisfaction when you get to kick full-force.

then, we were back to the basics: bounce, bounce, bounce... slide forward, backward,kneelift..

overall, training was light =)

mase lari 3 rounds at the start of training tu, rase termengah2 jugak ah...mungkin sbb dah seminggu tk gi training - so tk lari - or coz i didnt do any stretching.. plus the fact that i was fasting.

i could take it ah... tapi bila part shuttle run..fuh~ i ended up breathing heavily for air! terus gi buka..bila nak duduk tu..terus start sakit perut! fuyo~~ i think it was the effect of the shuttle run or something.. nak makan roti pon tkde mood...minum air je..tapi badan terase lemah ah... i was practically shaking! hmmm...


it's all in the mind.

i keep saying that phrase tu myself whenever i go running.. cube nak concentrate. tapi kate2 tu seolah2 tkde effect pade diri nie... i try to push myself, tapi rase penat plak. selalu jugak me asyik nk stop2 bila tgh lari tu... on few occasions je yg me dapat lari 3 laps without stopping.. mcm last two weeks..fuh~ terase relaks n satisfying betul...mase tu plak cuaca tgh redup, baru habis hujan... tk rase nk stop... i just run~run~run... mungkin oxygen supply ade lebih kot time tu! sbb tu tk rase exhausted..hehe..

oh! note to readers: when i say i 'run' doesnt mean i run, as in 'run', 'lari' kind of 'run' is more like jogging... cume kadang2 tk sedar bila my speed increases.

anyway...korg ade tertanye2 tk, tk rase canggung ke, pakai tudung and lari... pelajar2 lain nampak..

well, me cube sedaye upaya untuk tidak attract attention...tapi kt stadium tu mmg lah ade org... kt tpt duduknye(dragonboater n pelajar2 lain)..kt track (track-n-field ppl n cheerleading ppl)..kt field (sometimes dragonboaters or soccer ppl)...n me sedaye upaye elakkan dr rase 'show off'. bahaya! pada hakikatnye pon, me mmg tk bagus sgt bila lari... klw lari sorang2 ok klw dgn fellow tkd-ians, im always the last one..or if there's luck, the last few..

ah~ biarlah ape org nk lari nk exercise..buat ape nk show off plak.. *cume harap2 me tk attract too much, or even a little, attention from people, especially rijal...mintak dijauhkan!*

lagipon, dah berbulan2 me join tkd..jadi kelibat me tu dah biase jugak ah kan??

oh! did i mention that im the only muslim girl in tkd? n there are 5 muslim guys... ermm.. sebenarnye, ujian jugak bila ade rijal muslim nie... tapi lame kelamaan me dah tk heran dgn diorg. buat hal sendiri ah.. even though sometimes naughty and immature thoughts cross my mind..hmm..whatever! all these are the devil'swork! im fending them off!

mengenai kwn2 plak..yeah, i made friends here.. n i dare to say that i get along with them better than my classmates...maybe coz the time spent together, during trainings, twice a week... bila training, selalu in close distance, jadi selalu jugak berbual dgn kwn2 cina... pei yong, cheryl, yanning, gui wen, catherine, serene, maggie, jing hua...even the seniors, tiffany, hui ping, si ting, grace, vivian..bertegur sape jugak kadang2,tp tk berbual sgt ah.. kwn2 lelaki cina... tk bertegur sape sgt ah.. tk tahu nk ckp ape pon...cume maybe dgn wei liang, ok ah~~ click jugak dgn dia.. =)

so, overall, i can say that im comfortable with the TKD lot! *yey*


today's ALP course was good! it was my first time facilitating a group..13 people.. before this, i had only tried mass briefing of 'magic carpet' game.

so, tadi, dpt jugak experience briefing my group for trust fall n nitro crossing n facililating the high elements, high beam n multi vine.


yelah, it gave me a sense of responsibility n leadership. well, a bit. *teringat zaman kt alsagoff dulu*

n my group was quite enthu! actually there were only 2 groups.. less that 30 students ar.. from accounting and finance interest group. han jun facilitated group 1 n bryan conducted the energiser games n the team challenge. oh! n teaching the participants to wear harnesses. so, me, han jun n bryan were the only junior instructors there. plus another 2 senior instructors (initially..then another came)..

the day was peaceful to me coz there werent many instructors and people around. n compared to last week's ALP course, which saw many participants and instructors - plus the fact that i had nothing much to do except observe, i enjoy today's course. n my group is the best yet =) *cheers!*

ok, enough with that.

i've got something to share with you guys..

remember that i did mention that i dont have a wristwatch..the $5 one which i bought, last year i think, didnt last long =( i like like like the design of the watch!, last wednesday 200906, my mum - or shall i say, my parents.. - bought me a wristwatch. i was there to choose, of course!

actually, my parents and i went to tcc pte ltd, then to PUB.. then walked along orchard road to go to the maleleuca store at shaw house. along the way, i frequently stopped at watch kiosks or shop windows to browse the watches...most of them are not to my interest.. hmm... lots of elegant, ladylike watches ahh... or too fancy for my liking!

then...after having lunch at anatolia @ far east plaza, we passed Time Club.. i looked at the display..hmmm..then my dad said, masuklah..tgk. ok, so i went in...the swatch collection wasnt bad. there was one purple watch... attractively designed, indeed. n the price was $86...

but then, i looked around and chose 2 more was a Hugen n the other I-watch, i think..

and.. and.. and..

i chose to buy Hugen, The Watch Maker Brand.. $65 only. the most suprising thing is... the original price was $280! i couldnt believe my eyes, and most importantly, my luck!

i had finally found a wristwatch that i really like, a branded one (though i was thinking of tag-heuer..sadly, that brand isnt sold in the shop), and someone bought it for me. nice!

*oh~ im so happy!*

ok, ok,'s very late already..n i still havent had my shower from the time i reached home (which was at 9-something pm)...*smelly!*

getting involved.

one thing yg me tk suke about joining org. comm. for events or malay students' body kan...ialah adding some people's email address to my msn. those people that i rather not have them as my contacts. who am i talking about?

the brothers.

dont get me wrong.

i dont hate them, or have unnecessary grudges.

i just find it disturbing.


so, im gonna do what i did before.


a day with them

i had a great time today!

went to school with jim n nafisah..

catch up with each other...

meeting with the teachers..

oh! how glad i was!

and still am!

threading the same path again...

after many months....

seeing familiar faces!


im just so thankful to be back.

though it was quite, quite, quite awkward..

with the teachers, of course!


not enough time though...

but that wonderful minutes... im just sooOoOoOOoo happy!



after that, we went to mjd sultan, zohor prayer. orchard we go!!


had our late late late lunch at anatolia..

lamachun, yum!

wanted to try the ice cream..

but no thanks! it's a lot n i didnt wanna go thru the 'game'..


oh ya, before that, went for asar prayer at royal plaza on scotts..*i think so* a surau there! first time seyyy~~

n so, as a result, i skipped TKD training..

never mind!

i was having a superb time!

hehe~ *bad, bad!*

then, maghrib prayer at al-falah..


home sweet home!

thanks for the wonderful company, guys!

and the results are...........

hamdan lilLAH~~


i need a massage. -_-"

yep. gimme some money n i'll make my way down to.....banyan tree?? or any other spa n massage centre in spore.

my feet hurt a lot, man! during TKD training, i kicked and kicked and kicked and kicked the target... the pain was... ergh!... and i was frustrated coz my kicking was wrong, wrong, WRONG! that's why i got the red markings!

n i still cant do the high kick! as a result, i kept hitting the wrong part of the target, which left my leg more painful!

n yesterday, when i woke up. my legs were like...sengal2?? stiff the blue-black on my feet (well, it's not blue-black, it's red. tapi bile tekan, sakit ar..) and i thought the blue-black parts were a bit swollen. plus, my back, shoulders, arms were aching...aiya~ mcm org tua lah pulak... padahal mase training tu involved kaki je... tapi mungkin sbb tido tk betul ar... that's why sane sini sengal2!


at least today badan dah tk sakit sgt...cume my right shoulder, kt tpt joint, bile tekan rase sakit.. tpkan...mcm best lah pulak rase sakit2 nie... suke nah tekan2... my feet plak...still red..but dah kurang rase sakitnye tu...

im not going to training today, coz ade usrah n iftar kt mks. good thing i had planned to go there... mcm rase tk best plak sbb absent for! i need one week off~~~!

Organic Chemistry 1

for this paper... me belajar betul2! tp start lewat malam ar...lewat sekali... mase tgk project runway tu, notes kt sesekali je tgk...dah tu, sempat tgk OC!

this time, me belajar smpi pukul 4 lebih pagi. walaupun semacam ngantuk gitu, tapi semangat belajar tu yg buat me tk tido. me betul2 nak cover each and every page of the lecture notes... dah lah mase tu topic 2 and 3 a bit lapuk... so kena refresh ar... i went through the lecture notes plus tutorial... yep. bila belajar tu, rase mcm lembab nah me nak cover sesuatu perkare.. i was spending too much time on orbitals (end up keluar yg simple2 habis punye! but then, maybe i really wanted to make sure i understand for the sake of the knowledge..)..

i finally stopped at carboxylic acids... nmpknye topic 7 and 8 me cover dlm bus je pagi nanti... bila pikir2 balik, mcm nak habiskan semua, memandangkan lagi few hours nk subuh, so tk payah tido. tapi, me chose to tido, coz i needed the rest. *teringat plak time exam tafsir tahun lepas, langsung tk tido! n akibatnye, i was exhausted* alhamdulillah~ satu dua jam tido pon jadilah...

dlm bus, me went thru amines and chemical reactions mechanism. the latter is one of the few topics i enjoyed doing. another one, is writing the products of chemical reactions and synthetic routes.. wheee~ initially, susah jugak nk determine reaction ape nk gunekan dlm synthetic routes tu... dlm chemical reactionc plak, yg leceh ialah nk ingat the correct reagents, catalyst. ish! tapi, bila kite dah belajar nih.. dah faham, dah ingat sedikit sebanyak..baru rase seronok buat questions2 berkenaan.

me ade print examp paper lame. nampak mcm complicated ar... tapi, when i did my own exam paper, it was fine. the thing about organic chem is that, if you make a tiny wrong step, the whole thing is wrong. careless mistakes always happen. tu yg me worry! satu persatu soalan me cube buat betul2, bace questions, checked my answers.

ade tk questons yg me stuck??? hmmm...ntah eh..rasenye semua boleh buat...cume ade 2 questions yang me ade doubts... satu: suggest one laboratory procedure to distinguish two compounds. primary alcohol and secondary alcohol... so me gunekan oxidation method. but i wrote acidic potassium permanganate as the reagent/catalyst. so it was a bit tedious... coz kena explain how to know carbon dioxide is formed from the primary alcohol..

bila dah nk dekat habis paper - i was doing the 2nd last Q i think, or 3rd last - i came across 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine...ler then i tot, "i should've used sodium dichromate, not potassium permanganate...jadi the whole process is much shorter n easier!"

terpikir2 jugak, samade me nk cancel my initial answer or tkde maselah...lagipon, my answer was quite ok pe...

dua: draw the least stable newman projection. me dah selepas tu ade doubts... coz yg me draw tu rasenye is not the least stable...masih boleh buat dia lebih tk stable lagi... but that was 5 minutes before 12.30 (end of exam time)..pikir punye last time's me tk tukar... but then again, i had - and still have - a gut feeling that my answer was wrong. minus 2 marks then.

oh ya! there was a MCQ..least stable chair conformation for *trans-1,3-iforgottherestofthename*... ish~ musykil at last..i just follow what i thought was correct, logically.

ok, expectation for OC1?? hmm... my aim is quite A...coz i never failed my term test and the 3 lecture quizzes... tp.. maybe i'll get a B.. i guess im alright with that...insha Allah~

we'll see...

and thus...i've finished the seriesof my exam-time stories..

my classmates told me that the results are due next two weeks...


"Ya Allah~ kuatkanlah hati hambaMu ini...walau apa pun keputusannya nanti, tenangkanlah and teguhkanlah diri ini untuk menerimanya....Amiin"

Human Anatomy and Physiology

simply said, it was easy! yeah~~ it's your typical secondary school biology. all you have to do is memorize the points and you'll be on your way to distinction!

i dont think i'll get Z. that's the alphabetical grade for Distinction. but i do hope i get an A or maybe B+.

i studied last minute giler sey! late at night and in da morning of the exam day. and i didnt touch the lecture notes, well, not totally ah..i did flip the endocrine system! did i? *cant remember*

so, yeah. i started on the super important facts. coz i knew super well that those would super definitely come out. and they did! hah!

then, i covered tutorial questions. then i scanned the lecture quiz and tutorial quizzes. MCQs, man! must pay attention... and yep. several familiar MCQs were there, in the exam paper!

boleh dikatakan, me bergantung pada 'luck' ah... i mean, i didnt really 'study'... so i was quite panic, yes. but at the same time, i had the feeling that what i had managed to cover was sufficient.

but i must say that some important concepts/mechanisms were not in da tutorial sheets, so you actually had to read the lecture notes too. for example, hemostasis. i didnt even remember what the lecture notes say... at first i was like, "'s not homeostasis..... hemo mean blood...stasis means balance.....balance of blood...what???....oh! blood clotting!" and all i remembered was 'coagulation'..coz Mr Loh kept mentioning that during lecture. tapi mcmane nk explain the process of blood clotting???? me tk ingat the steps!

alhamdulillah~~~....nasib baik sgt sbb me masih ingat the process, secondary school style. yep. i actually remembered, but no fully, the points from my sec bio textbook! yang ade:
platelets n damaged tissue----->thrombokinase,
prothrombin------(with the help of thrombokinase)---->thrombin, *this part me confused; samade prothrombin to thrombin, or otherwise*
fibrinogen----(with the help of thrombin)--->insoluble fibrin threads.
calcium is needed in the process (ntah, tk ingat kt which part yg perlukan calcium; i didnt even mention 'ion', coz i wasnt sure).

tk tahu lah klw the examiner boleh terima my answer. coz i think my answer tu tkde dlm lecture notes. there was no 'coagulation' anywhere in my answer.

bila start of exam time tu, me terus mintak dictionary (yep..boleh request a dictionary)... sbb nk cari makna hemostasis and deglutition. those terms tkde dlm dictionary..i had expected that... tgk jenis dictionary je dah was oxford i think, tp kecil punye.

at last, becoz ramai org tk tahu kedua2 terms tu, Mr Tang (he's my HAP tutor) beritahu maknenye.. oh~ rupe2nye, deglutition tu 'swallowing'...

kena explain the two phases of swallowing...phases ape sey??? wah~ nie me betul2 tk tahu... in my head, i was picturing the diagram in the HAP textbook..tgh cube2 ingat the captions below the me jawab je ah ape yg me cakap langsung pasal 2 phases.. i believe markah mesti kena potong... isk~ tkpelah...

overall, the paer was ok.. i was happy. =D

the start of semester break

im having my semester holiday now... 1 month 3 weeks. i dont even know what to do to fill the days that lie ahead. i dont have a specific plan coz thing may come up and i may make a haste and last minute plan.

im now at school... buat ape kt sekolah sedangkan dah cuti???

welllll....actually kan.... i had strongly thought that today ade TKD camp. we were told 2 weeks before the exams that there was going to be a TKD camp on 5 and 6 sept. and so, i reached the sports hall at 9am this morning only to find dragon boat girls and a few track-n-field guys, i think.

before that, in da bus, i was already having doubts. betul ke ade camp... yeah, yeah.. i know i should've sms-ed someone yesterday. but i didnt, did i?

bila dah smpi sports hall tu, baru me sms-ed pei yong and gui wen. and both informed me that "the camp in postponed.." dunno when's the new date. hah~ how come i didnt receive any sms/news about that?? i wonder....

tkpelah... bagus jugak me dtg pagi. immediately my head started to plan what to do.. so i ate a heavy breakfast at business park (business sch's canteen). ama damai sey kt situ..and the radio was playing beautiful songs to my ears... nk jugak tahu channel radio ape.. tp tk tahu nk tanye sape..ended up, me terlupa. malas plak nk patah balik. oh ya, before gi canteen, me pergi ke cheers jap...

after that, me terus gi library... ape lagi klw bukan tgk movie! haha... hari tu, last day of school, tk dpt tgk movie, so peluang keemasan nie tk mau dilepaskan!


tgk le grand voyage... dah tu, terus nk tgk movie kena tunggu at least 30 minutes *ish~~ mcm gelojoh lah pulak! shame on you!*

so, yeah, now here i am, typing this post.

6.30pm nanti ade TKD training, so obviously im not going home, yet.

le grand voyage~

i just watched the movie! at TP library..

im touched. a bit overwhelmed. it feels good!

not much dialogue.. but i think i got the message. plus, i just love listening to the conversation... french eh? moroccan arabic here and there? the sound is simply nice =)

bila part reda n his dad arrive at Mecca...n movie tu tunjukkan ramai org berjalan menuju masjidil haram...background sound "labbaikallahummu labbaik~~"...then, ade gmbr ramai org tgh solat... background sound "bacaan quran dr sudais"... haiz~ i was like, teary and overwhelmed....

bilakah aku akan menjejakkan kaki ke Makkah...?


im not sure how to explain this feeling of mine. but nvm, that's not important.

anyway, im satisfied with the movie. but i got one question: pelakon yg jadi Reda tu muslim ke tak? kalau bukan muslim, tkkn certain parts of the movie was filmed in Mecca??? how about the film crew??

oh! i am inspired with this part:

Why didn't you fly to Mecca? It's a lot simpler.
The Father: When the waters of the ocean rise to the heavens, they lose their bitterness to become pure again...
Reda: What?
The Father: The ocean waters evaporate as they rise to the clouds. And as they evaporate they become fresh. That's why it's better to go on your pilgrimage on foot than on horseback, better on horseback than by car, better by car than by boat, better by boat than by plane.

"The movie isn't sophisticated but is charming in its own way, a kind of National Geographic with soul."


"Le Grand Voyage is one of the few productions allowed to shoot in Mecca; the final images are breathtaking, as is a final cathartic exchange between father and son, which makes the rough trip leading up to this moment worth the wait. Almost."

- Ed Gonzales, Slant Magazine

" "If the film has a message" Ferroukhi declared, "then it's a message of tolerance." He explained that he set out to make "a universal film [that would reach] beyond culture and religion." Thus, the son learns to accept his father's religious ways, while the father learns that his son must follow his own path in life. "


excepts taken from an interview with nicholas cazale (Reda):

How did you feel among the Mecca pilgrims?
I could feel both an extraordinary energy and love, as if I could really hear Islam's heart beat. You realize that this religion is made of love and care for the others. I am happy I took part in this movie because it shows Islam in a way that has nothing to do with the image the media convey.

Did you find out things you did not know about Islam?
Absolutely. Reading the Koran I notably realized that Islam is a very federative religion: the human being is the centre of things and care for the others is essential. It teaches love and not hatred as is too often heard. The texts say that if one is hurt, one can take revenge, but it is even better if one can forgive.


that's short for mathematics and statistics 1.

i hope i'll get a B for it. 15 marks sure gone, so A is out of my list. klw dapat B pon dah cukup buat me =)

how was the paper?

1. the format is the same as the past years' papers. you see, we students can print old exam papers from the net. so, kite cube soalan2 exams... soalannye tk byk sgt ah... ade 2 sections. section A ade 8 questions, 5 marks each. we can expect to see 1 or 2 logarithm questions, 1 trapezoidal rule question, 1 significant figures question, transformation of non-linear to linear equation question...etc.

for section B, there 4 main questions, of course, each has its own components. 1 question: 15 marks. section B, yang confirm masuk are the scatter plot graph question (+linear correlation coefficient+least square method+labelling regression line+prediction), another logarithm question, exponential decay, area n volume of bounded regions, n maxima/minima question. just now also got rate of change question which i screwed up big time! worth 5 marks, man!

2. alhamdulillah~ most of the time me dpt buat smoothly, although i knew very well that there were careless calculations and wrong steps here n there, which may cost me 1,2,3 or the whole marks for that particular question; gone!

i was stuck two times: one, a logarithm question in section A. dapat buat halfway, then tk tahu ape yg harus ditulis; nak cancel off ke, multiply ke...stuck begitu je! so me tglkan je ah.. the second one is the maxima question. Ya Allah, me rase sedih sekali! it was the last question, and i didnt have a clue how to get the correct equation. as long as you couldnt figure out the equation to differentiate, you can never answer that question! ='(

actually, soalan yang seakan2 same dgn the maxima question tadi ade dlm 2 of the exam papers that i printed. n guess what? while i know that profit is revenue - cost, i got the equation for revenue wrong!! i mistook it for the equation of the number of bowls sold. i totally didnt remember that revenue is selling price x price!

all the time i was figuring out how to get another 'x' in the equation so it'll be 'x-square', n so when i differentiate i can retain an 'x'.

sekarang me tgh cube redha dgn keadaan. mungkin kau deserve it. yang lain went smooth, mestilah satu atau dua yg tersangkut. kau tk belajar betul2, sbb tu tk semua yang dipermudahkan. semoga ini menjadi pengajaran untuk kau.

tapi bila pikir balik, hati ni berbisik: klw kau doa dan mintak betul2 tadi, semase lagi 10 minit sebelum 'time's-up!', mungkin Allah akan beri kau ilham..

ntah lah eh...yg dah lepas tu lepas lah ye?

sekarang nie plak belum belajar human anatomy and physiology. ish~ byk sgt fakta nk kena ingat. sikit2 macam belajar sejarah dulu.. from the small terms and facts, to the big and important names and facts and mechanism and processes. must be able to know them all and explain them clearly!


signing off...bye!

p/s: i've changed my specs. it was in may or july this year, cant remember. the frame's blue. ergh. but the shape is rectangle-like. not oval like my old specs. i remembered spending a LOOONG time in the shop, trying to find the perfect specs. finally, i gave up and chose this blue frame. klw yg nerd-style tu, ade, tapi it makes my face wide bila pakai tudung. my current specs nie pon same jugak..but nak buat camne? dah beli, n tkde frame oval yg berkenan di hati.

tkpelah. =) oh! n my degree pon dah naik. 200+ or 300+ gitu. =(

in the bus.......

hari sabtu yang baru lepas nie, mase me balik dari rumah ibu (my makcik), me naiklah bus 39...jeng jeng jeng! me terjumpa aszafirah! Wheeee~~~

alhamdulillah~~ i was very happy indeed to see a friend of mine again. and im still glad to have met YOU in the bus!

haha! rase awkward lah pulak... mmg kite dulu tk lah rapat mane.. but we're in good terms.. jadi bila berbual pasal cerita lame.. or updates about each other... it sure made my day!

rase tk sabar gitu nk buat reunion. ape khabar khairunnisa khalid? isyanti? huda ayob? hazimah sam? farahin? khadijah? izyani?....n the list goes on... me dapat tahu dr syarafina semalam (dpt chat dgn dia kejap =D) yang budak2 kuis cuti 2 minggu ard 1 sep smpi 14 sep.. budak2 DQ plak camne eh..?

cakap pasal cuti nie kan... my semester break is 1 month 3 weeks! isnt that wonderful! i can do lots of stuff - doing things that i've not been doing for quite a long time, like tahfiz, library, see friends, concentrate on ahlulquranpts... tapi, obviously CCA still goes on ah...TKD, ELF and CSC.

oh! i havent told you about CSC - Community Service Club. heh. mmg mase baru2 start sekolah ade ura2 nk join..tapi baru sekarang nekad dah bulat untuk join. jadi sub-comm ah.. sayangnye, me masih belum join any arts cca. malay arts group?? err.. tk payah lah... ramai sgt melayu.. heh.. ujian lebih! *wink*

tgklah nanti next semester camne. if my timetable's ok.. weekend schedule ok... cds* ok.. maybe i'll take another CCA.

*cds: Cross-Disciplinary Subject; setiap pelajar kena ambil at least 2 cds subject.. luar dari field yang kite belajar. kite buat 5 choices. mine were french, japanese, arts appreciation, world issues..lagi satu me tk ingat. next sem baru dpt tahu which cds i get..

ok, i better go now. nak gi ang mo kio police division kt yio chu kang.. sbb nk collect my lost wallet, ezlink card and IC. actually bukan lost ah..tapi tertinggal - or shall i say, yang me tinggalkan - kt bus 969. that was on last tuesday. =(

bila dapat surat polis semalam.....subhanallah~~~ gembira bukan kepalang! (betul tk phrase??) rase lega di hati, hanya Allah je yang tahu! terima kasih, Tuhan...!


inorganic and physical chem.

im definitely going to get a D or F for this paper.

strangely, i didnt feel total regret, remorse, sadness, whatever!

rase sedih tu adelah sbb i couldnt even start answering a 15-marks question. mase tu dah tgl 20 minit...tapi my brain wasnt functioning properly. bace punye bace soalan, still tk boleh nk register or determine dgn pasti steps/methods ape nk digunekan. jadi 15 markah tu melayang begitu sahaja.

n with that, getting an A is completely out of reach.

now, why i may not get a B? coz... byk lagi soalan yang me jawab salah. even the MCQs agak susah. byk soalan MCQ yang me spent more than 5 minutes each Q. mungkin ade smpi 10 minit! secare purata, 25-30 marks gone.

so, kemungkinan me dpt 30-55 out of 100.

dah cukup bagus dah tu...

maybe, the fact that i really focused when studying for this paper that erases the sadness.. yep. sbb me tahu yang me dah usaha sebyk mane yg me mampu. ehem~ cuma minus the fact that me tk sempat cover another 2/3 of topic 2 notes and tk dpt cube tutorial questions.

tapi, tkpelah...

sebenarnye belajar dari pukul 12 tghmalam tadi sampai pukul 4 lebih pagi. maknenye me sungguh tk cukup tidur. kemungkinan besar, itulah sebabnye my brain tk dpt receive and perceive information well. ade jugak formula yang me tk ingat.

oh ya! second last question pon (a 15-marks question too!), me rase me hilang 7/9 markah begitu sahaje. ade satu perkare yg me musykil..n perkare tu klw silap, my WHOLE calculation salah.

oh well~


sembang2 petang.

mesti korang kt luar sane tertanye2, mcmane kehidupan liyana kt poly ye? kak nadiah pon ade tegur jugak, "liyana tk nk org tahu camne kt poly eh...?"

hehe...tkdelah... cuma malas nk type je. surat dr australia yang bertarikh march pon belum dibalas!

sebenarnye, computer kt rumah dah lebih dari sebulan ok... cuma sejak semenjak nie, me tk gunekan sgt comp kt rumah, sbb org lain gunekan. klw me dpt gunekan pon, me check email, blog-hopping, sampai tk update blog sendiri.

sekarang nie me kt sekolah. planning nk balik rumah selepas maghrib, tp kak khadijah TP baru sms, beritahu hari nie ade usrah. so, im going.

baiklah, ana kt poly nie biase2 je. tkde perubahan mendadak. culture shock pon tkde kot. cume... hari2 fitnah mate ah... especially time cca TKD. maklumlah, TKD diadakan kt sports hall. jadi rata2 pelajar2 pakai shorts. klw dlm changing room plak, fuh! tk usah cakap! mentang2 kt dlm semua perempuan, ade yg tukar baju selamba je dpn org, bukan kt cubicle! or jln sane sini tk pakai shirt. betul ah~ sakit mate! bukan lah me nk berlagak baik. tp rasenye, me je yg pakai tudung or berpakaian 'cukup' kt situ.

mengenai rijal.. hahahahaha... tkde ape2 bizarre. skrg dah de kwn lelaki, baik yang melayu ataupun cina. indian cume satu je, from experiential learning facilitators. tu pon tk rapat mane. setakat acknowledging that he's in the same cca as me. tp bukanlah me berbual dgn diorang tk tentu pasal. most of the time, me tk cakap pon dgn diorang, tegur pon tk jugak. unless diorang yg tegur me. tapi, kadang2 tu me tegur jugak kwn2 lelaki cina.. "hello!" "hey!" klw rijal melayu, tk pulak. hehe.. haya' ah~~

klw korg nk tahu pasal isu "crush" plak, hmmmm... nk ckp crush bukan... mungkin infatuation kot..hah tu ade lah... tp most of the time terpadam begitu je, unless org tu me ternampak lagi. hahaha... secare jujur, me tkdelah simpan perasaan kt sape2. mintak dijauhkan!!

perubahan pada diri??

well, im more of a loner now. but i've always been one, havent i? kt alsagoff dulu pon, klw org tk berbual dgn me, me senyap. kt kelas me tk kecoh2, unless berbual dgn rakan sebelah. time recess pon me tk byk ckp.

sekarang nie...ntahlah, rasenye me tkde ape2 nk tokok tambah atau cerita2 dgn kwn2 kelas. klw me duduk dgn diorang pon, me senyap je..or dgrkan. oh ya! fyi, in my class ade 6 perempuan islam, including me. n a muslim guy. haha.. tk heran ah.. around him me tk lah rigid or malu2. biase je. just treat him like everyone else. but of course, i seldom talk to him.

anyway, mengenai rakan sekelas, esp yg muslims girls..well, mungkin kite lain background kot. or maybe me yg tk pandai menyesuaikan diri dgn keadaan. hmm.. ntahlah ye, topik2 yang mereka perbualkan doesnt interest me that much, mcm kt sekolah time recess dulu jugak.. klw org lain berbual pasal bollywood, hollywood, music, boys, food etc just interested to hear. mungkin jugak me tkde ilmu dlm benda ni, or tknk involve dlm topik sebegini. topik ape yg me suka pon me tk sure!

nak kate... hidup kt poly nie mundane jugak. even though my poly is big, my everyday life is confined to the same LTs, the same block, the same class, the same corridor, the same walkway. i sit in lecture, i go to tutorial, i go for lunch - occasionally in other schools' canteens or i go to the library.

tk happening ah...

klw nk happening sikit tu, mase ade CCA.. at least i get to go to the sports hall, and on my way there, take different routes, or go to the ALP, east of TP. overall, i enjoy walking on TP ground other than the ITAS block.

oh! before i forget; i have a little advice for you out there who wish to take a science diploma course, be it in TP or other polys:

it is really useful, and worth it, if you take A-math, biology and chemistry for o-level. as for physics..hmmm im not sure.. i think it's beneficial too. what's good is that you're gonna be a step further than your friends who doesnt have those knowledge. you will understand new concepts easily, insha Allah. especially in mathematics and statistics 1.

oh, a bit more ttg kwn: boleh dikatekan, me lebih selesa and mesra dgn kengkawan dr nur ikhwan. tk pasti pulak kenape..mungkin sbb they're a bit more religion-conscious? im not trying to sound biased here. again, it may be my fault for not widening my circle of friends. maybe im being unfair.

eh! dah nk dekat pukul 7 lah.. i have to get going. alahai~~ bila tgh syok2 type nie, cerita2 ttg my life in poly, mase tk cukup plak. rasenye mcm nk stay kt library nie smpi pukul 9! ish, ish, ish~

oklah, until we meet again, Assalamu alaikum!

the main exams are here!

yep. today's the first day of the semestral exams... wheee~ rase seram oi! nervous kepalang...asyik worry samade me akan fail atau tidak...samade me akan dpt jwb semua soalan atau tidak...

im taking 7 modules aka subjects this semester, but exams cume 5 subjects. APEL tkde exam.. i dont even know mcmane the subject is graded! communication skills ade several tests - grammar editing test, lab report writing test, team dynamics practical assessment. yang lab writing tu, i screwed up! me tk sempat habis tulis.. my report tkde conclusion. bukan ape, penat tau tulis! materials/isi dah diberi, kite cume kena tulis dlm format yg betul. jadi kite kena copylah sebanyak2 text tu! and it was only 1 1/2 hours.. mase dah selesai tu..sedih lah pulak..rase 'tk kisah' pon ade jugak (padahal markah dari test tu penting!!).. 3 weeks later >> i got 13.5/20. syukur..dah cukup bagus tu..i actually expected to get an F.

ok, back to today's paper.


honestly speaking, this subject is not difficult. but as alwayssssssssssss... i slacked. so i was still flipping the notes until the last teeny-weeny minute! *bad habits definitely dont die easily, huh? maybe i should jump off the cliff and reincarnate myself to be a better person! -_-"*

i guess my chances of getting an A (equal to or more than 80 upon 100) are pretty slim. not that i answered most of the questions wrongly. im still a student bestowed with some intelligence, ok? *duh! every organism with a brain has intelligence~*

i havent checked the correct answers yet, but im sure i may get 70+, if im lucky enough, or 55+, if im not that lucky... *Ya Allah~~~ i really really hope i wont get an F....*

fyi, especially for juniors out there - in case you dont know, for the exams, there are the questions booklet (not really a booklet heh..just papers stapled together with a specific cover for that particular subject) and the answer booklet. just like in O-levels =) and we get to bring the questions paper home. yey!

now, some tips for those who are gonna take BIOCHEMISTRY 1 paper in TP in the near future (based on my recent experience) :

1. some of the multiple-choice questions are DEFINITELY from past years' papers. good thing i printed 2 exam papers - 2000/2001 and 2004/2005. there were questions from those papers! so people, do try the MCQs, however lazy you are. and if you are not sure of the answers, ask your tutors/lecturers ASAP! believe me, you wont regret it!

*unfortunately for me, i just tried the MCQs yesterday, so i didnt get to ask Mr Alex Pham or Mr Kok today.

2. you MUST revise the tutorials and quizzes! i actually had 4 questions from my tutorials and 3 from my quizzes.

and guess what????????????????

i've just gone through my tutorials (to see how many questions masuk dlm exam) when i found something that is..that is...the exact answer for a 15-marks question. just last tuesday, 2/3 days before today's exam, Mr Kok had actually GENEROUSLY display the whole answer for "absorption of lipids by the body, followed by beta-oxidation". well, the exam question wasnt exactly like that, but im damn sure the answers are the same!

huh. i didnt even go through that tutorial page this morning.. errr... actually, i didnt even read any tutorials..caught up in lecture notes instead, though i knew very well that reading the tutorials is absolutely a bonus point!


3. whatever the lecturer covers during revision lecture, whatever he displays on the screen, whenever he says "you must know this..." "this is important"... believe him. and prioritise those pieces of knowledge first. meaning that you should fully understand, or if possible, memorize, those points/facts before you study other parts of the subject.

i did memorize some important key points. sadly, i didnt remember 100% of them.. coz i was in haste, so the information - main ideas or word-by-word - didnt really stick to my head.

last but not least, no. 4:

dont think you can revise 5 topics in a day - lecture notes, tutorials, quizzes. unless you lock yourself in your room, coming out only for short lunch and dinner, and toilet. oh ya! if you study in you room, dont go and doze off ya? that's the most hateful thing to do! *ehem~ punch myself on the face*

what i did was, i started studying at 2-someting pm. covered only half of topic 3 (protein and enzyme) lecture notes. then i stopped for asar prayer. after that i resumed until 6-something pm to watch tv. think i covered 1/8 of the remaining lecture notes. very bad indeed! most of the time i read my sister's educational magazine "English Connection".

and as you might've predicted, i watched tv, ate, watched tv until 11pm. then solat. by then, i'd lost the enthusiasm to finish my revision. but i persisted, of course. i managed to finish the 3rd notes, knowing the fact that i need to go through them again the next morning coz i was already sleepy that time (n so, the info masuk sekejap je..dah tu keluar balik..)

i had 1 more notes to go. so dlm bas tadi pagi, me revise lah notes tu..

but i was slow. really! to really digest the info, mcm susah gitu. i guess my concentration level was distrupted by anxiety, worry and impatience.

hmmm...tkpelah...yang sudah tu sudah... nak buat camne? so far, my continual assessment nampak ok i hope to get an overall grade of at least B for biochemistry 1.

Allahumma Ameen...

only hope

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over, and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over, and over, and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours I pray
To be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing, and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours I pray
To be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope

I give you my destiny
I'm givin' you all of me
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm givin' it back

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hand and pray
To be only yours I pray
To be only yours I pray
To be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope

Nur Ikhwan's Welcoming Tea!

last night, 22/7/06, we had a welcoming tea for NI new members kt mjd istighfar..

eh! pause, pause!

siapa tu NI eh? tkkn nur irsyad kot??

no, no....NI here stands for Nur Ikhwan, tp so-called underground muslim students' group. dan oleh sebab kite ni underground, tk official, tk ramai pelajar melayu tahu ttg kewujudan kite...

how did i end up in NI?

hmmmm...dapat tahu dari me join ah..tup, tup! i was voted as the treasurer..hehe~ padahal baru je freshie, tk kenal ahli2 NI yg lain!

niwei, since it already soooooooooo late at night, me tk nk cerite panjang ah.. lain kali je k?

our emcee, kak maryam osman n bro mokhsin

NI's fresh alumni, from left: kak hafizah, kak sarah, kak saqinah n bro hafiz. absent: bro asrul

NI main committee - the girlsss

the crowd who came =) 30+ not bad!

to view more pictures, click here.

i am still here.

hey there...
more than a month has gone by. as usual, im just plain lazy to update. plus the fact that i take a loooong time to write a post, n unfortunately, i dont have all the time in the world to update.

about my term test...guess what???????????

i passed all my subjects!!

it's miracle to me. really!

CSAS : 20.5/25
mathstats : 31.5/50
OC1 : 46.5/50
PIPC1 : 43.5/50
HAP : 42/50
BIOCHEM1 : 32.5/40

nk kate, me sedih bila dpt math result. 2 of my classmates got full marks. hmmm.. i know very well that i had given up right during the math test period. im trying reallllllly hard to grasp the concepts, formula n simply understanding math questions. funny how i passed with flying colours for my previous school's math tests/exams, but here in TP, nikmat memahami mungkin telah ditarik sedikit.

last week, i had math quiz. i practised hard! lame2 mcm best gitu buat questions, yelah, sbb kite dah faham method nye. the quiz was ok except for the last question, which i reallllly couldnt even come up with the right equation. it was a maxima/minima question. me dah practise on that, n i was quite confident i could pull it off. but the question turned out to be total alien to me!!! maybe bcoz questions yg me dah cube revolved around cylinder, cubes, volumes, dimensions... tapi this particular question was different. but still, i believed it was easy. i just couldnt get my head to function properly!

pasal PIPC1 plak...fuyo~ tk sangka boleh score! sbb selama nie, me betul2 confused dgn practically every tutorial questions, lecture notes' exercises... tapi alhamdulillah~ me boleh buat!

however, topic 3 n 4 me masih stuggle habis! intermolecular forces pon me masih blur! hmmm... seriously, bila time tutorial tu, i got discouraged coz i didnt attempt the questions, which was caused by the fact that i didnt know where to start. mase lectures pon, kadang2 ilmu tu masuk, kadang2 tk. so sometimes i leave the LT feeling empty and... discouraged.

-my fault-

OC1.....weee~ im starting to like the subject! however difficult it is. hehe...yg paling senang, IUPAC nomenclature.. meaning: tulis nama compound. it's systematic, jadi senang nk buat. but then again, there's the reactions part. semakin byk topic kite cover, semakin byk reactions kite kena tahu.

n recently, i messed up my OC1 quiz bcoz of reactions. i realized that solving reactions questions do take up time. so i must buck up these reactions stuff asap! coz, as i mentioned just now, knowing reactions is waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy important! Ms Quah, my tutor, plak asyik cakap pasal the super difficulty of the main exam (later in august)... n 1 question will have lotttsss of topics in it. eg, question about reactions will include hydroxy compounds, carbonyls, carboxylic acids plus topic 6, 7 n 8! belambak giler tu!!

ok lah, sampai di sini je cerite gue ok? dah lewat dah ni.. :)