when i spoke to the speakers, when i addressed other people, when i talked to the officers, when i greeted strangers, i found myself sounding quite formal. mcm professional gitu. eh! im not bragging ok? im stating a point. that the workshop was a good place for me to practise my communication skills with new people - those who are older, or of higher rank, or of same age. ah, yes. today's encounter with people polished my so-called being polite and formal. n manners... penting tau. bile kite masuk working world, bile jumpe org2 baru, penting untuk kite menampilkan imej yg tertib. i mean, to show that kite pon civilised, n we know how to act professionally. saying thank you. speaking good english. listening attentively. smiling to show agreement, approval, respect. responding politely. yeah~ it's good to learn.
im happy with myself, for being able to adapt n carry myself throughout the workshop... sebenarnye, me terpikir jugak nak ajak kawan pegi workshop tu. tapi tk kuase nk pikir2 sape. bila tgk peserta2 kt situ, rate2 semue bawak kawan. tapi alhamdulillah~ me tk perlukan kawan to cheer myself up, or to make the workshop less boring. bukan me berlagak sombong, tidak! no! again, im making a point, this time to myself, that i must practise being independent. berdikari. pergi ke tempat2. buat kawan baru. menyesuaikan diri. being independent doesnt mean that im a loner. duh!
heran jugak bile pikir yang me mampu bercakap dlm bahase enggeris semase group presentation... alhamdulillah~ nasib baik bukan singlish! selalunye, bila berbual dgn kwn2 sekolah...grammar ke mane, vocab ke mane! cakap terbelit2, teragak2! tapi, dlm situasi2 formal seperti membuat presentation, mungkin otak kite kate "ok! kau kena cakap betul2. tk boleh main2. kena tunjukkn yg kau tahu bila nak cakap pasar, bile nak cakap formal"...hah! mungkin tu lah drive yg buat kite present betul2, not just to present ourselves, but to convey the message well. that's my opinion, anyway.
me perhatikan jugak, ade few peserta yg mampu project their voices, and contents, clearly. tampak confident. masya Allah~ bukan semua orang mampu untuk melakukan sebegitu baik. tetapi, yang pastinye, kite semua perlukan practice n more practice. nasib baik jugak me pergi workshop tu. dapat jugak practise my public speaking skill. pokoknye, kite kena cari ways to improve that particular skill. tk boleh nak duduk diam je.
yeah, what dr Isa said...that we are spoiled for choice! ah~~ how true that statement seems, how true it really is! but pessimistic that i am, im still not convinced. choices? what choices do i have? what paths and roads to further education are there, lying in front of me?
we do have choices. choices is every aspect/categories/matters in our life. now, that's a fact, eh?
i realised that plans are important. though sometimes planning takes away more energy than executing. klw tkde perancangan, hidup nie terase messy. tk teratur. dah gitu, silap2 kite naik stress, buntu, bosan dgn hidup kite.
Ya Allah~~ kenape lah rase malu nie sikit sgt???? but still...ish~ buat malu je kena act jadi cucu nenek mase adegan 'nenek2 tk dpt lari' dlm cerite musang berjanggut. for the sake of being sporting?? tepuk dada tanye selera lah liyana! tapi, diri nie tkdelah rase malu smpi pipi kemerah2an... cuma pusing2 keliling si nenek je... nasib baik jugak rajul2 kt situ semua strangers!
gembire jugak bila dapat namecard dari dr Isa. associate professor lagik. hehe.. bukan ape, nie 2nd time me dpt namecard... yang first punye... haiz~ mmg tk nk pon, tapi kak khadijah kasi jugak, "for future need".. pfft. namecard yg first tu, me stashed ntah mane2 je dlm bag.
yeah, so, i've discovered and rediscovered certain things about myself today. i guess, i dont really regret going to the lifeskills workshop after all. today, i noticed more, observed more, learnt more.
my new-found cousin. sabrina. very the peramah indeed! 'new-found' is a bit exaggerated, eh.. it's my first time interacting with her, seriously!
with nenek sebelah ayah n 2 younger cousins.. dah besar dah diorg...sec 3 n 1..
kt raffles place.. dlm perjalanan pulang dari kgchaichee iftar.. i found a new friend: kak hawanis, from NYP =)
kak fadzillah (event IC, NI member), mdm hafifah n kak haswani (NI vice-chair)
lined up.... hehe...sape yg terpendek?? =p
kt AVA room... where i used to sit... huda too..
first time gitu ambil gmbr dgn tige2 guru lelaki...kt bilik guru lelaki plak tu!
RAMADHAN ROCKS 2006 - 29 & 300906
malam2 buta...pukul 12 lebih pagi....or was it 1 in da morning??? *still can smile seyyy*
baru habis cuci dulang, pinggan, gelas, water dispensers, baldi yang org letak makanan tu.. (ape namenye eh??) dan sebagainye....fuh! my baju, tudung were smeeeelllly! hahahahah! pagi2 org solat, kite cuci-mencuci... cewah~~
our first-prize winner..... from ALSAGOFF... yeah~~! takbir!
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